YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

SDSU week and homecoming

<< < (9/12) > >>


I am so sick of losing all these games we should have won. There are no moral victories

The YO Show:
This team wont make the playoffs. We're looking like an 0 for October of the Wolford years.

even if you lose to NDSU... you will finish 8-3 right?   Illinois State maybe a hiccup, then 7-4 still gets you in.

They did not hurt them self and we did . Couple of questionable calls/no calls all went their way. They wore us down in the second half. We were out coached.

Had to laugh at their one guy on their sideline, an adult for sure, seemingly with no real purpose as all he did was walk around. But he made a complete fool of himself as he spent most of the 4th qtr taunting our band and student section. An adult taunting college kids, classy!


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