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sideline antics

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There have been a few you-tube videos posted of previous games. One thing that stands out is the actions of your head coach. Is he always out of control?

The guy is a total psycho and has a reputation of meltdowns. It really puts your team in a bad situation to be so unprofessional.



You just can't defend this. Even after the end of the game, you can watch him running around yelling at individual refs.


--- Quote from: EaglesOwntheSky on December 15, 2016, 06:43:15 PM ---The guy is a total psycho and has a reputation of meltdowns. It really puts your team in a bad decision to be so unprofessional.



You just can't defend this. Even after the end of the game, you can watch him running around yelling at individual refs.

--- End quote ---
Be careful how much you troll. It can comeback to bite you in a big way. You guys are pretty funny though  ???

Go Guins!

He's our coach - we back him because he coaches our players that represent YSU.  Nobody is perfect - he has a passion for football and a hatred of referees - we all know that.  You know what you get and we have accepted that here and back him - again because he is doing his job and fighting for his players.  Sorry you feel that way about him but he is Youngstown born and bred and that is YOUNGSTOWN!!!  WE WORK HARD AND WE PLAY HARD!  WE FIGHT TOGETHER AND DIE TOGETHER!  WE BACK OUR PEOPLE!  WE TELL IT LIKE IT IS!  IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, GO LIVE ON THE LEFT COASTS AND HAVE YOUR CRY ROOMS, PLAYDOUGH, AND SUPPORT GROUPS!  WE ARE YOUNGSTOWN!!!!


Nice try guys, go fish somewhere else


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