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Future of the Athletic Department

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IAA Fan:
You know, we need to attack and get title-IX reversed; there is your money-saver for just about all universities. I mean we spend so much money on sports that no one will ever care about. Our football program used to pay for itself and the rest of the sports here at YSU, certainly not anymore. Until the system is changed, there can be no savings. Look how many years (and how much $$$) it took YSU to become title-ix compliant.
Alas, a politically incorrect solution will never "fly" in today's world.

should we drop to D-2 or 1AA non scholarship.  our fan base is gone anyway

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on May 08, 2020, 08:17:42 AM ---You know, we need to attack and get title-IX reversed; there is your money-saver for just about all universities. I mean we spend so much money on sports that no one will ever care about. Our football program used to pay for itself and the rest of the sports here at YSU, certainly not anymore. Until the system is changed, there can be no savings. Look how many years (and how much $$$) it took YSU to become title-ix compliant.
Alas, a politically incorrect solution will never "fly" in today's world.

--- End quote ---
"attack and get title IX reversed" is ridiculous.  First of all, with politics the way it is today, it would take virtually a constitutional amendment to change Title IX, IF reversing it was even a good thing.  I know it costs a little money, but you can take "cheap" sports like bowling (Ohio State doesn't even have an NCAA bowling team) and lacrosse which uses existing fields etc to hold down expenses and it isn't much in the whole scope of things.  And that's IF you wanted to the the university who stands out as wanting to cut women's sports to better fund a losing football team!?!?!?  Seriously?!!?!?   Better approach is develop a decent football program and create from scratch a marketing department in a brand new athletic department to work to develop community support.  As long as we have Strollo and his pack of do noting cronies in the AD, our budget is doomed unless DP is the new JT.

go guins:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on May 07, 2020, 07:53:14 PM ---We are heading toward the moment of truth.  Like all divisions within the university, athletics will face substantial cuts during this unprecedented crisis.  So do we fire assistant coaches and cut scholarships down to the minimum in most sports?  Or do we finally pursue a course that some of us have been demanding for years: namely, the elimination of that army of superfluous athletic administrators?  Reasonable people would expect the latter course of action.  Don't bet on it.

--- End quote ---
Or you bust your butt to market the football program and play your ass off this fall and sell some damn tickets.  Always the loser's approach at YSU, never "how do we turn this around and win", but how do we cut to lose money slower.
With Strollo and cronies this is hopeless, but it isn't hopeless, just get some good people that work to improve!


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