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SDSU week and homecoming

<< < (10/12) > >>

That penalty on Jones was a really big penalty and changed the game.

So flipping upsetting.  We’re are right there...and just can never finish it out.  Never a fan of Mays but the kid is ALL GRIT. Have a ton of respect for him...even though he should have been pulled before he got knocked out. Just so sick and tired...at least my NFL team makes me feel better about football.  Oh wait...I’m a browns fan. 

The YO Show:

--- Quote from: guinpen on October 12, 2019, 10:28:08 PM ---They did not hurt them self and we did . Couple of questionable calls/no calls all went their way. They wore us down in the second half. We were out coached.

Had to laugh at their one guy on their sideline, an adult for sure, seemingly with no real purpose as all he did was walk around. But he made a complete fool of himself as he spend most of the 4th qtr taunting our band and student section. An adult taunting college kids, classy!

--- End quote ---

I saw that too guinpen from the other side (my season tickets are at the home side). I pointed that guy out to those around me. Was hoping we would make a comeback to shut him up but no dice

IAA Fan:
Defense cannot overcome squat Chief. They gave up 35 unanswered points which as nothing to do with the offense. They have a small group of lonestar players on D ...not team. Absolutely no balance. The back-ups were in very late. The NDSU QB was big and slow & we did nothing to him. We do not have the ability to play 3 & 4 down defense. We drop these Rabbits for a 5-yard loss with a big play from our lone star players, but give 20 on 3rd & 4th down because we lack a balanced defensive scheme. Again. Lone star players, just like their head coach. That supposed trick play was an embarrassment. Every person in the stands and every coach saw it was coming & the least we could have done was call a time-out. Play the damn ball is fundamental, something we just lack on defense.

On offense, we have no TB's and no line to make holes. We had no outside run game until yesterday & the bunnies figured it out by Q3. The issue is, we should have had an insurmountable lead by then. SDSU could not stop us. At QB, Craycraft made one of the best passes I have seen all year for a TD, but he is not moving this team down the field as skipper and this is another big reason why we did not put SDSU away early. All of our momentum was sucked right down the drain in Craycraft's first series. I do not know hat Bo was thinking ... Maybe the coaches were thinking that they were going to pull Mays?

We all said that UNI was nothing and NDSU showed us just that. Like YSU, the Panthers too have some good players (especially on defense) but lack a team.

You have a bizarro perspective. We played redshirts in the back end of the defense all night a d had blown coverages. SDSU made a good adjustment at halftime where they used the RB to chip defenders to help protect their QB. We ran out of gas or will power once the turnovers started. They should have pulled May's when he was no longer mobile. We dont have enough explosive players to overcome more than a few mistakes against good teams and expect to win.

I have noticed over the years that a team that plays a physical game the week before rarely can perform to the same level the week after.  That too could be a theory to explain your team vs individual concept that I disagree with


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