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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Stoops
« on: October 08, 2011, 07:56:36 PM »
ahem,........Stoops is coaching linebackers this year. Kravitz took over the secondary.

What we need is some patience and  1-2 more great recruiting classes.

But I agree, we better start winning some games or those recruiting classes will be harder to get.

YSU Penguin Athletics / YSU v SDSU (Sat).postgame comments/post-mortum
« on: October 08, 2011, 05:42:16 PM »
Had to rename the original thread.

Here's how I feel....... :o

That's the best I can do right now.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Kurt Hess
« on: October 08, 2011, 05:31:13 PM »
Ron Jaworski was the best quarterback to ever play here, and he was followed, after a one year interval, by Cliff Stout.  Both men had reasonably long NFL careers, although Stout was primarily Bradshaw's caddy in Pittsburgh.  Those two were certainly the best passers to ever play for YSU.  Tressel's quarterbacks were mostly game managers rather than star passers.  Trenton Lykes, Ray Isaac, Mark Brungard, Demond Tidwell, Jeff Ryan.  Take your pick.  Tom Zetts was the best last decade.  If he stays healthy, Kurt Hess will break every passing record.

if Hess breaks every passing record (which he is very well on pace to do) and at least gets to an NC, is he the best of all time?

Hess is very good.

Passing records mean little anymore with the spread offenses in todays game. Asterisk* should be used for most football records "before" the spread and "after" the spread.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Conference realignment thread
« on: September 29, 2011, 10:25:12 PM »
The reason we are all in uncharted waters is the fact that this is the first time that the very existence of the NCAA as we know it is threatened by the big boys and their television money.  Will they bolt from the NCAA, form those super conferences for all sports, and start to pay their players "stipends?"  Or will they simply wrest concessions from the NCAA but stay within the organization?

My prediction for YSU is that in five years we will still be affiliated with two conferences: football only as a member of a restructured CAA and everything else in the Horizon League, which will have lost Butler but nobody else.  Milwaukee fans are delusional if they think that their institution is attractive to the big boys.

I agree that it is only a matter of time before we will see 64 teams 4 16 team leagues, starting their own party. And yes no NCAA means they can pay the players, which means that all the rest of the schools in the country will have a talent drop off.

And yes Milwaukee fans really must be delusional.

I don't know that there will be much of a talent level drop off for 1-A schools (65-112) and 1AA schools. The best players will still go to the top 64 like they already are doing. A few hundred bucks a month won't change that much. Sure a dirt poor kid may decide to ride the bench for 4 years to get an extra $258/mo for 9 months. But that would be very shortsighted.

Most kids want to play football. Not be tackling dummies for 4 years. Trust me, $258 dollars/month is NOT worth the price to be a 4th team lineman at OSU vs being a starter at Kent State (mid major) or YSU (1-AA).

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: TSN Poll 26 Sep 11
« on: September 27, 2011, 10:56:33 PM »
We just need to win the next game.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Post-Game Thoughts?
« on: September 27, 2011, 08:38:21 PM »
I think this goes back to something I was talking about previously ...the lack of use with some of our experienced players. I understand what people are saying about the better players need to play, but that can only go so far. You are always going to hope that the newest players are more skilled (or at least as-skilled) as you current starters. This means you are continuing to recruit well. Position coaches are only going to be able to teach "so much". There comes a point when an experienced player is the best coach of young players. Lack of this is what is going to extend the time the coaches will need improve the team.

For example John Sasson is no longer a starter?  Are you kidding me?

John Sasson is a leader. He is one tough SOB. He is humble. He leads by example. And he is a fine LB and has been for his whole time at YSU.

If he is a step "slower" so be it......he'll crack heads for 60 minutes. And that will be a good thing during a 60 minute game.

I am not his Dad. Just someone who knows a little a about linebacking..., character..and leadership.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Post-Game Thoughts?
« on: September 26, 2011, 10:35:37 PM »

I am not one of those people that doesn't realize it is going to take time. What bothered me is that we were the better team last Saturday. Had we came to play the way we did against Michigan State, we would have beaten them by more than 2 scores. We shouldn't have lost that game. Take away the 21 spot and we win. We played in a fog. The first 15 minutes. That is in addition to the fact that we almost scored a defensive TD that we fumbled out of the endzone and gave it back. That is a play I blame on youth. That is a play that he will learn from. I know that coach practice ball protection.

The real problem that I had was the fact that we may need this win at the end if the year to have a shot at the playoffs. I believe that we could make some noise in the conference this year. That was an unnecessary loss.

Yep. I pretty much agree.

An unnecessary loss. Gotta win the games you should......and a few you shouldn't, to be great.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Post-Game Thoughts?
« on: September 26, 2011, 08:58:13 PM »
We all need to calm down...Please look at the 2 Deep depth charts and count how many Seniors are in the mix...look at games started etc,,,

The roster was gutted because we needed to upgrade size, speed, athleticism, and look like a FCS team...Wolford is recruiting his a$$ off but this is a 3-5 yr project...and then we should be back in the mix...Indy State will win more than you think..but we have to be patient and let the rebuild happen...

When u have Fresh and Sophs manning aloit of the positions you probably are not going to win championships...

The problem is we got lucky and got an offensive genuis that knows offensive football and can tutor QB's to make the pro's...Montgomery-and Big Ben...this team is improving and growing every week..Hess is what 4 games into his soph again patience

Agree 100%. Some folks thinks this stuff happens overnight. It doesn't.

Coach could go the "full JUCO" route and get us better quicker. But that is a slippery slope. After each year or two, the cupboard is bare again. He's trying to find a balance between JUCO's (who can play now and keep us fans happy) and 4 year guys (who will build the solid championship foundation).

And it'll take 4 years minimum. Understand that reality.

With that said, we should see incremental improvement each year. Last year wasn't good. This game wasn't good.

But I can see the talent he has brought in. With patience and support (from us), I think Coach will get there.

Let's stay positive so potential recruits who read this stuff get excited. A player or two can make all the difference in the world.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs ISU in-Game Thread
« on: September 24, 2011, 03:07:08 PM »
I don't know if we can blame Kravitz.

But someome/somebody wasn't prepared for this game, that's for sure.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: T.V.
« on: September 21, 2011, 09:57:12 PM »

But you would be shocked at how many people do not have DVR's. And even more shocked by people who don't even have cable TV. Granted, those folks aren't our target market.....but with that said, "why make it harder to watch a YSU "replay" than it already is? Why ignore any market? We are in a Y-town economy after all. Every seat, every body....can make a difference.

Lay the "product" out on the plate.......for everyone to they do at fine restaurants. I've eaten more desserts than I ever wanted too, because the presentation was efficient and timely (right after dinner), and was stuck right in my face......I couldn't ignore it...Nor did I have to "look" for it.

Basic marketing stuff here guys. Basic stuff.

Maybe the local networks aren't working with us.

Maybe they'd rather show a Gerry Springer re-run on Wednesday night.....I dunno.

And if the networks get bigger ratings with a 4 year-old Springer re-run (or some other silly "mindless" TV show) on Wednesday night, .....than a well advertised YSU Football game........well then that tells you how far our society has fallen.

Just asking a legit question.

Non YSU Sports / Re: Ytown high
« on: September 20, 2011, 11:14:48 PM »
If East can keep the parochials from raiding all the talent in Youngstown City ...they could have some great teams!!!

I'll refine that very well said statement.

Ursuline has become the East/Chaney/Wilson/North/South/Rayen-All Star a few catholic guys named Ohara....this is what Ursuline has become.........Our HS programs in Y-twon would be much better off if this was moderated by the Diocese.

Sure Mooney always got a kid or two each year from the city....they still do.

But they never get their friends on the North Side.

A casual view of each schools football programs....and the grade schools....their players attended (if school doesn't) all that needs to be said.

Ursuline won NOTHING at the regional or State level......until the demise of the Y-town public schools. And the "vouchers" they so expertly exploited.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: T.V.
« on: September 20, 2011, 10:30:14 PM »

To answer your question, yes.  WFMJ also owns the CW network channel in Youngstown (WBCB), and that channel will carry the game.  It is channel number 14 on Time-Warner cable or 21-2 if you can receive over the air signals with your digital television.

No comment......on my comment?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: A QUESTION
« on: September 20, 2011, 08:16:44 PM »
Let the student trainers, equipment staff, and third stringers work the crowd while the rest of the team focuses on the opposition.  Most folks around me were making noise on thrid down, but most people that come to the games aren't that passionate.  I'm just glad they buy tickets.  I believe the crowd will be louder on the 8th provided we win this weekend.

Agreed. People will start getting excited, when the game means something. Now understand, I know every game means a lot.....but when we are playing our final league game for the league title......"trust me", folks will show up, get off their butts, and be loud.

We've got to get back to that level. Right now fans have a "slight" interest. Just waiting for the sandcastle to fall....again. They don't want to get their hopes up or invest emotional energy until they know it will be reciprocated with wins and titles.

It's a bad way for the fans to think. It's a chicken or egg thing. Fans must support FIRST. Then they get their "title". They unfortunately want the "title" first.....until they start getting off their azzes and start cheering.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: T.V.
« on: September 20, 2011, 08:02:26 PM »
Is sat. game being broadcast on local T.V.?

I'd like to see MyYTV "replay these games on Tuesday or Wednesday nights at 9pm.......instead of rebroadcasting them later on Saturday at 10 pm.....when they have to compete against the Oklahoma vs Florida State game on ABC.....and the plethora of "other" interesting.....National games.....that are just finishing up that are served up by the "family" of ESPN networks.

Sunday mornings.....which also using as a time equally bad.

After 10-11am is for pro- football.

Replay the games when there is no competition. Advertise it as so......get eyes to the product (Tuesday/Wed)....when you have no competition. Get people excited about YSU football.

I'm sure Ron Strollo and Coach Love......have been requesting this commomn sense approach to the local media.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: ILS Post-Game
« on: September 17, 2011, 08:33:33 PM »
Defense has issues. No offense in the second half. Exciting game though. ILS went conservative. They lost that game for themselves. I am not sure what to do on D, but we just need to play 4-quarters on O.

I posted this on another thread:

"We have been scoring 30-40 points a game for 2 years now. And it seems everyone else does too!

Is anyone other than me wondering about the defenses at the 1-aa level in our league?

Should we not spend every available scholarship next year on defense? We are loaded offensively with freshman and sophs.

30 - 40 points a game should win 9 out of 10 games in any league, at any level, at any time, in any year.

Or maybe I'm missing something.

Just wondering here.

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