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Messages - YSUinBoston

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« on: August 07, 2017, 01:53:31 PM »
I don't know if I would call de Souza "liberal".  Maybe he is---I always just read him more of a curmudgeon.  And, quite honestly, don't read him anymore anyway.  This article does some gymnastics to relate the rapist to the budget.  I guess there is some connect in terms of accountability---but you didn't need this kid on the team to make most of these observations.

To be clear, this is political though.  I just don't see it as a liberal issue or a conservative one.  This is a PR disaster for the athletic they willing embraced, apparently.

« on: August 07, 2017, 12:58:15 PM »
How is this a liberal/conservative thing? 

Moreover---the athletic budget, which doesn't have anything to do with the rapist on the team, is always at issue during union negotiations.  It is hard for it not to when the institution cries poor mouth about other things.

YSU Penguin Athletics / the independent years
« on: August 07, 2017, 11:10:24 AM »
Does anyone here know the history of leaving the OVC?  It seems like such an odd period of the program to be a small "independent program".  What happened there?

« on: August 07, 2017, 11:00:53 AM »
I am surprised how open everyone is to this kid playing here and how resigned people are to "he paid his debt".  Moreover, I don't really care if the petition is signed by students or other members of the YSU community (including alumni).  We all want to be proud of our institution and team as a representative of the larger YSU community.  It is hard to be proud of welcoming this person on the team. 

It may be a delicate situation, but there is certainly a significant level of tone deafness here between issues of rape culture on college campuses and, quite frankly, college football in general.  To me, there is much more to this than, "people make mistakes". 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: 1a4ysu and coach
« on: November 30, 2014, 02:50:25 PM »
I can't believe this was a 5 page discussion. 

There is no chance on Earth the Penguins will convert to IA/BCS football.  If we didn't do it in the hay day of the program 15-20 years ago, we aren't going to do it now while the program is scraping rock bottom.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Wolf Officially Gone
« on: November 25, 2014, 10:08:55 PM »
I don't get how "times have changed".  Other FCS programs manage to have sustained success and arguably even better runs than Tressel managed in the 90s (Appy State and NDSU, namely). 

But, you don't need to duplicate Tressel to have a satisfied fan base, I guess.  The post-Tressel alternative is having zero success though.  We've had one good season in the 14 years since Tressel left.  Given that just about every team that is a shade over mediocre makes the FCS playoffs now, I think it is reasonable to expect to make the playoffs three out of every five years or whatever, with the occasional deep playoff run.  That wouldn't be as good as the Tressel years, but would be lightyears ahead of what Heacock and Wolford was able to do. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Wolf Officially Gone
« on: November 25, 2014, 09:36:28 PM »
8 -4 and 7-5 would be great seasons IF they included playoffs.  Most fans here are spoiled.

8-4 is not a good record in college football.  That's an okay record.  Show me the last national champion in FCS with four losses.  Spoiled or not, success around here should be measured in conference and national championships, not managing to qualify for a watered down 24-team playoff.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Wolf Officially Gone
« on: November 25, 2014, 09:41:38 AM »
I said last year that I thought Wolford probably maxed out his least at this time of his career.  I have a really hard time imaging this guy winning four playoff games.  The team for years seemed ill-prepared for games and undisciplined.  Wolford was emotionally unsteady and his team reflected that.  I didn't see how that was going to change.  He doesn't seem like the kind of coach that can put together a 10-2 season. 

The talent level is obviously better now than with Heacock...but the results aren't that much different.  8-4 and 7-5 seasons aren't anything to be excited about, obviously.

Well, at least they won't get "screwed" thing year LOL

I am serious. The playoffs are watered down with 24 teams.  If you are up in the air being the last couple in, you aren't real contenders and really don't have much grounds to complain about being left out. 

Of course, it is better for the program to make it than to not.  But this is clearly a second tier team.  But, no one who loses 4 games "gets screwed".  And, if you lost four games, you are not a real contender.

I guess my general feeling is if you are on the bubble for a 20 or 24 team playoff field than you weren't that good anyway and aren't going to make any meaningful noise in the playoffs.  8-4?  Yawn.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Kirk Herbstreit is a tool
« on: November 12, 2014, 11:39:35 AM »
Hard to get my knickers up in a bunch over this.  First----I admire your confidence in a program that hasn't made the playoffs in almost a decade.  I think it is a stretch to declare YSU better than just about any BCS programs, especially Big Ten schools.  The Big Ten is weak, but YSU wins 7 games a year in FCS.  If these teams were so impressive here, you'd think they'd manage to make the watered down playoffs with some regularity.

Second----I don't know much about Northwestern St, but I think the point is if OSU schedule us instead of VT, they'd would most certainly be undefeated right now.  YSU is a regional FCS team to OSU as Northwestern St is for Baylor. 

If he would have said Akron instead in that sentence, you wouldn't have thought a single thing of it. 

When were the Penguins "screwed" out of the playoffs recently?  Because that team the last two years didn't deserve a playoff berth. 

If this team loses another game, they forfeit the right to whine again also.

It's easy to make the playoffs.  Win.  When you don't win, you have nothing to complain about.  Color me unimpressed with the perpetual 7-4 seasons under this dumbass meathead. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: 9-3 not good enough for playoffs?
« on: September 03, 2014, 10:30:37 PM »
There is no way on Earth this team goes 9-3.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Wolf's Contract
« on: September 03, 2014, 10:29:27 PM »
Tressel will never coach again.

Wolford should have been fired in November.  The sooner this caveman is gone the better.

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