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Fire Pelini

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Yes, the survey appeared in my email at 10:30 this morning.  I indeed find it odd that they are doing this before the final game.  Much of this survey consists of trivial stuff, but there is opportunity to blast them (if you are so inclined) on parking and any other aspect of the game-day experience that displeases you.  You can also check a box telling them that you will not renew your season tickets.  The only place your can express your unhappiness with the team itself comes in the final section of the survey.  I filled up that final box and I expect that many of you will do the same.

Strollo has indicated that he meets with coaches after every season.  I think you need to read between the lines based on the timing.  Where there is smoke there is fire. 

Oh Please Ron and JT.  Fire Bo! Go get a hot shot D2 coach or pluck a Coordinator from one of the Dakota's.  Slippery Rock has had GREAT success the past few years with a new coach.  Go interview him.  Please

If they have to do a survey to inform them things aren't going well, come on.   


--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on November 18, 2019, 10:33:47 AM ---Pete you may be reaching to think we will get 1000 fans.  You are correct, it is pathetic.   The blame starts at the top with Ron Strollo, he doesn't hold Pelini accountable.   Not sure why Pelini got a three year extension after a 4-7 season and loss to Butler.

But whats even worse, nothing will be done about this.

--- End quote ---

That wasn't me..I am saying nobody will be there..parents of seniors only and a few Michigan fans as they play at 3:30.


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