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Basketball schedule next year

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--- Quote from: IAA Fan on March 07, 2018, 10:35:57 AM ---It is not worth the discussion, as your idea is very easy to understand & simply NOT possible financially. My idea does require some knowledge but it is not that difficult to understand. Simply move at the pace your resources allow. BTW athletics, especially DI are absolutely a business ...as is running a university (it is just a non-profit). Tressel and Strollo are two of the biggest business men in the Valley. How could you even think otherwise?

BTW, show me an original Tressel concept that is in place, or even under construction ...there are none. Well actually there are two ...we are in the Horizon (a conference change is something that he pushed for back as our AD) and we were able to finish the upper floor on the Lincoln apartments. Not his original idea, but he did go out of his way to bring in absolutely new funds to finish it. There is an example of Tressel doing his job as and AD and as a university president. Contrary to what you think I highly respect him for it. However in the years that Ron Strollo has been our AD, the list of accomplishments is longer than my arm.

BTW, am not a defeatist, nor do I believe anything has ever been close to unchanged since Strollo took over. In fact QUITE the opposite, as I have been trying to show you. So many people think that YSU could simply drop all sports outside of football and MBB and go about our business. Again with the Tressel brought us Pelini crap. Do you think Bo gave a crap who the president was when he called looking for work? Do you think he would have not called if it was someone else in the president's office (except maybe Shawn Eichorst  :)  )?

--- End quote ---

Bo is not coming here unless JT is president. Fact. Also, MBB can absolutely make money with the right man leading the program, which I believe we have now. A work in progress.

go guins:
1AA your concept of "revenue sport" and the separation of FB and MBB based on income is bizarre to me.
Last year we generated 460,000 in FB ticket sales and expenses of 3,800,000.  Please explain what "revenue sport" means to you, and I think we are looking at this from 2 different prospects. I'll bet you MBB is closer to generating revenue for the university than is FB. 
University sports is NOT a business, it is advertising and IMO your commitment to 2nd rate facilities is hurting the ad campaign.
Your concepts of "how things work" and "why they work that way" as as antiquated as Strollo.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on March 07, 2018, 10:53:25 AM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on March 07, 2018, 10:35:57 AM ---It is not worth the discussion, as your idea is very easy to understand & simply NOT possible financially. My idea does require some knowledge but it is not that difficult to understand. Simply move at the pace your resources allow. BTW athletics, especially DI are absolutely a business ...as is running a university (it is just a non-profit). Tressel and Strollo are two of the biggest business men in the Valley. How could you even think otherwise?

BTW, show me an original Tressel concept that is in place, or even under construction ...there are none. Well actually there are two ...we are in the Horizon (a conference change is something that he pushed for back as our AD) and we were able to finish the upper floor on the Lincoln apartments. Not his original idea, but he did go out of his way to bring in absolutely new funds to finish it. There is an example of Tressel doing his job as and AD and as a university president. Contrary to what you think I highly respect him for it. However in the years that Ron Strollo has been our AD, the list of accomplishments is longer than my arm.

BTW, am not a defeatist, nor do I believe anything has ever been close to unchanged since Strollo took over. In fact QUITE the opposite, as I have been trying to show you. So many people think that YSU could simply drop all sports outside of football and MBB and go about our business. Again with the Tressel brought us Pelini crap. Do you think Bo gave a crap who the president was when he called looking for work? Do you think he would have not called if it was someone else in the president's office (except maybe Shawn Eichorst  :)  )?

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Bo is not coming here unless JT is president. Fact. Also, MBB can absolutely make money with the right man leading the program, which I believe we have now. A work in progress.

--- End quote ---
Chief, you are 100% correct on both points!  MBB is MILLIONS closer to -0- than football, with a much more limited expense structure.  Calhoun is the right guy, this is the right time.  Get Strollo's excuse machine out of the way, update Beeghly and let's see what happens! 

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nick on March 07, 2018, 10:18:16 AM ---1AA stated:  Football is a revenue-generating sport, MBB is not and never will be ...so it is not even worth my time.

1AA, please explain to me once again why men's basketball "can never be a revenue-generating sport," because I easily see just the opposite.   

--- End quote ---

Nick: it is simple. MBB can never generate the revenue to do anything other than survive, unless we dropped Football. If we move to a better conference, we could never compete (as we do in the top MM football conference) without a massive influx of resources that could only be achieved in the short-term (a MBB only private donation). That being said, what conference is going to offer us? I mean we only were offered the (then) MCC because they introduced women's sport programs and YSU had just finished off a sensational run and we had plans to increase our women's sports presence. We will be stuck in a 1-team tourney conference that has no chance of garnishing any NCAA post-season revenue unless Northern Kentucky lives up to their expectations and/or UWM hires another cheater at head coach and winning coaches do not last that long these days. Northern Kentucky will be gone very quickly as well.

-UDM: No football (Top Men's sport: Lacrosse. Also have Fencing ...not HL sanctioned)
-UWGB: No football (Top Men's sport: Skiing. Not HL sanctioned)
-UIC: No football (top mens sport: Gymnastics. Not HL sanctioned)
-YSU: Football (Top Men's sport: Football. Not HL sanctioned)

-CSU: No football (Top Men's sport: Basketball They also have Fencing there real top sport. Also have Lacrosse that is not HL sanctioned)
-IUPUI: No football (Top Men's sport: basketball. They also have S&D ...both ARE HL sanctioned.)
-UWM: No football (Top Men's Sport: basketball. They also have Men's soccer ...both ARE HL sanctioned.)
-NKU: No football (Top Men's Sport: basketball. They also have Men's soccer ...both ARE HL sanctioned.)
-OU: No football (Top Men's Sport: basketball. They also have Men's soccer ...both ARE HL sanctioned.)
-WSU: No football (Top Men's Sport: basketball. They also have Men's soccer & S&D ...both ARE HL sanctioned.)

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on March 07, 2018, 11:04:32 AM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Nick on March 07, 2018, 10:18:16 AM ---1AA stated:  Football is a revenue-generating sport, MBB is not and never will be ...so it is not even worth my time.

1AA, please explain to me once again why men's basketball "can never be a revenue-generating sport," because I easily see just the opposite.   

--- End quote ---

Nick: it is simple. MBB can never generate the revenue to do anything other than survive, unless we dropped Football. If we move to a better conference, we could never compete (as we do in the top MM football conference) without a massive influx of resources that could only be achieved in the short-term (a MBB only private donation). That being said, what conference is going to offer us? I mean we only were offered the (then) MCC because they introduced women's sport programs and YSU had just finished off a sensational run and we had plans to increase our women's sports presence. We will be stuck in a 1-team tourney conference that has no chance of garnishing any NCAA post-season revenue unless Northern Kentucky lives up to their expectations and/or UWM hires another cheater at head coach and winning coaches do not last that long these days. Northern Kentucky will be gone very quickly as well.

--- End quote ---
1AA your thinking is so out of date and your so much a defeatist to actually make me feel bad for you.  You should look at our numbers and the numbers of other programs sometime.  Sports is NOT about making money or even breaking even, and MBB is closer to making money than any other sport.  FB is the money pit, you have some 50 year old concept about making money at FB, and that just isn't so. 


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