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Basketball schedule next year

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go guins:
1AA, I can't "quote" you back, because of length!
Yes I have been to a softball game at what is a VERY competitive facility for college softball.  (our tailgate group has been very supportive of softball through the 50/50 drawing and we promised the players we would go to a game) However, that facility and the track help MAKE MY CASE.  The university steered a major donations to upgrade the facility, the same as I an suggesting they do with Beeghly.  Your argument reads to me as "nobody gives sh** about all these sports so the university needs to dump millions into them, at the expense of the 2 sports that people DO show interest in."  Does that make sense to you, because it doesn't to me. 
What makes sense to me is for the university to upgrade the facility to a competitive level, and USE THE DAMN THING!  Why don't we have a volleyball tournament? a men's BB tournament, a women's BB tournament?  Answer? Because we don't have a competitive facility and we don't have an aggressive sports administration to make anything happen.  It is all "woe is me" and "Nothing can be done" and "you don't understand my problems" and "NCAA rules" excuse after excuse. 
Quit making excuses for YSU and look at what NDSU has done in the worst possible city of Fargo ND.  Place is so bad they made a damn TV show about it!  Granted, they are head and shoulders above almost everyone in 1AA, but JMU isn't that far back.  You want to compete with them for national championships or move back to the Pioneer League and -0-  scholarships?  We have new BB facilities all over the MVFC.  MAKING GOOD HAPPEN IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE, but it is impossible for some.  We need to find who is holding us back and MOVE THEM OUT!

IAA Fan:
Go, as smart as are ...you are just never going to let yourself get it. Football is a revenue-generating sport, MBB is not and never will be ...so it is not even worth my time. Think of our sports program as a puzzle. MBB is a solid brown piece that requires you to work skillfully and timely to find a place where it fits. Football is the big, pretty piece with a nice image on it and one can easily tell where it needs to go with just a glance. Even my 2-year old grandson can figure out where the football puzzle piece goes; but the rest of the puzzle requires a great deal of skill and time/patience to complete. Now if you are a brand new puzzle-builder (new DI sports program), it is very smart to build your puzzle around that big football piece ...but YSU is an established puzzle (sports program) with pieces (needs) that require time and patience.

Strollo is not in your way, he is the best facilitator this school has ever had. You have to know, as well as I, that if we updated/replaced Stambaugh, we would not have a football program in 5-10 years. During that time, Strollo would have to spend every cent just trying to keep up with our required sports needs that we would have a decade with absolutely zero dollars being spent on football and all of the enhancements, or the new facility, would be in shambles. No burned out light replacements, not turf upkeep or replacement, no repairs on seats, lockers, classrooms, etc. No media equipment or anything else. By then we would have low-paid, terrible coaches and a pathetic shell of a team with half-baked players, most of which would not be on scholarship.

In short, you want Strollo to build an adult puzzle (DI  collegiate football program) in the time it takes my grandson to build his 2-piece "Thomas the Tank Engine" puzzle.

One more thing, just because you do not understand the direction of our program, does not mean it is not going somewhere and that your AD does not know where it is going. Take a look at how many times the MAC conversation comes up on this board. Then take a look at the DI schools closest to us (all MAC), and their dominant sports. Then take a look at the direction of our facilities. Specifically, Stambaugh (a clearly 1st-class, highly expandable) Stadium, moving our baseball team from a Struthers B-league facility over to a 1st-rate stadium, completely enhanced Mill Creek Park Golf, a gorgeous new soccer stadium and an indoor Track & Field facility that is equally beautiful. Then take a look at Akron, Kent, UT and even a bit more distant and past closer MAC schools (Marshall) and their dominant sports. If you can see this, you will see that that this ship is sailing in a nice direction. One more thing, Strollo and Co (along with Tressel and Co) are working on campus enhancements that you and I will not be alive to see. So even though my grandson runs up and grabs the 5,000 piece Star Wars puzzle, you and I should know he cannot build it ... yet.

go guins:
1AA you are the defeat-est here NOT ME!  For some reason completely lost on my, you have the perverse concept that nothing can ever be changed.  Because we are where we are, that is where we must forever remain. 
I would argue that at this point FB is not a "net" revenue-generating sport.  Certainly no other sport has a positive revenue stream, but it is NOT a damn business, it's SPORTS.  You do it for publicity.  OUR sports are generating far to much negative or at least -0- publicity.  When somebody goes to that HS gym that is Beeghly, does the fan walk away feeling like he has has a first rate experience or does he feel nostalgic for his HS? 

"he is the best facilitator this school has ever had"
Thanks, you are making my case for me.  We need a creator, a developer, a driver, an innovator, and you give me a facilitator!   Get him out of the way and watch what can happen!
Strollo give us a decade of uninterrupted LOSING football until JT showed up and brought in Pelini.  Stollo gave us losing season after losing season in MBB until JT showed up and here comes Calhoun.  What what can happen with leadership.  You can daydream whatever you want, but that's the facts.

Penguin Nick:
1AA stated:  Football is a revenue-generating sport, MBB is not and never will be ...so it is not even worth my time.

1AA, please explain to me once again why men's basketball "can never be a revenue-generating sport," because I easily see just the opposite.   

IAA Fan:
It is not worth the discussion, as your idea is very easy to understand & simply NOT possible financially. My idea does require some knowledge but it is not that difficult to understand. Simply move at the pace your resources allow. BTW athletics, especially DI are absolutely a business ...as is running a university (it is just a non-profit). Tressel and Strollo are two of the biggest business men in the Valley. How could you even think otherwise?

BTW, show me an original Tressel concept that is in place, or even under construction ...there are none. Well actually there are two ...we are in the Horizon (a conference change is something that he pushed for back as our AD) and we were able to finish the upper floor on the Lincoln apartments. Not his original idea, but he did go out of his way to bring in absolutely new funds to finish it. There is an example of Tressel doing his job as and AD and as a university president. Contrary to what you think I highly respect him for it. However in the years that Ron Strollo has been our AD, the list of accomplishments is longer than my arm.

BTW, am not a defeatist, nor do I believe anything has ever been close to unchanged since Strollo took over. In fact QUITE the opposite, as I have been trying to show you. So many people think that YSU could simply drop all sports outside of football and MBB and go about our business. Again with the Tressel brought us Pelini crap. Do you think Bo gave a crap who the president was when he called looking for work? Do you think he would have not called if it was someone else in the president's office (except maybe Shawn Eichorst  :)  )?


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