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Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: Pfoottball on December 07, 2016, 08:17:12 PM ---Welcome back Nation...No posts for a while.. Tough to be a hater isn't it??  We all know you hate Wells and he couldn't go too D2 and that your dog is a better QB. Nada family?? Anyways keep posting your stats. They don't lie right? May's was 1-1 last week. Should be starting for the Brown's under you stats analysis.. All the Qb's have performed when out there. You QB coach and run the offense in your mind and let the big boys do there job!!!!   Go Penguins!!

--- End quote ---

I'm not sure who my "dog" is, or who you are referring to.  I like loyalty, dedication, toughness, commitment, and excellence.  This YSU FB squad has those traits in spades, minus one player.  You gotta admire Trent going in for another play, a passing play, after suffering multiple clavicle fractures on the prior play versus UNI.  You gotta admire Davis playing with a sore knee and a concussion, and playing well.  Both sustained these injuries sacrificing their own well being for the team, and you could even say for the fans and the community.  You also must admire Nathan for leaving the safety of the pocket when required to gain every yard he can.  Nathan saved a TD on special teams with a great tackle. All three are tough, dedicated, and epitomize Youngstown football.  FWIW, Davis didn't threaten to leave last year when (wrongfully) denied the starting role, and Trent and Nathan didn't threaten to leave this year.  Their commitment to the program is admirable.  Conner McFadden tried to tackle a Pitt punt returner last year...even a punter sacrificed himself...he failed but at least he tried.  Football is a violent sport, and requires toughness. BTW, if Trent or Nathan or Ricky performed like Wells or lacked commitment, my comments would similarly reflect that. 

go guins:
Nation, you should have been Japanese.  You would have made a great Kamikaze.  For me, give me an intelligent guy that can throw the ball where it needs to be, and live to fight another day.  While Hosick, Mays, and Davis have, by your description, throw their bodies to the wind, Hunter is leading us to another deep run in the playoffs.  Give me wins over mindless sacrifice anytime.

IAA Fan:
I am not sure I follow this between Nation and Go Guins. However:

1. There is no one more dedicated to this team than Wells. When you are told that you will not be starting (or back-up) as you no longer fit the program, so look elsewhere ...he did. That is just common sense at that point. Self preservation.

2. I think you will see both Bo and Shane here next year Go Guins. Bo will have his offers, but a couple of years in his home town have done him a world of good and a couple more will mature his family. However, I do think a Big-10 offer may be hard to pass up. The two coaches had a long discussion and Wells is it ...for this year and next.

Mays has shown he wants to be the future of this team and he has the tools. He needs coach Shane, as does Wells. Let's look at other schools of the past. Delaware had 3-straight star transfers. Each one was promised the team the day they showed up for the first campus visit and that is a tremendous risk for a coach to take. There was not even a promise to compete, as YSU has done in with Hosick and others. Tressel told a starting Big-10 QB (and local product) that he would have to wait a year until Issac graduates. However, I am sure Tressel also told Cochran the Ray does get injured quite a bit and he would see playing time right away. Bo is also a big star transfer & we know that Ron Strollo has to accept certain risks to keep him.

So I guess this tells me two things: if you make your promises (as a administrator, coach or player), you had better stick to them and if Hunter was asked to come back and be our "man" ... it was not for the final 3-games (which is what this team was on track to have); we owe it to him. Maybe Bo and Shane's idea of a "running QB" have become more similar after events of this year. If YSU makes their promise to Bo, the university has to keep their promises as well.

As to what has to be the mindset of Strollo and Tressel ...truth be told. Bo is a risk ...Shane is not. Bo is a big-time coach, with what can be big-time issues and big-time offers; this equals big-time risk. Strollo was not standing on the field last year for a better view of the game. Shane is good OC and certainly has his offers. He is an Ohio guy, loves the HS game and knows southern and especially central Ohio recruits very well. He is simply a huge asset to this program. Right now, we have the top HC and Coordinators in the country and I think I speak for the fans and the administration when saying that YSU wants to keep all three of them as long as possible!!!

ps: I found my long underwear ...GO GUINS!!!

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: go guins on December 08, 2016, 03:36:46 PM ---Nation, you should have been Japanese. 

--- End quote ---

How do you know I'm not?  ;D

--- Quote from: go guins on December 08, 2016, 03:36:46 PM ---For me, give me an intelligent guy that can throw the ball where it needs to be, and live to fight another day.  While Hosick, Mays, and Davis have, by your description, throw their bodies to the wind, Hunter is leading us to another deep run in the playoffs.  Give me wins over mindless sacrifice anytime.

--- End quote ---

Meaning no disrespect to JSU, they couldn't pass rush my Aunt Sara.  What happens when we face a team that can?  We know SDSU and NDSU can.  Only an MVFC squad was able to end JSU's season last year and this year.  IMO, it really makes it clear that the MVFC is head and shoulders above everyone else...maybe also JMU and EWU are on our level.   We were fortunate to have great bracket placement. No chance of meeting another MVFC team or JMU until Frisco.  Anyway, we'd be exactly where we are right now with any of our QBs.  JSU was a paper tiger with great stats compiled in the woeful OVC.  They would be a bottom third team in the MVFC.  Much of the praise of Wells is a couple games with no pics, but nobody praises Ruiz or Webb for not fumbling.  The bar and expectations are very low.

Penguin Ice:
Nation I hear what your saying and somewhat agree with you.
But I don't think this team is built around a QB that can throw it all over the yard. We are not JSU and I'm thankful for that. We are a grind it out offense, one that sets up our QB to make short throws and not get our offense behind. We did throw deep against JSU but the only reason we did was because they put 8 in the box and said go ahead and throw if you can cuz we are stopping the run. Once Wells hit a few deep balls they had to respect it and it opened up the run game. I expect Wofford to do the same.
Wells missed a few easy throws and got away with one over the middle that the LB dropped. Those mistakes can't happen from here on out.
I expect we will put a couple of TE's in the backfield tomorrow and run it straight at Wofford until they prove they can stop it or load the box like JSU did. But Wells needs to make those throws tomorrow.
I also expect to see a lot of Ricky running the offense tomorrow to open up the passing game.

YSU. 24-7


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