YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

#1 NDSU coming.. Lets Pump it up!!

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Joe Bernastat:

--- Quote from: YSU1 on November 02, 2019, 03:29:19 PM ---No OSU game maybe  18,000 to cheer on the GUINS

--- End quote ---

I hope you are kidding. Not a chance. Not even close.  Be lucky to get half that,,,,Bo has done nothing but rapidly diminish interest in YSU football,,,it’s a shame,,,he needs to be gone

well here we go!  shouldve played this at 1pm 2pm when it was actually warm!

YSU fumbles punt after nice Defense stand.... NDSU scores  7-0

says 68 visitors, 3 users.  where ya'll at?

YSU had a couple 1st downs.   but ndsu ball on 10 now.

NDSU 14-0  long TD pass.   


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