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Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on December 08, 2016, 05:49:25 PM ---1. There is no one more dedicated to this team than Wells. When you are told that you will not be starting (or back-up) as you no longer fit the program, so look elsewhere ...he did. That is just common sense at that point. Self preservation.

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I think the term "self-preservation" is accurate.  Like his non-starting teammates, he could have said, "I can and will compete.  I can and will contribute.  I am proud to be a Penguin"  Mays is on special teams, trying to contribute in any way. Wells is of limited utility on special teams due to his fear of contact and immobility.  I don't see how a guy who quit his team when told he wasn't starting, stopped dressing for games, and was planning on transferring, as "dedicated." 

If there was an employee who quit because they were upset about being demoted due to a lack of performance, would you reward that with a promotion?  Could you imagine the dynamic that would create amongst your hard-working and loyal employees?  You'd destroy your business.

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on December 08, 2016, 05:49:25 PM ---Mays has shown he wants to be the future of this team and he has the tools. He needs coach Shane, as does Wells. Let's look at other schools of the past. Delaware had 3-straight star transfers. Each one was promised the team the day they showed up for the first campus visit and that is a tremendous risk for a coach to take. There was not even a promise to compete, as YSU has done in with Hosick and others. Tressel told a starting Big-10 QB (and local product) that he would have to wait a year until Issac graduates. However, I am sure Tressel also told Cochran the Ray does get injured quite a bit and he would see playing time right away. Bo is also a big star transfer & we know that Ron Strollo has to accept certain risks to keep him.

So I guess this tells me two things: if you make your promises (as a administrator, coach or player), you had better stick to them and if Hunter was asked to come back and be our "man" ... it was not for the final 3-games (which is what this team was on track to have); we owe it to him. Maybe Bo and Shane's idea of a "running QB" have become more similar after events of this year. If YSU makes their promise to Bo, the university has to keep their promises as well.

--- End quote ---

We would be in the same place right now with Mays as starting QB, but would have groomed a future QB with valuable experience.  If we had done that, imagine Mays as an upper classman. This was a situation where you could have had your cake and ate it too.  We prepare for the future and win in the present. Tomorrow is the result  of today's sacrifice and decisions.

My impression is that Wells would only accept a deal to start, not to be #2 behind Mays, in exchange to give up a year of eligibility.  Wells had all of the leverage really because of his lack of allegiance to the program.  He out-negotiated the staff.  That deal, created out of a position of fear (of not having a QB back-up) and weakness, will cost us later.

IAA Fan:
Had an employee been given an unfair "shake" or poor performance? I did not see anything that would be cause for demotion from Wells. You did. Also, I saw potential in Mays and you laughed at me over camp. You cannot jump around. My company just had a very large lay-off. The second in one-year. We are a software company. Two years ago we cancelled a project because we had an offer from Microsoft to develop a tool for them. We even hired in one of their people and made him a VP in our company to direct the new MS tool. It was a tool that had the same purpose as the one we cancelled, only it runs on the MS Enterprise platform. We lost countless developers that worked on two other platforms that we built on.  We had a product manager that was in charge of developing the first new product and he was kept on to keep our legacy products afloat until the new MS tool could be built. Guess what? We just cancelled the contract with MS and dismissed the VP. Our president was fired because of a poor decision to change our product direction that put us 2.5-years behind the rest of the industry. That manager of legacy products is now back in charge of the product that was cancelled. He was clearly being under-used as a manager of products no longer being enhanced, just as Hunter was not being utilized to his full ability as a scout team QB. Let's not fool ourselves into thinking he was 3rd-string. With the first injury, Mays was moved up to 2nd (over Wells) so he could get reps with the 1st-team.

 No matter what you say, Hunter was given his walking papers. He stuck around with hope of a red-shirt, worked with the team all through summer camp and the season knowing this. Don't try to tell me that Monty reworked his offense after spring ball and Hunter was not aware. How much more loyalty do you want? Even if he could have come in a couple of times earlier in the season, it was clear that we had an offense that he could not support. IMO, although well-intended, your last comments just are not accurate or practical. Wells still could have said "no" ...but he did not. You should also be thankful that coach M has the skills to rework an offense in mid-season, helping us make the post-season.

Blah Blah Blah, Wells is this and Wells is that.  He beat a weaker blah blah blah.  Anybody but Wells beat cream puffs. Blah, Blah, Blah.  If we started Mays same result.  Blah Blah Blah.  Jacksonville st sucks Sanford sucks blah blah blah.  You sound like the sore losers that screamed.  He's not my President!  We are in the final 8.  Love him or hate him.  Wells saved our season. Lets enjoy this at least I am!

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: YSUGO on December 09, 2016, 09:59:50 PM ---Blah Blah Blah, Wells is this and Wells is that.  He beat a weaker blah blah blah.  Anybody but Wells beat cream puffs. Blah, Blah, Blah.  If we started Mays same result.  Blah Blah Blah.  Jacksonville st sucks Sanford sucks blah blah blah.  You sound like the sore losers that screamed.  He's not my President!  We are in the final 8.  Love him or hate him.  Wells saved our season. Lets enjoy this at least I am!

--- End quote ---

lol.....I can't decide what is funnier...the cheeto-man reference or claiming Wells saved our season.... :D

IAA Fan:
Haters have to hate GoGuins. The only reason that I am not tailgating at this very moment is because I have to wait until 9a for the ticket office to open and get my tailgate pass.


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