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Messages - dudeitsaid

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 17, 2016, 10:58:39 PM »
Just wanted to come on and congratulate you guys. Way to gut out that win.  That INT when we were trying to go up three scores really took the wind out of our sales, and changed the complexion of the game.  And that last drive was a typical, MVFC, shove it down your throat while taking all the time off the clock type of drive.  Good luck in Frisco, there is no doubt you guys earned it!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 17, 2016, 04:33:10 PM »
Wow, no smack at all here...I'm sorry you guys have to deal with this in a post season game.  I know you guys have depth, or you wouldn't have made it this far. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 17, 2016, 03:03:46 AM »
If I didn't know any better I would think this is a EWU forum with all these "if we wanna have a shot" quotes!!! First off no team has stopped or even really slowed our ground game, not even NDSU or SDSU, that's was just at a time when our offense was putrid and we were turning the ball over at an alarming rate! Well those days are behind us and we are playing great ball in every phase of the game other than last week's kicking game mishaps because Kennedy was hurt. EWU run defense is terrible, their biggest weakest is our biggest strength. You can run the football in any weather but I'm not sure you can throw with the same effectiveness @ 0° so advantage Guins there also! Another thing guys are losing the minds over is how many times can we run the ball without Ruiz, well Webb carried it 37 times Saturday with 1 fumble, as a team I think we ran it 49 times and Ruiz carried it 1x so that's something we need not worry about! Webb just broke the school record for single game All-Purpose yards and has been on an 1st Team All-American type rare since his knee is back to 100% but we are worried about someone that is not gonna b playing? Doesn't make sense to me. Now I am worried about both of our Safties being out but Powell has played well all year so I think we will b ok. This isn't the same team from earlier in the year, they will b fine!!! No one dimensional team can beat this Guins team, period!!! See you guys in Frisco!

Thanks for the laughs. Ask Richmond and their 1.3 ypc how they felt about our run defense.

And EWU one dimensional? Please. Our short passing game is our run game, not to mention when GG takes it up the middle because your back 7 is all in coverage, afraid to give up any more deep balls. We put up 44 on NDSU, and only lost after missing at FG at the end of regulation.

Am I saying YSU doesn't stand a chance? Not at all. But to act like YSU is a lock to win... laughable.
The fact that you said your passing gnaw is your run game lets me know your one dimensional, no your run game is your run game and passing is passing! Like I said, the Penguins won't lose to a one dimensional team, now if you guys can have an effective run game to go with your passing attack tomorrow, then you guys may win but if u don't, the Guins will be in Frisco in a few weeks. And also I'm pretty sure I was writing that message to my fellow Guin fans so I really don't understand why you commented but either way, have a good one and good luck tomorrow night...

I'm not sure why being "one dimensional" is so bad if it works.  Heck, Wofford almost scalped you, and you don't get more one dimensional than them.  It seems "one dimensional" is only perceived as bad if the dimension is passing.

I don't think we are as one dimensional as Cal Poly, the Citidel, or Wofford.  But we are obviously skewed towards the pass, and are the top passing team in the playoffs.  There have been times where that has really concerned me.  But that concern has been unnecessary, as every defense we've faced has tried to stop our passing game, and failed.  And, what's funny, is our most effective periods of running is when teams focus on trying to shut down our passing game.  Heck, I have to admit, I've really expected someone to figure out our offense, and stop it.  But for the most part, that really hasn't happened, be it FBS WSU, NDSU, UCA, Richmond, or UNI (whose effectiveness on D was more a factor of Gubrud not playing well in the wind than the UNI D).  Maybe you guys will be the ones to do it...and if you are, you will win.  I hope, and I believe that will not be the case.
Name 1 "one dimensional" team that has ever won a Title in football!!! I'll wait!!! Who cares what Wofford almost did, who cares who you guys almost did against NDSU, who cares about Washington State or whoever else you mentioned. The Patriots vs The Giants (twice), Panthers vs Broncos, Cardinals vs Steelers, Rams vs Patriots etc Great defenses vs Great Offenses... The Great Defense will win out!!! That of course if all things being equal... Turnovers, field position, special teams play etc. I promise this is my last post unless you force me to reply but coming back with a great point lol

Funny, after may last post, I was thinking...but yeah, has there every been a one dimensional team to win the NC, and I can't believe I didn't mention this before! 

The last team not named NDSU to win a national title was...EWU.  Though we had the best running back in the nation in 2010, he broke his foot early in the 2nd half of our game against NDSU (quite possibly one of the main reasons the game ended up being close), and we really struggled to run the ball after that.  In the championship game, we resorted a predominantly passing game, and threw for over 300 yards, but only rushed for 34.  We passed 75% of the time.  Guess it worked out. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:11:19 AM »
If I didn't know any better I would think this is a EWU forum with all these "if we wanna have a shot" quotes!!! First off no team has stopped or even really slowed our ground game, not even NDSU or SDSU, that's was just at a time when our offense was putrid and we were turning the ball over at an alarming rate! Well those days are behind us and we are playing great ball in every phase of the game other than last week's kicking game mishaps because Kennedy was hurt. EWU run defense is terrible, their biggest weakest is our biggest strength. You can run the football in any weather but I'm not sure you can throw with the same effectiveness @ 0° so advantage Guins there also! Another thing guys are losing the minds over is how many times can we run the ball without Ruiz, well Webb carried it 37 times Saturday with 1 fumble, as a team I think we ran it 49 times and Ruiz carried it 1x so that's something we need not worry about! Webb just broke the school record for single game All-Purpose yards and has been on an 1st Team All-American type rare since his knee is back to 100% but we are worried about someone that is not gonna b playing? Doesn't make sense to me. Now I am worried about both of our Safties being out but Powell has played well all year so I think we will b ok. This isn't the same team from earlier in the year, they will b fine!!! No one dimensional team can beat this Guins team, period!!! See you guys in Frisco!

Thanks for the laughs. Ask Richmond and their 1.3 ypc how they felt about our run defense.

And EWU one dimensional? Please. Our short passing game is our run game, not to mention when GG takes it up the middle because your back 7 is all in coverage, afraid to give up any more deep balls. We put up 44 on NDSU, and only lost after missing at FG at the end of regulation.

Am I saying YSU doesn't stand a chance? Not at all. But to act like YSU is a lock to win... laughable.
The fact that you said your passing gnaw is your run game lets me know your one dimensional, no your run game is your run game and passing is passing! Like I said, the Penguins won't lose to a one dimensional team, now if you guys can have an effective run game to go with your passing attack tomorrow, then you guys may win but if u don't, the Guins will be in Frisco in a few weeks. And also I'm pretty sure I was writing that message to my fellow Guin fans so I really don't understand why you commented but either way, have a good one and good luck tomorrow night...

I'm not sure why being "one dimensional" is so bad if it works.  Heck, Wofford almost scalped you, and you don't get more one dimensional than them.  It seems "one dimensional" is only perceived as bad if the dimension is passing.

I don't think we are as one dimensional as Cal Poly, the Citidel, or Wofford.  But we are obviously skewed towards the pass, and are the top passing team in the playoffs.  There have been times where that has really concerned me.  But that concern has been unnecessary, as every defense we've faced has tried to stop our passing game, and failed.  And, what's funny, is our most effective periods of running is when teams focus on trying to shut down our passing game.  Heck, I have to admit, I've really expected someone to figure out our offense, and stop it.  But for the most part, that really hasn't happened, be it FBS WSU, NDSU, UCA, Richmond, or UNI (whose effectiveness on D was more a factor of Gubrud not playing well in the wind than the UNI D).  Maybe you guys will be the ones to do it...and if you are, you will win.  I hope, and I believe that will not be the case.
Name 1 "one dimensional" team that has ever won a Title in football!!! I'll wait!!! Who cares what Wofford almost did, who cares who you guys almost did against NDSU, who cares about Washington State or whoever else you mentioned. The Patriots vs The Giants (twice), Panthers vs Broncos, Cardinals vs Steelers, Rams vs Patriots etc Great defenses vs Great Offenses... The Great Defense will win out!!! That of course if all things being equal... Turnovers, field position, special teams play etc. I promise this is my last post unless you force me to reply but coming back with a great point lol

Sorry if you gotta wake up to respond to this...  :P 

GSU is arguably the most successful FCS team of all time (though I would actually put them behind NDSU), as they do have six championships.  I didn't see all of their games in the past, but they were typically known as a strong triple option team that would run it down your throat.  But, I think strong running teams tend to garner more respect. 

That being said, we run enough to keep defenses honest.  We are skewed to the pass, but I wouldn't call us one dimensional. And it'll be cold tomorrow, but I really don't see the weather negating our passing attack.  Wind won't be too strong, weather should be clear, and we are the only team in all of college football to have three 1000 yard receivers.  The problem with other "one dimensional" passing teams is, take out their star receiver, the passing game falls apart.  Take one of ours out, the other ones are more than capable of taking over a game.  Check out who was the leading receiver in each of our past games, it isn't always the same player Heck, some of the highest yardage totals in games haven't even been by those three receivers!  Our next three would be stars on most teams in the FCS! 

On to what I hope and believe will be an outstanding game, it's been fun visiting your board!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 16, 2016, 11:29:42 PM »
If I didn't know any better I would think this is a EWU forum with all these "if we wanna have a shot" quotes!!! First off no team has stopped or even really slowed our ground game, not even NDSU or SDSU, that's was just at a time when our offense was putrid and we were turning the ball over at an alarming rate! Well those days are behind us and we are playing great ball in every phase of the game other than last week's kicking game mishaps because Kennedy was hurt. EWU run defense is terrible, their biggest weakest is our biggest strength. You can run the football in any weather but I'm not sure you can throw with the same effectiveness @ 0° so advantage Guins there also! Another thing guys are losing the minds over is how many times can we run the ball without Ruiz, well Webb carried it 37 times Saturday with 1 fumble, as a team I think we ran it 49 times and Ruiz carried it 1x so that's something we need not worry about! Webb just broke the school record for single game All-Purpose yards and has been on an 1st Team All-American type rare since his knee is back to 100% but we are worried about someone that is not gonna b playing? Doesn't make sense to me. Now I am worried about both of our Safties being out but Powell has played well all year so I think we will b ok. This isn't the same team from earlier in the year, they will b fine!!! No one dimensional team can beat this Guins team, period!!! See you guys in Frisco!

Thanks for the laughs. Ask Richmond and their 1.3 ypc how they felt about our run defense.

And EWU one dimensional? Please. Our short passing game is our run game, not to mention when GG takes it up the middle because your back 7 is all in coverage, afraid to give up any more deep balls. We put up 44 on NDSU, and only lost after missing at FG at the end of regulation.

Am I saying YSU doesn't stand a chance? Not at all. But to act like YSU is a lock to win... laughable.
The fact that you said your passing gnaw is your run game lets me know your one dimensional, no your run game is your run game and passing is passing! Like I said, the Penguins won't lose to a one dimensional team, now if you guys can have an effective run game to go with your passing attack tomorrow, then you guys may win but if u don't, the Guins will be in Frisco in a few weeks. And also I'm pretty sure I was writing that message to my fellow Guin fans so I really don't understand why you commented but either way, have a good one and good luck tomorrow night...

I'm not sure why being "one dimensional" is so bad if it works.  Heck, Wofford almost scalped you, and you don't get more one dimensional than them.  It seems "one dimensional" is only perceived as bad if the dimension is passing.

I don't think we are as one dimensional as Cal Poly, the Citidel, or Wofford.  But we are obviously skewed towards the pass, and are the top passing team in the playoffs.  There have been times where that has really concerned me.  But that concern has been unnecessary, as every defense we've faced has tried to stop our passing game, and failed.  And, what's funny, is our most effective periods of running is when teams focus on trying to shut down our passing game.  Heck, I have to admit, I've really expected someone to figure out our offense, and stop it.  But for the most part, that really hasn't happened, be it FBS WSU, NDSU, UCA, Richmond, or UNI (whose effectiveness on D was more a factor of Gubrud not playing well in the wind than the UNI D).  Maybe you guys will be the ones to do it...and if you are, you will win.  I hope, and I believe that will not be the case.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 16, 2016, 11:22:47 PM »

I think you misunderstand our run game. Based on participation, if you read the issues we had this past week, under normal conditions our #1 back is Martin Ruiz, he is #1 all-time #1 in scoring, #1 in 1st-downs, and 20-yards from being #1 in rushing yards all-time. We have always been a running offense, so he is ahead of some pretty illustrious backs. We think of him as "thunder". Jody Webb is the "lightning". A space back we look to get the ball to him in any ways possible. When he gets to the next level, he gets big yards. McCaster is a natural FB, but we use him probably even more as a TB. He is a low-to-the-ground back and very efficient. I have lots of confidence in him, even though he is a frosh. Behind him we have another speed guy that only has couple of carries. His name is Joe Alessi. With the issues going on this week, I expect you will see him quite a bit. We average about 50-60 runs per game, with Ruiz taking a bulk of that load.

It was my understanding that Ruiz wouldn't be playing in this game due to that gun charge.  I think he only had one rush against Wofford.  But even without Ruiz, I think your run game is plenty capable.  I thought Webb looked outstanding against Wofford, and YSU looked very complete against JSU.

I promise, I we don't take YSU lightly.  However, I get the sense that a good portion of your fanbase takes EWU lightly, which I really don't mind that much.  I think there is a perception that the Big Fluffy conference is a paper tiger.  Surely we can't hang with the mighty MVFC...even though we already have, and not just this season.  Recent past playoff performances show that EWU can play well with MVFC playoff teams.   

I think your O-line, Webb (and Ruiz if he plays), and D are all elite.  We will have our work cut out for us.  You guys proved last week you will play the game to the end and endure a bad game but still come out on top.  I don't think either team will roll over, and it will be a fight to the end. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 15, 2016, 08:15:02 PM »
Thanks for the laughs. Ask Richmond and their 1.3 ypc how they felt about our run defense.

While your making yourself feel better. Why don't you ask Wofford, the number 5 total defense how they handled our running game. Here's a hint. They didn't. EWU isn't even ranked in the top 50.
You can also call Jax State and ask how there QB did against our Defense

So yes you are one dimensional. We shut down the short stuff and pound the rock. Your in trouble.

You keep spouting things that aren't true... By play count we run more than you pass. The penguins are definitely more one dimensional from a game planning perspective. And we still average more than 4y per carry doing it, not earth shattering but it moves the chains at one of the best rates in FCS. We CAN use the short passing game OR run the ball. By yards its been a smaller part of the offense but we do run the ball effectively. Richmond learned that pretty quickly after selling out on the pass.

We are ranked 7th in the FCS in rushing offense. Eastern Washington isn't ranked in the top 50. You haven't played a defense quite like ours yet. If the weather affects the passing game like it should I like our chances

I'm not sure what you mean by that...Is it the fact that we haven't played your personnel?  NDSU is superior to you guys in almost every important defensive statistical category.  I understand you guys are different, but if you are insisting we haven't seen a good defense, I don't know where you are coming from. 

Just looked, and UNI is exactly in the same place for total defense.  Richmond was giving up only five more yards than you guys.  Once again, you guys are really good on D, and will be an incredible test for our team.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 15, 2016, 08:08:27 PM »
If I didn't know any better I would think this is a EWU forum with all these "if we wanna have a shot" quotes!!! First off no team has stopped or even really slowed our ground game, not even NDSU or SDSU, that's was just at a time when our offense was putrid and we were turning the ball over at an alarming rate! Well those days are behind us and we are playing great ball in every phase of the game other than last week's kicking game mishaps because Kennedy was hurt. EWU run defense is terrible, their biggest weakest is our biggest strength. You can run the football in any weather but I'm not sure you can throw with the same effectiveness @ 0° so advantage Guins there also! Another thing guys are losing the minds over is how many times can we run the ball without Ruiz, well Webb carried it 37 times Saturday with 1 fumble, as a team I think we ran it 49 times and Ruiz carried it 1x so that's something we need not worry about! Webb just broke the school record for single game All-Purpose yards and has been on an 1st Team All-American type rare since his knee is back to 100% but we are worried about someone that is not gonna b playing? Doesn't make sense to me. Now I am worried about both of our Safties being out but Powell has played well all year so I think we will b ok. This isn't the same team from earlier in the year, they will b fine!!! No one dimensional team can beat this Guins team, period!!! See you guys in Frisco!

Neither is this, back off the stats a little, they don't tell the whole story.  Why do you think the rushing D at EWU looks so bad?  Almost every team we play tries the same strategy, chew clock by running the ball.  We also played some top offenses, including who was the top rushing offense in the FCS at the time we played them.  The MVFC tends to be more ball control focused, and I would guess overall the number of possessions is dramatically lower.  EWU is more of an uptempo quick strike offense (though not as much as in the past), and affords teams more possessions against us, which also contributes to the inflated stats against us.  We have also played several top offenses, including FBS WSU, who we held out of the end zone for over 30 minutes.

YSU is going to be tremendously tough for EWU, as will any of the QF teams. 

I do see Webb as your greatest weapon, and your DE's being a close second.  You guys can absolutely win this game.  I think this will be one of our toughest games, and your overall defense is tremendous.  If EWU can build a lead early, that's our best path to victory. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 15, 2016, 07:57:47 PM »
Does anybody know if EWU is allowed to keep the balls warm with a heater on the side line? They could switch out to a warm ball every offense play to give them an advantage. Catching a warmer ball wearing good gloves might not be an issue for their passing game. Does NCAA have any rules on that? Could they not switch the warm balls for us when we are on offense?
I played soccer. It was very tough to kick the ball in 20 degrees weather. I cannot imagine kicking and punting the ball for distance in 0 degree.

FYI, EWU will warm the balls, so that will help a ton.  Of course, it won't take long for them to harden in that cold!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 15, 2016, 07:46:32 PM »
Yes Go Guins all the teams from the Sky, they can sling the ball. What they have going for them is something most of the other Sky teams do not have ...a defense and a stupid red field. Nothing personal Eagle Fans but Blue, Red and Purple fields? The NCAA issues pages to make certain that fields are consistent ... yet permit something so atrocious ...I have never understood it.   LOL

Worse than playing on it is watching it. Especially on TV. Since both team can play in snow ...let's hope for a light dusting.  :)

I agree they can sling all over the yard. But to say they have a good defense is ridiculous.
Wofford is ranked #5 in total defense, we are ranked 11th. Eastern Washington isn't in the top 50. The shut out against Richmond was their first in 109 games

That is a great point...sounds like exactly what Rocco was saying in his interview before Richmond played them.  Please pass on your statistics based observations to the coaching staff.

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