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Messages - ItalianPenguin

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU basketball at UMKC
« on: December 08, 2013, 09:01:51 AM »
Yes it is a bad loss. No question. But like Indy says, every time YSU wins--KP is great, DJ Cole played great, we play great offense, we are exciting to watch, etc., etc.  And as soon as we lose, Slocum needs fired. You can't have it both ways just because you don't like the man. Is Slocum the second coming of John Wooden--no. But there are assistants in the Horizon League who make more money. You want a high priced coach--pony up some money. Paladin, instead of walking around the tailgate lot looking for free food--join the Penguin Club and put you money where your mouth is. Then you can tell Strollo to his face what you think of him.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU basketball at UMKC
« on: December 07, 2013, 07:08:09 PM »
Where's IP? Slocum is his boy....
I'm right here slimeball. Getting ready to pull my car into McDonald's so you and Wolford can wait on me.

This basketball team can really score!! Offense is definitely not a problem, but defensively, it's still a work in progress. Having DJ back healthy helped also. Played very well.
Good point. DJ plays excellent point defense. Would not have lost to Austin Peay had he played. Their point guard penetration hurt us badly in that game and Keene is not ready to stop that yet. Hain needs to stay out of foul trouble as well.


I like the comparison of Wolford and Slocum. And, while some will say YSU bought their way into last years post-season tournament, at least they had a good enough team to make said tournament.

As you know, YSU bought several home football playoff games in the 90's. For all we know, they may have even bought their way into the 91 playoffs, by being able to make a large $$$$$ bid for the first round game against Villanova. Based solely on the regular season, Nova deserved to host that game. And, in 92, NOVA was again jobbed by the selection committee when sent to play YSU in the first round.

At least back then, YSU had a playoff quality football team, not like what they have now with a HC who has pretty much been given everything and anything he wants/needs to have a top quality FCS program.

Slocum is far from perfect as an HC, and I'm no fan of the OOC home schedule the team plays. Also find it ridiculous YSU has never beat Robert Morris or Akron under Slocum, and only has 1 win over KENT. That being said, YSU is no longer a laughing stock in basketball, and they are a legitimate top 4 team in the HL. Not sure one can ask for much more given the piddly budget, and lack of support from the school administration(people much higher than Ron Strollo)
Talk--the OOC schedule is the hardest thing the coaches go through every year. Unless they play a couple of non-D1's, they're going to play almost all road games. People want paid to come here, and we just don't pay out anything. One of the reasons they got in the Kennesaw tournament was they agreed to come here next year. Going to UMKC Sat so DJ Cole can play near home and they'll come here next year. Kent does home and home, but Akron wants to only play 2 for 1. Now that we are decent, people don't want to play here without a big financial guarantee and it isn't going to happen. Were able to add South Dakota late this summer by agreeing to go there next year. Believe me, they contact everybody. And hey, we finally beat Bobby Morris!!

That's right! Can anyone even remember  the name of that tournament???? That was a joke all the way around. Slocum and everyone was boasting that they made the postseason. I wonder who won that tournament???? What did they win a fruitcake??

They are so hard up they would probably agree to play in a ymca pick up league turnament then turn around and tout that as success. And speaking of wolford choking what about slocum choking that final game away in that tournament last season??? They blew something like a 22 or 23the point lead at home

This is such a Youngstown type negative post it killllllsssssss me!
You're right jj--this is a clown who makes fun of this but recently touted Ray "please line my pockets Mr Monus" Isaac as a YSU great!! Typical Youngstown louse. And watch Paladin walk around the tailgate lot hoping someone gives him some food. Pathetic. These are the people who we "listen" to!! Hilarious!!

YSU BOUGHT ( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) its way into the BB post season. Hardly newsworthy.
Still have to qualify record wise Mr. Know it all

'05 you keep backing your boy Wolford and when, while breaking in a new QB next year, he fails to make the playoffs AGAIN, and is non-renewed and ridden out of town, maybe he can take you with him. Meanwhile Slocum, at less than HALF of the cost, put the basketball team in the post-season last year. Your move.

Strollo needs to put more money into the basketball program. Period.
Just goes to show you what you know. Strollo does not determine how much money goes into any program, the board of trustees does. And they have made it very clear that basketball is not a priority. Strollo would love to pour more money into the program--it isn't there. The new president  comes from a "basketball" school (Murray St) and word is that he'd like to upgrade the basketball program. But with the budget crunch facing the University as we speak, if the money wasn't there before, I don't know where it's going to come from now. Where Strollo stuck his neck out financially before the budget got too bad was for your boy Wolford, who to this point has been a poor investment.

Have not posted in a long time, but reading the non-sense on this board has become too much

1)The continual Strollo bashing - I confess, I have known Ron since middle school. He is far from perfect as an AD, but alot of people overlook all of the improvements made to facilities with him as AD. They also overlook the success of some of the "Olympic Sports". As for hiring of Hill and Martin, peole who pay attention will know Hill was not the first choice. And, on paper, her resume looked pretty good. Just turned out she is a much better assistant than HC. With Martin, on paper she seemed like a very good hire. While that turned out not to be the case, she did recruit Brandi Brown. How good would the Boldon teams have been without Brandi Brown? My guess is not very good.

2) As far as Slocum the guy can coach. He may or may not be at the top of D1 HC's, but with the piddly budget, and insistence on YSU as a football school, not sure Rick Pitino could do much better. Slocum is doing the best he can with a limited budget. YSU is unlikely to get quality inside players, unless they find a diamond in the rough, and those do not come along often. So, he is doing the best he can do. Run an up tempo style with guards who are athletic and can score. When the team is on, they are as good as any team in the HC, many top mid-majors, and even bottom tier "BCS" conferences. When off, they can be hard to watch. But, they play hard EVERY game, and the program is light year improved from the Robic days.

3)Getting back to Strollo, at the time he was hired, he was the most qualified candidate. The pool of aplicants was pretty slim. And, I really do not see anyone being willing to come to YSU and deal with all the garbage for the salary Strollo is paid. Are there better AD's, sure. But, none of them are going to be interested in a job at YSU, and none will work harder than Strollo.

4)As long as basketball is an afterthought at YSU, then it is hard to expect more than 4th or 5th place finishes in the HL, and plenty of disappointing losses. I saw a discussion about YSU changing conferences for football. So, how about this? Join the NEC for football only, but with the reduced scholarship level of the NEC. Play the same kind of OOC conference as YSU has been playing, then set the goal of winning the NEC and making the playoffs? YSU can schedule 7 home games, which makes the lodge holders happy. YSU gets in the playoffs, and most fans only care if YSU wins, not who they play. Then, with the money saved from less football scholarships, use the money on basketball. YSU is not far from being a legitimate top 2-3 team in the HL, but it is going to require more money and emphasis from the administration. I know Ron fights for this with basketball, but it falls on deaf ears at the top

5)Losses to KENT and APU were disappointing, but they just had overall more athletic teams, and much more strength inside. YSU has a solid starting 5. Marcus Keen and Kyle Steward have alot of upside, but they are guards. Hahan, Webber and Belin are nice players, but none of them are truly suite for playing inside. And, YSU has nothing off the bench inside. No offense to Larson and Chojnaki, as they seem like great kids, and play hard. But, they are not D1 players in terms of basketball talent.
Good post talk--great to read someone with some common sense and some intelligence. Stick around this time.

Slocum.... Choking early in the season
Unlike Wolford who chokes late in the season

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Who are you rooting for?
« on: November 30, 2013, 02:57:57 PM »
I will watch the national champ game if I don't have anything else going pulling out my fingernails with a pair of vise grips or dropping acid into my eyes.......................

I will root for Towson cause Reno Ferri coaches there.
What the he!! is a Reno Ferri?? Sounds like a boat you gamble on

Not to challenge you, but Reno Ferri is worthy of much respect. One of Mooney's best ever RB's/Athletes. But more importantly, I believed he attended, graduated and started for ARMY.

That's the "school" that graduates "student/Athletes" who are the best and brightest and who have no fear to give their lives for their country if asked to do so. They sign up for it.

Much respect from me to Coach Ferri :) fb
That's fine--not being one of the local Mooney/Ursuline "worshippers", I've never heard of him. Was not meant as any disrespect.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Scalzo Article
« on: November 28, 2013, 11:58:00 AM »
Scalzo's article is spot on. I've been saying for years that not only is this an aging fan base, but we have a been there, done that mentality. It just isn't fresh to those of us who lived through the nineties. On a separate note, there is no reason to degrade the late Pete Mollica. He was a fine man who cared for YSU and tried to be fair and balanced with what he wrote. It was during different times when Tressel, and then Heacock, controlled the media more than Wolford, who is much more open.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: what would be more significant?
« on: November 28, 2013, 11:53:01 AM »
Valley Talk is 100% correct. Even winning a FCS championship resonates only within the FCS community, and with so many schools jumping ship (hello Marshall, Boise, Appy St, Western Ky, Georgia Southern, etc.), it is a dwindling community. You make the NCAA tournament in basketball and alone it brings you national attention, then get on a roll and do the improbable (hello Butler) and they make movies about you. As good as North Dakota St is, and they're good enough to win 3 straight titles, nobody's making any movies about the frozen tundra of Fargo. Because, frankly, not many care.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: what would be more significant?
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:14:23 AM »

Kent is a 6 point favorite

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