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sideline antics

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--- Quote from: Penguin Ice on December 16, 2016, 09:17:19 AM ---

The only punching in the mouth is going to be to your QB. Good luck to him and his bad shoulder hope he finishes the game..... some how I doubt it
But you guys keep on trolling. He who laughs last laughs best.... See you in Frisco. 🐧🐧

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Our quarterback doesn't have a hurt shoulder.... but you know, facts and all.


--- Quote from: JP21 on December 16, 2016, 07:55:31 AM ---Ohh I missed the link of Bo personally going up to wofford players after the game and recognizing them for a hard fought game, but of course lets focus on the negative.  Try sticking to what you know which is getting your a$$ beat my MVFC teams 😂.

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It sure is easy to congratulate a team when you've won. Would love to see your coach personally congratulate players when a loses a close, slightly controversial victory rather than chase down all of the refs.


--- Quote from: peteonastick on December 15, 2016, 07:59:18 PM ---He's our coach - we back him because he coaches our players that represent YSU.  Nobody is perfect - he has a passion for football and a hatred of referees - we all know that.  You know what you get and we have accepted that here and back him - again because he is doing his job and fighting for his players.  Sorry you feel that way about him but he is Youngstown born and bred and that is YOUNGSTOWN!!!  WE WORK HARD AND WE PLAY HARD!  WE FIGHT TOGETHER AND DIE TOGETHER!  WE BACK OUR PEOPLE!  WE TELL IT LIKE IT IS!  IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, GO LIVE ON THE LEFT COASTS AND HAVE YOUR CRY ROOMS, PLAYDOUGH, AND SUPPORT GROUPS!  WE ARE YOUNGSTOWN!!!!


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They aren't progressive leftists where EWU.  They are more hillbilly conservatives. 


--- Quote from: ytowngirl on December 16, 2016, 11:12:23 AM ---
--- Quote from: peteonastick on December 15, 2016, 07:59:18 PM ---He's our coach - we back him because he coaches our players that represent YSU.  Nobody is perfect - he has a passion for football and a hatred of referees - we all know that.  You know what you get and we have accepted that here and back him - again because he is doing his job and fighting for his players.  Sorry you feel that way about him but he is Youngstown born and bred and that is YOUNGSTOWN!!!  WE WORK HARD AND WE PLAY HARD!  WE FIGHT TOGETHER AND DIE TOGETHER!  WE BACK OUR PEOPLE!  WE TELL IT LIKE IT IS!  IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, GO LIVE ON THE LEFT COASTS AND HAVE YOUR CRY ROOMS, PLAYDOUGH, AND SUPPORT GROUPS!  WE ARE YOUNGSTOWN!!!!


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They aren't progressive leftists where EWU.  They are more hillbilly conservatives.

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Come on guys MAKE UP YOUR MINDS. Am I a hillbilly or am I a progressive leftist!?


--- Quote from: ysubigred on December 16, 2016, 09:46:04 AM ---#hollysh** you guys talking sh** to a bunch of lefty liberals from the left coast in their safe spaces trolling  :o

We haven't taken care of business yet!! fb


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Again I hope you realize that this isn't seattle west coast people.  These are hillbilly practically Idaho conservative idiots.


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