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Topics - ucfpengbuck

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YSU Penguin Athletics / DJ Burns playing in TBT
« on: July 10, 2024, 05:25:47 PM »

(4) Run DFW vs (5) Team Fredette
Louisville   Saturday, 07/20
8:00 PM EDT

DJ was one of my favorite Penguins despite only being in Youngstown only one season.  He brought it every game and looked like he was always a happy warrior while doing the work.    I'm going to make sure to watch.

YSU Penguin Athletics / All Horizon league
« on: March 04, 2024, 03:10:28 PM »

Ziggy and Burns 2nd team.  Thompson 3rd team.  Really can't argue  too much with the guys on 1st team,

YSU Penguin Athletics / YSU vs Louisiana mens basketball
« on: November 02, 2023, 10:01:31 PM »
Who Starts ?   I have no clue.  Coach said something like that this is his deepest team 1 through 10.   Not sure there if one guy that could take over a game like Cohill could and not sure we're better in the paint with the graduation of Nelson and Green.

A lot of  new guys who have played 4 years of baksketball and some double digit scorers.

Brandon Rush will start and might lead us in scoring .He was good for about 14 pts a game last year.  EJ Farmer plays a similar position to Rush and was a part time starter at Toledo .  Nice size for 2 guard at 6'5" and in the limited videos I saw he looks like he can put up some points with 3s and drives.

The point guard position has two canidates in Brett Thompson who averager 12 pts a game at Tennessee Tech and Bryson Langdon who started for 3 seasons at NKU.  They might be able to play together with Thompson playing off the ball.

Ziggy Reid averaged  14 pts a game at Merrimack and at 6'6" 245 lbs brings some beef.   Not sure if he plays more of a three forward since he's a 3 point shooter or plays on the post.   Probably both.

John Lovelace was our 6th man last year as a frosh.  we'll see if he makes a level up and proves he can hit some outside shots.  Great defender and athletic.

DJ Burns looks to be strong post player at 6'7". Two year starter at Murray State brings experience and toughness.  Looks to play bigger than his size.

Jaylen Bates is 6'7" and put up 9 pts a game at Florida A&M .   Looks to me more of a non post player.  Looks very athletic and plays above the rim.

Two bigs at 7'0" and 7'3".   Not sure where they are at with their development but Zorgvol should probably get more minutes than Dynes based on experience.

Four fosh and a juco.  Not sure where they fit in the rotation.

Lousiana Lafayette went 26 -8 last season and 14 -0 at their home court. lost by 3 to Tennessee in the NCAA tourney.  Real tough opener for the penguins.

I just want to mention that I have 0 inside knowledge.  I'm looking at videos which can be deceiving and what they did at previous colleges.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Kendrick Perry
« on: August 25, 2023, 09:51:45 PM »
Scored 16 points and had 7 assists today in a 20 point win vs Mexico.   Games are on espn+ (world cup)

YSU Penguin Athletics / TBT basketball tournament &YSU nugget.
« on: July 10, 2023, 02:59:18 PM »
Saw that Dwayne Cohill will be playing for happy valley which is a Penn state alumni team.  Their first game is on 7-24.

YSU mens basketball team will be playing in Spain.  Haven't seen the dates yet and the new roster is up.

YSU Penguin Athletics / CSU vs NKU Horizon league championship
« on: March 07, 2023, 04:26:21 PM »
I'm going with CSU and would not be surprised if NKU  wins (sound like a politician ).   CSU seems to be playing their best basketball late in the season and guys like Tae Williams and Drew Lowder are reallying playing at a higher level than earlier.    Chris Brandon of NKU played fantastic last night but I'm thinking CSU's Deante Johnson can match up well with him.

Enaruna of CSU and NKU's Warrick will get their points but Coach Horn of NKU has shown that he can really game plan.
Got of give coach Robinson of CSU a lot of credit for putting this team together after coach Gates left and took his best two players to Mizzou.  Robinson had an easier time than coach C did since 6 years ago players couldn't transfer in right away.    I know a lot of you don't really care since YSU lost but I would like to see a Horizon league team do something in the NCAA tournament.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Crowd 5584
« on: March 02, 2023, 11:37:11 PM »
They said that was the largest since 2013.  Many times over the years on this message board I have said  back in the 70s there were games that had at least 6000.  Well I think I was wrong since I checked the vindy archives and saw the 1976 win against Pitt had only 5200 and the 1977 d2 NCAA game vs Randolph Macon only had 4k.

I was a teenager then and the eye test looked packed but it was neat looking back at the old Vindicator articles.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Wright State Men's Basketball
« on: February 02, 2023, 06:13:27 PM »
The Penguins need to play better D than last time at Dayton.   Wright State two bigs were getting easy shots at the rim and Green & Nelson need to push them out deeper or do more fronting.  Guards can help too by swiping down.
Last time we played them Trey Calvin came off the bench and seemed to be off his game.  If he gets going it could be a tough night.   Trey has a quick release and usually gets by his man so McBride will need to be at his best on D.

They had no answer for Cohill the last 10 minutes last time out and I'm sure they'll make an adjustment. I'm not sure they have a guy  on their roster one on one that can cover him so they might try a junk defense

YSU Penguin Athletics / Men's basketball vs IPFW
« on: January 01, 2023, 09:56:06 AM »
FT Wayne brought their A game and YSU did not.  Props to IPFW and their pt guard controlled the game for them.

Don't like Duane on the point and thought McBride should have played to move Duane over off the ball.  That's a lot of stress & energy to run the point when he's needed for his offensive out put.  Also,Brice would of been the best defender with his speed and strength on FW point guard.   Coach knows a lot more than I do so he must see something I don't.

Robert Morris comes to Beeghly on Thursday and hopefully our guys can protect the home floor.

YSU Penguin Athletics / New verbal for men's basketball
« on: November 21, 2022, 05:59:28 PM »

He's a freshmen at Spartinburg Methodist JC .

YSU Penguin Athletics / YSU 73 UC San Diego 54
« on: November 19, 2022, 07:51:09 PM »
Down by 5 at half and came out the 2nd half and hit 10 of 12 shots.

Cohill 18 and Mcbride 16 pts.

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