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Post-Game Thoughts?

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I am stunned by all these posts.....

1) we win that game running away if we don't fumble the ball on defense going in.....

2) there were guys in position all day to make plays on defense...they just did not tackle...if you look
at every big plays Ind. St. had... we had multiple chances to bring em down....

3) there is not a team in the country that will letter as many fresh - sophs on defense as YSU...growing
pains...not a whole lot left to Coach W on D...

4) always difficult to travel that far and win on the road...AND...this is not your fathers Ind. St. team...so enough of the ..."we always beat these guys BS"...they will win there share of games this year...that team
is not bad...

5) as far as the onside kick....what did you expect them to do...even if they kick it away...with the TO's...they get the ball back with no time...


I'm not sure which game you were watching but I saw an average. Team beat us down like we didn't belong in the first half. More specifically the first 15 minutes. They had such a large lead that they could blitz the crap out of us. That. Is not the way you start a game  It took way to long for us to make any adjustments to what they were doing and I watched our safeties give up on plays. There were missed tackles but we were out of postion on thos toss sweep plays around the edge.

So i guess after everybody checked out the 2 deep depth chart..they think we are going to be effective with frosh, and sophomores and JC transfers with very few gameday starts under their belts..not going to happen...

We have a long way to go and i am sure the tackling issues will be addressed during the bye week.

This team was gutted for a reason   we lacked depth, talent and athleticism, size..and that has been addressed. 

If we would have got a favorable call on the fumble recovery we would have a W...

I agree about the onside kick would have kicked it away...


--- Quote from: YSU RON on September 25, 2011, 09:47:09 AM ---Relax, it is only Wolford's start of his second year. It will take time to correct the disaster that Heacock left him. As you can see I didn't call him coach Heacock as he was not that or a recruiter or was he any good with the fans who supported the team. Heacock's team had to be gutted and replaced with players who can play. So give the team some time. Watch for a good team next year and the year after. Until then keep supporting this coach and team. GO YSU PENGUINS

--- End quote ---

Accountability dammit!  We're blaming Heacock still?   This sounds like one of those "Blame Bush" excuses.

IAA Fan:
I felt the on-side kick was smart. just not executed well. We were not going to stop Bell. I also thought about the onside kick earlier. Also, we were afraid to blitz when we had them still in shock with the comeback attempt. However, it was allowing 21-points in the first 15-minutes that killed us. Then, not scoring on our opening possession of the second half was the dagger. We needed the turn-over, but we lost that as well. Although I am not convinced the ball did not cross. Replay had only one angle ...basically from behind & left.


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