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Future of the Athletic Department

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Although nothing has been formally announced regarding the Athletic Department staffing it appears that it will most certainly be trimmed.  I cant imagine that the AD wasn't more proactive in furloughing people as soon as the university went to online studies.  To me that makes zero sense as the department works on a shoestring budget with the exception of the bloated support staff.   

 Not looking to get into a Strollo bashing, but I am not a fan.  He is not proactive in anything he does, he can't handle change, that is why marketing is stuck in the 1970's.   That being said, he doesn't have the ability or skill set to do this.  It would have to come from above.

Also, the sports information director married Strollo's sister, you think he is getting furloughed?  I would think at some point the economics of this would cause major cuts, and potentially head coaches taking pay cuts and each athletic program losing assistants.

 State universities are taking big hits, look what Governor DeWine did this week, a 775 million dollar cut to the budget.   

If I was the SID I would not have a picture of Pete the Penguin with snow on May 7th on the homepage of YSU Sports.  I would also offer updated pics of the new and enhanced facilities.  Just a thought from a fan.  Wouldn't it be a nice recruiting tool with the COVID?  No tennis center pics or new press box pics.  A COMPLETE DISGRACE.


--- Quote from: goodnews on May 07, 2020, 12:46:42 PM ---If I was the SID I would not have a picture of Pete the Penguin with snow on May 7th on the homepage of YSU Sports.  I would also offer updated pics of the new and enhanced facilities.  Just a thought from a fan.  Wouldn't it be a nice recruiting tool with the COVID?  No tennis center pics or new press box pics.  A COMPLETE DISGRACE.

--- End quote ---

If you go under facilities, the pictures for Stambaugh and the Tennis Center are updated. Beeghly page is still outdated.

We are heading toward the moment of truth.  Like all divisions within the university, athletics will face substantial cuts during this unprecedented crisis.  So do we fire assistant coaches and cut scholarships down to the minimum in most sports?  Or do we finally pursue a course that some of us have been demanding for years: namely, the elimination of that army of superfluous athletic administrators?  Reasonable people would expect the latter course of action.  Don't bet on it.


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