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Future of the Athletic Department

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I am still not convinced that there will even be any games this fall to sell tickets to. How many tickets you sell may be a mute point.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on May 08, 2020, 08:17:42 AM ---You know, we need to attack and get title-IX reversed; there is your money-saver for just about all universities. I mean we spend so much money on sports that no one will ever care about. Our football program used to pay for itself and the rest of the sports here at YSU, certainly not anymore. Until the system is changed, there can be no savings. Look how many years (and how much $$$) it took YSU to become title-ix compliant.
Alas, a politically incorrect solution will never "fly" in today's world.

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That will never happen.

go guins:

--- Quote from: guinpen on May 09, 2020, 12:16:00 PM ---I am still not convinced that there will even be any games this fall to sell tickets to. How many tickets you sell may be a mute point.

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The virus is over, the "shelter in place" policy only made things worse and should NEVER be repeated even if we have an outbreak this fall.  Football (and ALL of life) needs to return to normal ASAP.

  As for football returning, this issue is much larger than social distancing and games being played without fans.  At the FCS level, and YSU specifically how do you justify flying a football team four times at around $80,000 per charter when you have zero revenue coming in?   Also, YSU is asking employees to take pay cuts, and who pays for the testing of players?

 High level FBS is a completely different story because of major television contracts. 


--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on May 11, 2020, 09:28:54 AM ---  As for football returning, this issue is much larger than social distancing and games being played without fans.  At the FCS level, and YSU specifically how do you justify flying a football team four times at around $80,000 per charter when you have zero revenue coming in?   Also, YSU is asking employees to take pay cuts, and who pays for the testing of players?

 High level FBS is a completely different story because of major television contracts. 

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This is exactly what will happen.  The strongest and wealthiest big time powers will put together games in empty stadiums just for television consumption.  Everybody else will not play this season. 

As hard as it will be for us to accept this, it is the best result for the future of YSU football.  Without spring practice, we were staring at an unmitigated disaster for Phillips and his new staff.  No chance whatsoever to be competitive.  Now he will have 16 more months, spring ball in 2021, and then summer practice before the start of the 2021 season.  The layoff will hurt other FCS programs but actually help us.


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