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Messages - Pizza

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Recruiting News..?
« on: January 23, 2012, 10:42:49 PM »
2 commitments so far.

Michael Wheary: WR from Lakeland Christian School in Lakeland, FL. 5-9, 160 pounds. Looks like a smaller Christian Bryan basically, lacks great speed.

I've always said, you can never have enough 5-9, 160lbs guys on a D1 football team.

Hope he runs a 4.2

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Recruiting News..?
« on: January 20, 2012, 09:23:01 PM »
Austin Trgovcich is no John Simon, but he does not have to be a player of that caliber in order to help us.  He is not very fast and his stats will not overwhelm you, but he saw considerable playing time as a sophomore at Mooney which is an impressive accomplishment.  He played on a defensive line without other college prospects, so he was double-teamed continuously.  Here is what I like best about him.  A Mooney junior linebacker was named the Ohio DIII defensive player-of-the-year.  That kid got the honor primarily because he was roaming free and unblocked on many plays.  And Trgovcich occupied the offensive linemen to enable that to happen.

I have strong opinions here. Based on watching all the aforementioned  for 2-6 years....every game, during their HS careers. Just let me say this.....

Trgovich is going to be a great player at YSU. A great player! He is the epitome...of what Youngstown Ohio (and Mooney) has to offer. He's a tad short.....6'1 1/2 -ish.....but he has BCS strength and attitude. And for our sake, it's good he is ONLY.......6"2"....for if he was 6'5"......he'd be playing at Alabama.

A great catch for YSU!!!

I'm gonna be rooting for this kid for the next 4-5 years.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Not One
« on: January 11, 2012, 09:23:25 PM »
"Some's better to BE NICE.......than to be RIGHT !"

Small people hold grudges......and there are a lot of small people in our world.

A simple "smile" to those ......that love to hold grudges.......creates wonders......

I am so happy for this team!!!

I know a few of these upper-classmen.....and they are class guys!!!

They are the reason for this early success. If you post up to a game or 6!!!

Help out a growing program!!

Strollo may just be the AD of the YEAR in any conference or year.....I hope he is!!!!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Recruiting News..?
« on: January 08, 2012, 09:37:45 PM »
And or we can recruit Compton, Cali.......that bastion of "character and class" real hard.

Yea,.....yea...that's the ticket....

They are good JUCO program Pizza. Last time I checked Mill Creek Park was only a small part of Youngstown, so we have no room to talk about being Americas most beautiful city. Compton is an industrial area, just as we are. If I came from there I would be just as proud as I am from being from Ytown.  I remember quoting coach W ..."I am not a California guy" & thinking what an inexperienced comment that was to make. He was recruiting his first class. Now he sees that there are some great JUCO programs out West. We have had more than a few Penguin Greats come from Cali.

Heard. And accepted.....I knew I would catch a little heat. But few people on this site have been as staunchly supportive of this current staff than I have been. We'd all all agree on that....(just need to check my other 99.5% other posts for proof).

Hope these kids work out......we have to reach sometimes.

A quick many players have left the program since last winter? Either thru injury or lack of academic progress. And what portition of those came from rescinded "Big Time" D1 scholly guys or Juco's?

Not hatin' here. Just asking a question.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Recruiting News..?
« on: January 06, 2012, 11:22:22 PM »
And or we can recruit Compton, Cali.......that bastion of "character and class" real hard.

Yea,.....yea...that's the ticket....

I've always can never get enough high quality, student athletes..... "character" guys.....from COMPTON, California, to build your program around !! They are MONEY......low risk to reward ratio...... :P

Where is Sir Demarco Bledsoe.....the "superstar" TCU (transfer)...pain in the azz.....when you need him????

He seems like Mother Theresa right now.

Somebody is feeling heat.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Message to Strollo
« on: November 23, 2011, 12:11:41 AM »
Strollo isn't the issue......ever speak with him....about important matters?

He does just fine......he's exceptional actually......... and he's a YSU "guy".

Strollo......needs to stay......his coaches.....need to step up.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Offense
« on: November 13, 2011, 12:52:39 AM »
why does the Offense stall out after the 5th possesion?

heard earlier today, YSU scores 92% of the time, in their 1st 5 possesions this year, after that? just a mear 34% between the 6th and 8th possesions, and just 14% in any possesions after that

Maybe they get tired?

Look to the strength and conditioning guys for that.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: DEFENSE!! DEFENSE!!
« on: November 12, 2011, 07:26:37 PM »
Congrats to all involved !!!

A Huge win!!!!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Attendance this year for YSU football?
« on: October 30, 2011, 10:51:01 PM »
No disrespect.....but I'm planning MY weekend (s).....around the LSU vs Alabama game.....and others' like it.

Few 1-AA teams have great attendance unless they are championship teams (or exist in a cow pasture). Because most knowledgeable football fans would rather watch OSU/ND/Alabama/ Florida/Oklahoma/ home on a "Lazy Boy" with a "clicker in their hand......than be at Stambaugh paying $3 for a cold hot dog and bad "unappreciative", non-smiling service crew.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Player development
« on: October 29, 2011, 10:40:49 PM »
Would you people take this high school stuff over to the space that IAA Fan provides for non-YSU topics so that the rest of us do not have to endure this.


To answer your question, on his radio show last Monday Eric Wolford made the bold statement that Demon Hymes has a chance to be the best running back that he ever recruited (counting not just his two years here but also his time at FBS programs.)  Bob Hannon was surprised and gave Wolford the chance to refine his comments.  No, Wolford repeated them and stated that finding playing time for all our running backs would be difficult next season.  So, Hymes must head the list of promising redshirts.

So is the conversation like this..:

YSU: "hey Jamaine (Cook). You've been great for 3 years and saved my butt. But you are now a senior, and we have a R-Fr who's pretty close to you talent see ya......thanks......I can give you Deonta's Tate phone number if you'd like?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Player development
« on: October 29, 2011, 04:26:48 PM »
We will just have to wait and see.

YSU over the last 5 Heacock years and the first 2 of Wolford were certainly one of the "best" 16 teams in 1-AA.

The problem is they take only a 1-3 from our league. We lost to the Top seeds by 3-10 points most of those years. And yet the way it is set, teams like Robert Morris get in?

And then Robert Morris and similar lesser teams get their butts kicked in the first round.....


It's much like how a very good Ursuline team this year may miss out on the playoffs and another title, because they played a great schedule and lost a few games against state powers. But yet some farm team from Cleveland gets' in ahead of them because they go 10-0 playing nobodies.

what the hell are you takling about?
1st Ursuline struggled to beat even the lesser teams on the schedule
2nd what "farm team from Cleveland" went 10-0?
3rd why should Ursuline get in with a LOSING record? because they played a tough schedule LMFAO HAHAHAHAH
4th Ursuline is as close to a "Farm team" from any city can ever get

To answer your questions:

1) Ursuline played only 1 "lesser team" on their whole schedule, that being Cleve East Tech. I would hardly include Mooney and SVSM as "lesser teams.
2) Kirtland is the "farm team" I was refering to. I think they went 10-0. And if you've ever been to's a farm town.....lot's of horses and cows.
3) Ursuline shouldn't get in OR be left out because they had a losing record. The should or shouldn't get in because they have OR haven't EARNED enough computer points. (Ursuline is out BTW)
4) And no. Ursuline isn't a farm team. But most D5/D6 schools are.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Player development
« on: October 27, 2011, 11:04:19 PM »
and Ursuline playing in D-5 state playoffs is as big of a joke as a team such as Robert Morris getting into the playoffs.  Hopefully St. V's puts the final nail in their coffin so one of those farm school who play with home grown kids have a chance to win it.

Mooney knocked out SVSM's best player (a QB) from what I've heard. They averaged 45 points a game before the Mooney beatdown. SVSM is averaging 8 points a game since.

Ursuline huge at home.....

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Player development
« on: October 27, 2011, 08:35:55 PM »
We will just have to wait and see.

YSU over the last 5 Heacock years and the first 2 of Wolford were certainly one of the "best" 16 teams in 1-AA.

The problem is they take only a 1-3 from our league. We lost to the Top seeds by 3-10 points most of those years. And yet the way it is set, teams like Robert Morris get in?

And then Robert Morris and similar lesser teams get their butts kicked in the first round.....


It's much like how a very good Ursuline team this year may miss out on the playoffs and another title, because they played a great schedule and lost a few games against state powers. But yet some farm team from Cleveland gets' in ahead of them because they go 10-0 playing nobodies.

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