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 I am done on this debate after this.  I am a Bo Pelini fan, and he has done some very distasteful things, comments that are embarrassing.  But we all are on the train since we got to the national title game.

 Also, Pitino is a sleaze ball, do a little digging, Harbaugh is a jerk by all accounts, and Meyer is cut throat to win. I could care less, win!

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on February 28, 2017, 11:02:34 PM ---IAA Fan,

Actually, it is exactly what you do not want to hear.  There is no new agreement.  The option means that the school can extend his contract or just allow it to expire.  Think about this as the equivalent of the option that a major league baseball team often places at the conclusion of a veteran's contract.  If the team wants the player back, it executes the option.  If the team does not want the player back, it declines any action and thus cuts the player loose.  In this case, I fully expect that a decision will be rendered well before April 1.

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I do not care either way, the reason I ask is that his contract was in it's final (optional) extension last year. He coached this year if he has an extension, so he had to have received a new agreement in order to have next year as an option. The new agreement must have been 2-years ago.

go guins:

--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on March 01, 2017, 12:54:29 PM --- I am done on this debate after this.  I am a Bo Pelini fan, and he has done some very distasteful things, comments that are embarrassing.  But we all are on the train since we got to the national title game.

 Also, Pitino is a sleaze ball, do a little digging, Harbaugh is a jerk by all accounts, and Meyer is cut throat to win. I could care less, win!

--- End quote ---
And you are entitled to your opinion, not matter how little you seem to care about the student athletes that give their all for YSU and the coaches they play for.  Bo's language could use a little cleaning up, but I have never heard anything negative involving him and his family, community, or players.  I would make the argument he is rude and crude, but having a lot of good qualities.   Jerk doesn't necessarily qualify as bad quality, as you say about Harbaugh.  Going all out to win is in my mind a good quality.  You clearly imply that it is a bad quality in Urban and I disagree with you (yet again), I think JT did everything he knew how to do to win, and did it with class, sticking up for his players, love of family, and giving back to his community.  All good qualities accompanying his unquestionable accomplishments. 
Good time for you to end the thread, as the English language, a superior intellect seems to have the better of you.

The YO Show:

--- Quote from: go guins on March 01, 2017, 08:48:51 AM ---
--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on March 01, 2017, 08:22:32 AM ---1AA Fan, Slocum is done, it's over!  The Slocum era lasted years longer than it should have.   What qualities to do you like about this guy?  His 3-15 Horizon League Conference Tournament record, his teams among the worst every year in points allowed??/

--- End quote ---
I'm ambivalent to MBB and it’s head coach, but I believe you are missing the major point of being a college HC when you say "what qualities do you like" and then list accomplishments.  When we talk about qualities, we should be looking at the men involved and the affect the HC has had on them, not tournament wins.  It's perfectly OK to say "Slocum is a bad guy and a bad coach" or "Slocum is a good guy but a bad coach."  But for me, confusing qualities and accomplishments is unfair to the man.

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+1 Go Guins. Very insightful logical argument here.

It's about wins and losses and bringing fans into the arena not any feel-good story. I pay money to see them win not what we have now. He needs to go


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