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Messages - Pizza

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Guins Pick-up Class of 2012 QB Recruit
« on: October 12, 2011, 10:50:01 PM »
Looks, runs and throws like Hess.  :) :D

Built like Hess too.....He'll be 235lbs by the time he's a soph.

Nice pick-up. Congrats to all involved.

The Fritts kid from Mentor should be next on our list. 6'3" soph WR. Reminds of Moye from PennState. A great basketball player as a frosh on a very good D1 varsity team.

This kid should be getting letters from YSU immediately. A little love early from YSU may allow us to snag him. He'll have many offers by the end of his junior year.

i would rather have Mentors QB that kid is going to be something special

Mentors' QB (just a Jr) is a top end FBS material. I don't think TOSU or Michigan will offer him.....but Illinois, Iowa, Northwestern and Purdue certainly will.

Trust on this Fritts kid. He's a bigger faster Dane a slot guy or #1 WR athlete at FCS level.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Stoops
« on: October 12, 2011, 08:29:54 PM »
Pizza I agree with you on the point you trying to make. Stoops is not the problem!

Stoops 100% absolutley is a MAJOR Part of the problem
otherwise our D wouldnt be half as bad as it is

We'll have to agree to disagree then.Stoops' main "gig" is HS relations. He teaches at Boardman during the day, then shows up for practice in the afternoon. All concerned knew this was the amount of time YSU could reasonably expect from him.

If there is any problem with Stoops' it's that he's not coaching enough (not full-time). He has tremendous football knowledge and can "convey" it.....he has proven that in his career. Boardman was at their best when he was there. Mooney won 2 state titles and had 4-5 appearances in the state title game during his tenure. His dad also coached Mooney to 4 other state titles. He's was watching films on defense when he 6 years old. He has access to Oklahoma's, Florida State's, Arizona's, and Nebraskas' coaching staff with a simple phone call. And has had that for the last 15 years.

He is not the problem.

I still say this staff needs another 2 years....and we need to support the recruiting efforts. As kids (potential recruits) read message boards. It would be nice if Wolford could have gone 8-3 this year. So our small effort wouldn't be necessary. But it appears there was some overconfidence.

"Thank you Uncle Pizza"


Lol.....that was good. Stoops doesn't need my help. If anything, his strong personalty may be an issue with the current staff. He's not used to being a part time guy. He's been running the show for the last 20 years at the HS level. It's hard to go back and take orders and bite your toungue.

I'm just speculating here.

Just give this team and staff time. I have the utmost confidence they'll get going.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Kurt Hess
« on: October 12, 2011, 08:25:04 PM »
If I'm not mistaken....Hess is just a sophmore. And a damn good one at that. He had one really bad series. I can show 50 others where he was great.

Just like the Stoops argument.......Hess isn't the problem either.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: I say screw the Offense!
« on: October 12, 2011, 02:00:57 PM »
The offense is scoring points.

Let's just let the season play out.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Guins Pick-up Class of 2012 QB Recruit
« on: October 12, 2011, 01:31:22 PM »
Looks, runs and throws like Hess.  :) :D

Built like Hess too.....He'll be 235lbs by the time he's a soph.

Nice pick-up. Congrats to all involved.

The Fritts kid from Mentor should be next on our list. 6'3" soph WR. Reminds of Moye from PennState. A great basketball player as a frosh on a very good D1 varsity team.

This kid should be getting letters from YSU immediately. A little love early from YSU may allow us to snag him. He'll have many offers by the end of his junior year.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Stoops
« on: October 11, 2011, 07:43:22 PM »
Stoops isn't the problem.. Are we serious on this!  All new guys playing kids that should have redshirted last year and the year before and we want all conference right out of the box..LOL Blaming ridiculous

Great Post YG ...some common sense. I would add that we needed to work more with existing players (2 years ago) & system ...but Wolf chose to start over. So we have to accept the time it is going to take.

I would only have one piece of advice for coach W. Stop blaming your players. You are working with HS kids, not NFL veterans. You are not going to "find some guys" have to make them. It is called coaching. We are good fans ...we just want to see progress. No matter how slight.


Pay the man..... Shirley!!

Too much finger pointing for anyones' liking.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Kurt Hess
« on: October 11, 2011, 07:38:43 PM »
first post here,  as a 20 year old YSU fan (although they are my 2nd team tied with Mt. Union but still behind the Buckeyes)

does Hess have the potential to be one of, or the Best QB in school history? how good was Isaac? Jaworski?

Hess seems like he has alot of potential (big, strong arm, pretty accurate, mobile for 6'4 230) and could have a NFL future if he gets enough pub

if not, who is the best QB from YSU ever and why? top 5 best all time?

Right now he's the 23rd ranked QB in FCS.

Brungard best all time at YSU count the rings  ;D

Rings=Team Effort

Hess will probably shatter all of Brungards numbers

Without the rings your records are meaningless. It takes a winner to organize and control a team :)

Don't tell that to those who voted Dan Marino into the NFL Hall of Fame. And the millions of football fans who agreed with that decision.

That's why football is such a great game. No one player can do it alone. Terry Bradshaw was an above average QB, yet he won 4 Super Bowls, because of 53 other guys (and 200 other coaches, owners, support staff....etc).

Bart Starr is another that comes to mind with a ring who was "average" before Lombardi. Lot's of average Qb's have won rings at all levels because of great supporting cast.

My post is not to take away from ANY of the great QB's YSU has had. Some were great and had a great team with them. They got a ring. Some were great (Zetts) and didn't quite get there.

My point is it takes 22 (offense and defense)......and hundreds of others......and a little be a champion.

Non YSU Sports / Re: OT: Boosters
« on: October 10, 2011, 10:52:19 PM »

do you not know how the NCAA works? they cant tie in future violations with past violations in the same reports, not to mention the NCAA has said absolutley nothing about the current so called "Violations"

WTF are you talking about.  The NCAA had quite a bit to say about these new violations.  They just just announced additional suspensions on Friday for Posey, Marcus Hall, Melvin Fellows and Daniel Herron.

FYI, most people here know this already but I have worked at OSU, WSU, UD, and UC in their athletic departments in the past.  My experence in college athletics includes 6 years in NCAA compliance.  And you are very wrong in your above statement.  The NCAA can re-open an investigation at anytime as long as it is within it's five year statue of limitation.  Even if the NCAA rules on OSU's tattoo scandal, they can come back with additional sanction after the fact if additional evidence is uncovered.   Here is a link to the NCAA D1 manual.  You might want to buy one so you know WTF you are talking about instead of making up your BS as you go.

Love a guy with facts and experience.

My only question is.....why would they want to kill the cash cow? Haven't they crushed the OSU enough.....what with the delays...extra weeks of probabtions.....etc.....

They have hung OSU out to dry for 6-8 months.....and it hasn't ended yet.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Stoops
« on: October 10, 2011, 07:46:58 PM »
Pizza I agree with you on the point you trying to make. Stoops is not the problem!

Stoops 100% absolutley is a MAJOR Part of the problem
otherwise our D wouldnt be half as bad as it is

We'll have to agree to disagree then.Stoops' main "gig" is HS relations. He teaches at Boardman during the day, then shows up for practice in the afternoon. All concerned knew this was the amount of time YSU could reasonably expect from him.

If there is any problem with Stoops' it's that he's not coaching enough (not full-time). He has tremendous football knowledge and can "convey" it.....he has proven that in his career. Boardman was at their best when he was there. Mooney won 2 state titles and had 4-5 appearances in the state title game during his tenure. His dad also coached Mooney to 4 other state titles. He's was watching films on defense when he 6 years old. He has access to Oklahoma's, Florida State's, Arizona's, and Nebraskas' coaching staff with a simple phone call. And has had that for the last 15 years.

He is not the problem.

I still say this staff needs another 2 years....and we need to support the recruiting efforts. As kids (potential recruits) read message boards. It would be nice if Wolford could have gone 8-3 this year. So our small effort wouldn't be necessary. But it appears there was some overconfidence.

Non YSU Sports / Re: OT: Boosters
« on: October 09, 2011, 08:56:24 PM »
after i heard this news

"...And a FWIW the Word on the street is Les Wexner (2.8 Bil net worth) and Jay Schottenstien (2.3 Bil net worth) are pushing Gene Smith to fire Fickel and Hire Meyer the day right after the Michigan game more and more and have already once threatened to no longer donate to the university..."

it got me to think, do we have any major boosters? and what would Strollo do in this situation?

I too heard that plan. And a number of folks are hoping for it. Not that Fickel is bad. But a Urban Meyer hire has "juice".....and a new great era begins. If it's gonna happen, here is hoping the story unfolds like described above.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Stoops
« on: October 09, 2011, 08:48:47 PM »
According to Pizza 165,000,000 people know more about football than Coach Stoops!

LOL  ;) Nice.

But trust me Coach Stoops is not the problem.

Here is something I learned from coach Heacock ..a long time ago when he was still the DC. The game of football changed when they allowed teams to pass the ball in a forward direction. Now opposing football teams have two ways they can score against you. The only way that you can be consistently successful on defense is to shut down one of these two options ..the pass or the run.  This is known as a team's defensive "style". Although a good "swarming" defense can do both of these in a game, there still has to be a constant focus on one or the other.

1. Run-focused defense: a defense that stops the run is built from the front, to the back. Your most crucial point is up front; yet your secondary is "flying solo" so they need to be the best, while you front needs to bring pressure.

2. Pass-focused defense: a defense that stops the pass is built from the back to the front. Your most crucial point is in the secondary. There is an extra man in the back, and the  middle plays more coverage, which forces the opposing QB to run or throw it away.

Of course I am over-simplifying it above. However, right now our focus, or style, on defense is wrong for our conference. Our secondary is all speed, but no skills ...INT's, break-ups, tackles. Are we ever going to turn our heads to see where the ball is at? I mean there are some experienced receivers out there, and they are going to know that our CB's are watching only the eyes. In the middle, are our LB's ever going to be able to stop playing the line, and cover a slant-pass over the middle? Are our DE's ever going to be able to develop enough to read a QB and cover the run vs the pass?

I see a great deal of talk about more time. Yes, that is true ...we all need to remember that coach W must have his time. However, we lost an enormous number of starters 2-years ago (not to cry over spilled milk, but far more than we should have), now we are talking about how young they are this year once again. Now I am hearing he needs a couple more recruiting classes. We can go to any high-school in the country, and we are going to see the same thing ...high-school players. These guys need to become college players. These next classes should be for depth ...not for replacements. This is an indication to me that a system is still not in place. Although "Pride" is upset in his post (and with good reason in my mind), to me he is "spot-on" when he says that coach W better evaluate staff. Are we playing the right defense for the MVFC? Forget the Missouri Valley ...are we playing the right football for the Mahoning Valley?

Well thought out. Nice post.

The offense score enough points to win.  The D is clueless.  They don't jam the receivers.  Thy just let them run their routes.  Pisses me off.  By the way, whree are our LB's????

Here's how I feel.......

That's the best I can do right now. ??? :'( :-\ :-X :-[ ::)

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Stoops
« on: October 09, 2011, 01:22:07 AM »
Hey I present this respectfully.

I'm way older than you. I've seen more football than you. But more than that, I have coached at the HS/College/ and USA Olympic Team Level. I'm not  bringing that up to impress you. I just say that, just so you may be able to understand my opinions on talent level. Both athletes and coaches.

So FWIW......IMHO......I believe we have better athletes this year. I believe this staff needs 4 years to prove themselves. And MOST importantly.......Coach Ron Stoops knows more football than half the USA Population).

The last census of USA "population"......about 330,000,000......

So, in other words, Coach Stoops is pretty smart.

Coach Wolf......needs 4 years. ANY COACH NEEDS 3-4 years.


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Kurt Hess
« on: October 08, 2011, 08:01:30 PM »
Ron Jaworski was the best quarterback to ever play here, and he was followed, after a one year interval, by Cliff Stout.  Both men had reasonably long NFL careers, although Stout was primarily Bradshaw's caddy in Pittsburgh.  Those two were certainly the best passers to ever play for YSU.  Tressel's quarterbacks were mostly game managers rather than star passers.  Trenton Lykes, Ray Isaac, Mark Brungard, Demond Tidwell, Jeff Ryan.  Take your pick.  Tom Zetts was the best last decade.  If he stays healthy, Kurt Hess will break every passing record.

if Hess breaks every passing record (which he is very well on pace to do) and at least gets to an NC, is he the best of all time?

Hess is very good.

Passing records mean little anymore with the spread offenses in todays game. Asterisk* should be used for most football records "before" the spread and "after" the spread.

so should they do that after every time the game starts to change? should we * stats after and before the foward pass/

My answer to that would be yes.

And understand, I think Hess is special. And a great kid and leader.

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