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  It is sad how little attention YSU Men's Basketball gets on this site.  Not that they deserve it.  I was stunned last year when the administration decided to keep Slocum.   I am not the biggest Strollo fan, but I do believe he wanted to make a change and that President Tressel made the call to keep Slocum.

 Prior to this season, Slocum said this team has great chemistry and they are going to surprise.  They are headed to another 20 loss season.  The last week and a half has been a disaster, including a double digit home loss to a bad Detroit team.

 A change needs to be made, how can anyone justify keeping Slocum?  His teams play no defense, among the worst in the nation.  This Morse kid is really, really, kid, and we are seeing no success.

 Hopefully Tressel will make the move and fire a coach whose record is an embarrassment.

I have been a season ticket holder since I returned to Youngstown in 1982.  In recent years, I have bought those seats only because the price for the men's/women's package is virtually the same as buying tickets for the men only.  I attended three men's games last season and two this year.  I have no desire to watch a team that refuses....absolutely refuses....to attempt to play any defense.  Next year, if Slocum returns, I will forego season tickets and buy seats to the women's games individually.  That will be inconvenient but it will be a matter of principle.  I refuse to give one more nickel to men's basketball, unless there is a coaching change.

Your so right; it is sad!! But for many on this board, we have seen this for far too many years and I for one quit watching the men's basketball. There are some good players and some that hustle, but we continue to see them in the bottom half of the Horizon League. It's always next year, well my next years may not be many thus I follow football.   

This team has a few really good players but as a whole it's not a good team as it record shows.  Morse is a gift  and Hartfield has a ton of upside.

If we change coaches does YSU basketball become better ?    Is it the coach only or the entire YSU culture for men's basketball?  Does the SID or anyone email students and promote basketball or start any promotion?

Winning cures all need for promotions and gimmicks.  Let's be honest with past coaches.  Clemons,Stroia,peters,and Robic all proceeded Slocum with sub 500 career records so it seem to be a crap shoot to dump Slocum for the next coach based on our past history.     

As a long time masochist fan of this program,I can only hope for the day we make the NCAA tourney.

So what if Hartfield has a lot upside.  He probably will be leaving the program soon along with a few others!  You know defections are coming at the end of the season!


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