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Fire Pelini

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--- Quote from: goodnews on November 18, 2019, 12:40:21 PM ---Strollo has indicated that he meets with coaches after every season.  I think you need to read between the lines based on the timing.  Where there is smoke there is fire.

--- End quote ---

Agreed.  I find it amazing that they just can't see what is going on and pull the trigger without fan input.  Making the season ticket holders the scapegoats?  A little gutless if you ask me.  That is if it used at the end of the season  as part of the reason he is let go??

Do the players on the roster respect Bo Pelini as their coach?   Are they still buying in to what he's selling or has he lost this team ?   Does anyone have serious input on this with actual  knowledge without spouting irrational dislike ?   I have refrained from this thread but YSU football is WAY bigger than the head coach.

I'm far removed from YSU but I have heard  a few things from some in the area.  While I support the coach and the program but where there is smoke there is fire.

I'll do some digging but my thing is... Why after a tough loss or 2 does this team just completely fall apart? Acting like they don't care. Bo and some players talked all off season about how the culture has changed and they had some bad apples last year which contributed to that. Ok so what's the excuse now?

I just thk the staff is a major issue.  Most are barely older then the players.  Who is gonna respect them? Especially this day and age with all the distractions. Its no secret millennials respect no one.  Not to mention they have no resume.  Its like hiring professors with zero experience.  Its a joke.  Just think about that for a minute. Its insane.  Then u have one of the coaches sons running around with an axe like he is the motivator.  Only at YSU would this be tolerated.

The team reflects the assistant coaches as much as anything. The units spend a ton of time with them. The HC has a lot of other things to do but is certainly involved, but cannot be everywhere at every minute.  The weaknesses with out assistants is a major issue.


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