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Still bugs me

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like Boone and Statesboro are better than Youngstown?   It's all about the university at this point and not business in the area.   We need to commit the budget for a move up soon or we are going to be in deep dodo if we don't .  We cannot even be middle of the pack in the Missouri valley.   It all boils down to the University committing to making the move.  The funds will come if we are FBS.  Trust me.   Everyone including Liberty is moving up and these teams we used to manhandle in the 90's.   I am not sold on Phillips as our Head coach.  Should have never got rid of Wolford.  He beat PITT.

Youngstown > Huntington.

I don't know how other states fund their Universities, but Ohio is mostly based on attendance. YSU is not going to commit to Athletic budget increases as funding currently exists. I am concerned that we can stay where we are with the current decrease in enrollment. The University of Akron is firing tenured faculty due to budget shortfalls.

We had our chance with the MAC in the 90's and did not make it. Reason rummers persist about Akron and Kent not supporting us. Another version has us not making the financial commitment the MAC wanted for entry. I don't know what the truth is. I can believe either reason, but don't know for sure about any of that. I can see us competing in the MAC, but not many of the other conferences in FBS. Things may change with the power 5 schools changing what they want and knock the MAC down to our level. Then we have a chance.

No doubt, college athletics are expensive.  I think YSU does a good job securing scholarship money for various sports.  Some of the sports have done much better then others if you ever read through the endowed scholarship list.  With that being said higher education and for that matter K-12 is not sustainable financially.  You have these unions holding up small town tax payers and universities for raises so they can work 32 hour work weeks and have 3 months off.   Not to mention, we pay these educators benefits until they die.  Maybe more tenured professors should be let go including at YSU.

For years I have been waiting for the mac schools to move back to our level, maybe the answer is for a little of two things to happen. Maybe the mac will not move down but stay where they are and the P5 will move up leaving the mac behind. Hope that the cost to match them would not be as steep.

I believe that osu is paying us 800k to play them, I think that they signed can't st a week or so later for several million, do not recall the exact amount. But the bottom line is that our level does not demand as much respect as the g5. Not sure if the difference in payout would make that much difference to justify moving up.

Our league was "ok" at first but with Western leaving and then the expansion north and west with schools that I have no interest in it is no longer "ok". Yes it is a great league and I am not afraid of playing them, they just do not interest me.

maybe I would not be so frustrated if we had at least stayed competitive at our level. It is so hard to build a program to the point we were in the 90's but we did it. Then we let it slip away and have not been able to get back on the right track since.


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