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#1 NDSU coming.. Lets Pump it up!!

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I don’t want to start another firestorm but IMO you have to place the blame of our programs 20 regression on the last 3 coaches.  Heacock was a great DC but not a HC. Wolford could recruit but was no HC.  Bo is a great DC but...   I mean, idc that Bo won with Wolfs players.  That fact doesn’t mean Wolford was a good HC...he wasn’t.  Wolf didn’t take us to the playoffs...that’s not up for debate, it’s pure fact.  Heacock didn’t take us to the playoffs, regularly, that is pure fact.  Everyone says Heacock hated and wasn’t a good recruiter.  So then it’s HIS fault we didn’t have good enough players to get into post season.  Wolford couldn’t coach up GOOD players to get us into the post season. So then it’s HIS fault he wasn’t a good enough HC.  Bo also hates recruiting, so then it’s HIS fault we don’t have the talent.  I’m confused as to why It’s “puzzling!”  I mean, if the players you recruited aren’t doing what you have been coaching them to do then it’s the coaches fault for not recruiting better players.  Its Bo’s fault for getting a 15 ya penalty during terrible times in games that hurt us.  Im sorry, I now ALSO buY into the problem of the “good ole boys” from Tressel to Strollo to “insert good ole boy coach”.  I have to now agree with Paladin and whoever else...they are ALL inept and ALL need to go.  I had a brief “debate” with the family of a player last week in the stands as I continued to make bad remarks while we were beating a chump squad.  I said “you all have been here for 4 years and we won’t see you again after this year...meanwhile I’ve been here since ‘83, had fun for a decade, and then the last 20 years of crap...and by the way things don’t look fun for the foreseeable future either.  But some of us will still be here, regardless!”  Ugh...Go Guins!!!

Game day folks!

The YO Show:
Ok so I'm gonna get excited and have hope for a win. Let's go Guins!  fb

No OSU game maybe  18,000 to cheer on the GUINS


--- Quote from: YSU1 on November 02, 2019, 03:29:19 PM ---No OSU game maybe  18,000 to cheer on the GUINS

--- End quote ---

That would be nice.


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