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Post-Game Thoughts?

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IAA Fan:
Wick, I think you are going over the top with basketball. Heck I am very excited about Penguin hoops this year. We had all three TO's left Lecter ...Wolf did not call his last one ...nice sign of maturation as a HC, I was very pleased.

Maybe Kravitz is used to a higher talent level, but I just think we need more work on fundamentals. Then more use of upper-classmen to help. The secondary of ISU watched the ball the whole way ...you will not get any INTs that way (unless the pass is bad) ...but it is a good place to start. We need to worry about weight up front ...before height. I know you can make someone bigger, but not taller, but I do not buy it. We cannot wait 30-minutes to find a way to bring pressure.

Coach T and coach H always had issues with small backs (Freeny, Karpenter, Edwards, Stecker, even that little guy from Marshall). Although I misspoke in my previous post. Bell did not have 296 against us ...it was 256. So Bell did not set a record ...he is is second. The 1999 Adrian Peterson still has him by 4-yards. 

BTW: I forgot to mention how terrific Sharbaugh was in the game. Nice!!

Here is what I saw:

Coaching staff did not have the team ready to play.  How could we be so well prepared for Michigan State, Valpo and Illinois State and be so unprepared for Indiana State?

I may be answering my own question, but the offense was still in the second half lull it was in at the end of the Illinois State Game at the beginning of this game.

Indiana State played faster or least it appeared that way to me.

I see that our inability to recognize problems in defensive alignment is becoming a common theme.  Against Illinois State the receiver ran the same route on every single 3rd down and we were burned over the middle.  In this game we had the same type of issue where they ran the ball to the outside.  They also had the TE open over the middle.

Why don't we know how to run press coverage?  With our speed we should be in man in the secondary running true bump and run.  It's like we run the press half assed.  We are not covering well enough and it does not appear that we are using our safety and LB's for run support.  How many times did we have a LB in man coverage on a WR?  We did not get off of our blocks yesterday, especially on the corners.  Someone teach the corners how to get off their blocks please!

Finally, why do we show our defensive alignment all the time?  We only stunt on a blitz (and we are not blitzing much).  There is no shifting on the DL or by the LB's or the Safety.  When we do blitz we always show where it is coming from before the play is run.  Every time the tackle is gapped out that is the side the blitz is coming from.  All the QB has to do is read it and throw a bubble screen to the half back or get his WR open behind him.  I watched the RB release, block the corner down and get the WR open and I saw them get the ball to the RB while the WR blocked the corner out of bounds on the same defensive play.  They had two answers for that alignment.   We have to have the speed and physical play to get off of our blocks. 

I know we are young and this is a project, but my goodness we make it look like a 7 on 7 the way we play defense.  I think that Indiana State had a great game plan against our defense.  They did a great job of identifying our weaknesses.  One of them is that it takes us way, way way too long to identify a problem, coach the player up, and then get him to stop it.  USE a time out if something is looking like that.  Especially early in the game when you are getting taken to the woodshed.  Try to find an answer.

Our offense looked mortal against the blitz this week.  Why?  Illinois State blitzed and we were able to deal with it.  What happened this week?  Were we outmatched or not playing hard or both?

Damnit, The Buckeyes are going to suck this year so I was at least hoping that I could look forward to a possible playoff run or at least get close.  But you can't expect to be in the mix when you let someone score that many points on you, especially the way they did it.  That little running back should have been planted early and often.  Why do we have to load the box to stop a run play too?  Where are our LB's?  i never see them make plays unless they are in the secondary.  Is that a problem?

Starting to rant so I'll stop.

I agree with fundamentals.  We are lacking in that area for whatever reason.  Our defense is athletic and talented but we are not in position most of the time and too many missed tackles.  That is on the defensive coaches to fix yet it has been an issue two years now. 

I hope the week off this week the coaches make fundatmentals a priority.

SDSU will not be an easy game if we are not ready.  They almost beat Ill. St. on the road.

I dread the road game at NDSU that can get ugly.  They are probably the best team in the FCS right now.

Relax, it is only Wolford's start of his second year. It will take time to correct the disaster that Heacock left him. As you can see I didn't call him coach Heacock as he was not that or a recruiter or was he any good with the fans who supported the team. Heacock's team had to be gutted and replaced with players who can play. So give the team some time. Watch for a good team next year and the year after. Until then keep supporting this coach and team. GO YSU PENGUINS

IAA Fan:
Let's not bring this back to a coach T vs. coach H vs. a coach W thread. We had plenty of time under the first two ...not as much under coach W. We just want to see some quality football for the massive increase in $$ the current staff has. I want to see improvement, no matter how slight it may be. So far I have seen two GFC O-backs rip us apart. I have seen two GFC QB's have good outings against us. We have yet to face the conference's best in either position.

We have seen some improvement in areas ...o line, QB, use of a more power-oriented back and a multi-back set on offense. Some improvement in routs by the WR's. Finally a realization that TE's are still vital in this conference ...especially with a pro-set QB. I fully expect Montgomery to mix in some non-QB snaps this season or next.

On defense I see some more advanced formations than under the predecessors, but no results.

I know this is very basic, and may sound naive in today's world of read-oriented offenses. However, I have always believed that an offense has two weapons ...running and passing. I have always watched YSU coaches do different things, but they tried to shut down one or the other. I prefer to stop the run in this conference, then let them beat us with the pass. Yes this requires top-notch db's/cb's that can play man. It requires big run-stopping lines; but most of all it requires line-backers from h3ll.


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