Pelini cleared the bench yesterday, playing everybody who was not injured or redshirting. Had he not put Richmond in the game, he would actually have antagonized a federal judge.
This whole affair highlights the destructive side of social media. Unfounded accusations can't be challenged. Lies can't be refuted. Total lack of accountability for anybody sitting behind a keyboard.
Last week, Penguinpower furnished statistics that one out of every twenty male American teenagers manage to get into serious trouble. For all the outrage about Richmond, I wonder how many juvenile rapists are playing college athletics today in all sports and across all divisions. Somehow I think it might be more than one.
As I have stated before, as far as I know, since the university does not have a policy for background check as a condition for admission or participation in university sponsored activities how could he be singled out.
If I had student who is the best mathematician in the university and he/she is on the math team participating in the national math contest, do you think the faculty in charge could throw him/her off the team just because of a feloney conviction prior to attending YSU?
But, this is football, a high profile event?
His participations made the hardline in Today's Warren Tribune, headline in the sport page in the Vindicator, two editiorals in Vindicator.
Couple of years, When our STEM academic research team out performed Kent, Akron, CSU, Case in the conference, do you know how much coverages we received from these two newspapers? You guess it, ZERO.