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sideline antics

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--- Quote from: ForensicEagle on December 16, 2016, 09:12:51 AM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on December 16, 2016, 08:14:16 AM ---Trolls from Ewww.....you need to rep your team better before you speak of anyone else.

I disagree with a few things about Bo, but the man is a class act.  It's an honor to have him represent YSU.

FWIW, you're the first visitors to this site from opposing teams this season that came to troll, not discuss the game, so there's that.

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--- Quote from: JP21 on December 16, 2016, 07:55:31 AM ---Ohh I missed the link of Bo personally going up to wofford players after the game and recognizing them for a hard fought game, but of course lets focus on the negative.  Try sticking to what you know which is getting your a$$ beat my MVFC teams 😂.

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Y'alls Forum game needs some work. Gotta do like the Penguin football team and get after it in the off season, do the heavy lifting and the grunting so you're ready for the regular season and a long playoff run. Stretch out those typing muscles, practice your video linking and stat crunching technique. Grind it out all winter with pots of coffee and dual monitors.
It didn't help that you cruised through a soft schedule of opponents (I mean if this is the first "trolling" you've seen... then you've had it as easy as SHSU this year).
You have to get through the season battle tested, having sparred with the best!
You just weren't ready for this matchup, we've been here all week to talk football. You just didn't notice until Thursday cuz y'all were busy with the suspension stuff. You let your opponent punch you in the mouth, set the tone of the discussion with extreme prejudice. And now the third quarter is over and you're deep in the hole.

But it's ok, there is time left for a comeback. It's the fourth quarter and it's time to nut up or shut up. Season is on the line. Coach BB knows, grind it out all game and when your back is against the wall LET
'R RIP!!!

Finish Strong penguins cuz this trolling ain't nothin!

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You're not very good at this.

Y'all are missing the point!

Nobody came here trolling. Y'all claim to be educated football fans that want discuss serious game topics. But you spent all week in the wrong thread talking about stuff that shouldn't and probably won't matter.

You finally moved on and were confused that your opponents were grasping at straws like coach blow up videos. It's not trolling, we've just been forced to talk at y'alls back. I had one of two of y'all send me decent team breakdowns as I did for you earlier this week. But t that was about it.
But yelling - You've got no SOS - at a team that went out and found the best competition they could in non conference and played plenty of ranked opponents this year, that's just weak discussion and doesn't match what y'all claim to be.

The pot has been stirred and hopefully the cream rises. I do love mixed metaphors.

Penguin Ice:

--- Quote from: ForensicEagle on December 16, 2016, 10:02:50 AM ---Y'all are missing the point!

Nobody came here trolling. Y'all claim to be educated football fans that want discuss serious game topics. But you spent all week in the wrong thread talking about stuff that shouldn't and probably won't matter.

You finally moved on and were confused that your opponents were grasping at straws like coach blow up videos. It's not trolling, we've just been forced to talk at y'alls back. I had one of two of y'all send me decent team breakdowns as I did for you earlier this week. But t that was about it.
But yelling - You've got no SOS - at a team that went out and found the best competition they could in non conference and played plenty of ranked opponents this year, that's just weak discussion and doesn't match what y'all claim to be.

The pot has been stirred and hopefully the cream rises. I do love mixed metaphors.

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NO.  I think your missing the point.
We didn't start this thread. That would be people from your site. That is called trolling. There is no football discussion in this thread it was started to take a shot at our coach.
Now go away and huddle around your fire to stay warm.

Sorry, can't huddle around a fire. My team has a semifinal to host. I think I'll join my friends at an inferno. You are more than welcome to join us. The fans are gracious hosts, will let you tailgate with them and share their beer. You can't let one guy online having a wrong impression of your coach ruin all the fun.

You might want to bring food though, I heard Penguin is the only fowl on the menu.

On a related note, there used to be a fun Mic'd up video of BB at games. I loved it, some of the clips of him getting hot at the refs made me laugh heartily.


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