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Why they would choose us for the playoffs

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--- Quote from: guinpen on November 20, 2022, 04:27:46 PM ---It would have been nice but it is what it is.

Not that long ago we would have been excited to even be in the conversation.

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Some things never change.  That being said we have to win the conference to guarantee a spot in the playoffs.  It's no longer just a simple probability that we've been left out.  Montana has a weak schians they were blown out.  Delaware lost several games to end the season.  Those were the excuses we were given in the past. 

They conspire against us.  Period.  We need to run up the score as much as possible on every team we outmatch.  Push everyone and act unsportsmanlike when we lose.  Maybe then we will get the respect.

Double ET:

--- Quote from: YSUGO on November 20, 2022, 04:11:59 PM ---The Cosgrove FCS ranking system had us at 37


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Seriously, St. Francis is at 13 and Dayton is at 40, 3 spots below us?

The FCS cannot stand YSU.  The ranking makes NO sense.  We are 37 with a SOS of 9?  POLITICAL.  Our AD doesn't help either. 

Reading these comments, the only thing that surprised me is that some of you are surprised. The NCAA selection committee has been a corrupt institution for decades. The NCAA organization really does not care about IAA/FCS football.  They know this system is flawed but have failed to fix it for generations.

If the NCAA were interested in running an honest playoff, they need do only three simple things.

First, eliminate the conference ADs and staff the committee with about five retired, well-respected football people who no longer had any institutional affiliation.  And pay them well for their service.

Second, publish for all to see the criteria that will be used for at-large selections.  And stick to that criteria.

Third, and most importantly, how the five-man committee release a power ranking of all teams with a .500 or above record after the games on the first Saturday of November.  And make it clear that the at-large bids will come from that list.  You may or may not like your position, but you would know exactly where you stood. And the possibility for corruption would dramatically decrease.

That is what the NCAA would do if they cared.  They don't.

Wick all good points.  I said yesterday that we won’t get in.  The history was there for us not to get picked.  You are right about the AD’s.  That needs to be changed.  Honestly the whole FCS system needs revamped.  How is it fair for a non scholly or a conference that they do not spend the money get an auto bid.  It’s a joke teams like St Francis Dayton don’t spend squat.  But we beat our heads into the ground playing in an upper tier conference and we get screwed over and over.  It’s just a joke


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