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Basketball schedule next year

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go guins:
"Welp that would fall on Mr. Strollo's shoulders... Good luck."

SHAME ON YOU, CHIEF!!  PLEASE don't upset 1AA with a question about what Mr. Strollo  can carry on his shoulders!   Good grief, his kid is done, so who cares about MBB now?  Based on history, certainly not ..... I'm not going to say it, not me, I'm not getting 1AA upset!

IAA Fan:
You mean Beeghly ...the home of our women's basketball team :)  Oh wait their is also volleyball and swimming. No jock straps needed (legally) in those sports either. The 4 main contributors to this thread are over 50-years of age. It's a shame but that is MBB here at YSU and I have no issue with the money being spent. How dare we build the new rec room, the new locker room, the new floor, a new weight room, a second training center, a film and meeting room, at least 8 new classrooms and additional offices. Why you should consider yourself lucky. The Swimming and diving team dropped the men's program and their side of the place has barely received more than a coat of paint since the early 80's. Even though(contrary to belief on this board) YSU has spent over $7mil on Beeghly in additions and renovations in the past 20-years.

If you want to complain about bleachers, go to a Notre Dame or Michigan football game. You know the stadiums where a fat guy like me cannot even fit one of his butt-cheeks between the lines LOL. Butler is arguably the top team in the conference since we joined, yet the first time I was there (1970's) I do not even recall there being a chair-back seat in the house. Now I have been there more recently and I saw seats in the lower level,  with actually rather nice chair-backs. I am just saying that I have no complaints about Beeghly, a multi-purpose facility. I mean it is only the money spent that gives you the right to even say that we do not need the space in front of the pull-out bleachers.

go guins:
If you want to complain about bleachers, go to a Notre Dame or Michigan football game. You know the stadiums where a fat guy like me cannot even fit one of his butt-cheeks between the lines LOL.

1AA, is your argument against improving Beeghly "we aren't the worst"? 
Fact is we don't measure up with the 1st class facilities in our leagues, and I consider myself as being someone who deserves to be treated in a first class manor.  If you want my discretionary income, provide a 1st class experience and a competitive product.  For decades we have provided neither for BB and recently not for FB either.  (FB-one playoff appearance and virtually no improvements in a decade)  As soon as we begin to live on "how it used to be" we are sounding a death knell.  Step up or step out of the way!   Frankly it is time for your boy Strollo to step out of the way.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: go guins on March 06, 2018, 08:50:51 AM ---If you want to complain about bleachers, go to a Notre Dame or Michigan football game. You know the stadiums where a fat guy like me cannot even fit one of his butt-cheeks between the lines LOL.

1AA, is your argument against improving Beeghly "we aren't the worst"? 
Fact is we don't measure up with the 1st class facilities in our leagues, and I consider myself as being someone who deserves to be treated in a first class manor.  If you want my discretionary income, provide a 1st class experience and a competitive product.  For decades we have provided neither for BB and recently not for FB either.  (FB-one playoff appearance and virtually no improvements in a decade)  As soon as we begin to live on "how it used to be" we are sounding a death knell.  Step up or step out of the way!   Frankly it is time for your boy Strollo to step out of the way.

--- End quote ---

No it is my way of saying we have to stop looking at only FB and MBB ...the later being a major drain on our resources that is not recouped. I am saying that funds are limited and most all funds given to Beeghly in the last decade have gone to MBB enhancements. That WBB (to a point), Volleyball, swimming, etc. have suffered much more and would get my approval for funds long before basketball. As I have stated before we will never be a basketball power, but we could really be something in women's basketball without going broke. Look at what we have been able to do in Track, with at first a nice increase in funds, which brought some assistants on board. Then the addition of WATTS has seen an explosion of dominance.

I understand that the average person only attends Football and Men's Basketball, but you cannot continue to think that is where all the $$$ needs to be. Just think about this. Title IX requires an equal number of women's scholarships, to men's. Additionally we have scholarship maximums on most Olympic sports that come no where's near the number of people needed to field a team ...thus requiring more women's teams in many cases...including ours. The Horizon League also dictates a minimum number of ladies sports. The NCAA also dictates that the number of sanctioned women's sports must be the same (or greater) as their male counterparts (exempting football, but not in total scholarships). In short we have to have the same number of sports (or more) for women as men. In addition we need to offer the same number of scholarships. Then we have to factor in sports that are "headcount" vs those that are not. I will not even go there as you have probably already stopped reading. It is not simply math that any idiot like Gene Smith can do. He has a staff just for accounting ...we have a single AD in a program that is almost as complicated as OSU's.

We have 65 NCAA-sanctioned scholarships on football that we have to match with a female athletic scholarship, but we are not allowed to simply go out and place them all in a single women's sport, because football is exempt and we have to fund 8 Horizon League women's sports. Do you realize that we only meet the minimum number of men's sports for the HL? That is 6. We tried to drop baseball and the HL said no because that would take away the League Auto-bid to the NCAA post-season. Have you ever been to the new softball or soccer field? There are a couple of first-class venues, but you probably have never gone to a game or match. Your attitude is simply to put all funds toward football and men's basketball because that is what "I" am interested in. Yet you somehow do not seem to realize that we need those 9 women's sports to keep those other two (FB & MBB) going. Yes it is wrong and many fought against it, but the NCAA was not going to have anything to do with and equal rights law-suit and they "caved". Until the time where some sense of sanity comes to college sports, realize that we need to put about $3 or $4 into women's scholarships for every dollar that we spend on men's scholarships. Now would you like to address perhaps the single largest donation in sports history that required it all to be spent of women's sports? LOL
One more for the road: the MAC has a men's soccer requirement & has 2 teams that have won the NCAA national title and/or played in the title game in recent history. Try going all over the world to get 1st-class players that speak enough English to stay in school and you know darn well they do not play for simply the cost of an education.  What women's sport do you wish to add and what men's sport do you wish to drop, assuming that we can. Try paying a coach $50k to play at that level. We will have 2 or 3 assistants that will be paid that much each. Still want to join?

Wagner is tv tonight.  their gym looks like a high school gym.


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