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go guins:

--- Quote from: pen4life on September 08, 2017, 01:12:04 AM ---Not sure what your point is , Ive never surveyed fans at a YSU football game about Kyle Conner (and I bet you havent either now have you?)   BUT if we surveyed a hockey crowd they might not know who Derek Rivers is . What does that prove? It proves we have a very parochial fan base (and I dont mean they only support Catholic Schools). They havent been challanged or encouraged to broaden their sports interests. And then we have a show calling itself sports wrap that caters to their parochialism. By the way Ive been to most of the Phantoms home games and I would estimate 30,000+ in attendance for last season. That is almost as much as YSU's football home attendance and certainly more that YSU basketball. Doesnt sound like a big "0" impact to me.

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If your argument is hockey fans don't know any more about football than football fans know about hockey, they I think you are wrong.  If you think the number of hockey fans is even remotely close the number of football fans in the valley they you aren't worthy of further discussion.
Parochial fan base?  What are you some kind of academic nut case?  We like what we like.  We don't need challenged by a foreign sport that has been around for decades and proven to have a very narrow fan base.  While dedicated, hockey fans are so few that the sport has no main stream interest.  AND title IX virtually provides a government ban on hockey in schools, so there is no future.  Sorry, but I'm out.  I can't waste any more time on hockey when the Tribe is at 15 wins and football is kicking off!

I think I see the problem. Nice talking to you.

People think that football is such a big hit with the community of Youngstown when it's really not. Sad but true. Especially when you have 2 home playoff games and can't even get 10k people in the stands. Some people are still stuck in the early 90's thinking.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on September 08, 2017, 10:27:38 AM ---People think that football is such a big hit with the community of Youngstown when it's really not. Sad but true. Especially when you have 2 home playoff games and can't even get 10k people in the stands. Some people are still stuck in the early 90's thinking.

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The extra effort required to attend playoff games has always been an issue.  Even back in the 90's; you can look it up. But football is still #1 leisure activity in the valley, the state and the country. That is simply undeniable.  While I personally profess that the high point of football was the day Junior Seau killed himself, it is still far and away #1.  In 25 years we will look back on football as we do boxing, horse racing and tennis due to the head trauma issues, right now its still #1.  Some of these nut hockey fans are trying to talk up hockey when it isn’t #2 or #3 or #22 for that matter.  Good grief, walking in the mall is more popular than hockey. 

So why not a hockey team for you, lots of other smaller schools manage to have hockey teams. I think we are in agreement that the interest and desire is there. Then how about a curling team?


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