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Why they would choose us for the playoffs

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If you watched that football team and thought we deserved to be in the playoffs, take off the red tinted glasses. That was a 1 man show. Next year will be brutal unless they kill it in the portal.

Double ET:

--- Quote from: YSUGO on November 20, 2022, 05:44:19 PM ---Wick all good points.  I said yesterday that we won’t get in.  The history was there for us not to get picked.  You are right about the AD’s.  That needs to be changed.  Honestly the whole FCS system needs revamped.  How is it fair for a non scholly or a conference that they do not spend the money get an auto bid.  It’s a joke teams like St Francis Dayton don’t spend squat.  But we beat our heads into the ground playing in an upper tier conference and we get screwed over and over.  It’s just a joke

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The selection committee reminds me of the admission office in many universities. In the name of diversity and affirmative action, one ethnic group is often given special quota over the other ethnic groups with far superior achievement’s.
This is why it is being reviewed by the Supreme Court right now.
The selection committee is simply following the same liberal  philosophy.

The number of people on the committee or their experience will not change things. Having only 5 members means that there are less folks to buy-off.

The only way to fix it is to take humans out of the process and get rid of auto bids - period!

Let a computer do it. Develop a program that ranks every 1-AA team based on SOS and record, after the first month of the season start to publish the ranking weekly. Losing to a top 25 FBS school by 10 should mean more then beating a D2 school by 10. Going 4 and 4 in a strong conference should not hurt your chances just like going 8-0 in a weak conference should not help your chances.

Force teams to step up their schedule, force leagues to raise the bar if they are interested in making the play-offs.

Ohio does a decent job of coming up with computer rankings for high school football based on SOS, the NCAA should be able to come up with something to fit their needs.  Sure there would be a lot of factors involved but it could and should be done.

Let everyone know the rules and let the best 16 teams make the play-offs.


Here's the problem with them taking Montana over YSU and It's a flat out legitimate complaint

Montana didn't beat a team over .500 record and finished 6th in their conference behind UC Davis Sac, MSU, Weber, and Idaho. (Davis wasn't invited).  In addition, Montana had a blow-out loss the day before the selection. 

Meanwhile, YSU had won 5 of their last 6 games and has the all time leading rusher in the history of college football and was arguably playing their best football late in the year.  The QB change made all the difference. And we also play in a tougher conference and we finished 4th.  Montana also got a home game out of it too.

Anyone saying we didn't belong is feeding you a bullsh** narrative.  As I've laid out the facts here, we should have been selected if the system wasn't rigged.  The comment about rigged elections applies here.  Our resume was way better than Montana's.  Don't get me started on Delaware.  We only need one of the available spots and they should have selected us.  We have a legitimate gripe about not getting in. 

I was told in the past that the people making the selection are honorable people and set aside self interests. I've been told that each year we've been left out had some sort of unique circumstances.  I called it bullsh** when it happened in the past. 

This time the stupid motherf***ers didn't cover their tracks.  How much money did the university lose in future football revenue due to recruiting impacts as a result of this unfairness?  For me this only gets solved with a law suit.

Paladin correctly pointed out on the AGS board that the NCAA has sanctionedthis "corrupt" process and given it their seal of approval.  The only way you change it is to fight it, which is something Americans seem to no longer do.

UC Davis should have been taken over Montana based on the conference standings in the Big Sky. We were totally screwed once again l.


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