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Post-Game Thoughts

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IAA Fan:
I don't know, under-center vs. shotgun can be a huge topic all by itself:
-Under center QB sees the movement more quickly after the snap, which helps him determine whether or not to hand-off and which side to scramble toward. Hand-offs are a little more slow, but the runner is in stride at the time.

-In the shotgun, the QB sees more of the field before and spot secondaries more accurately. He reads through his progressions more rapidly. RB's take the hand-off more quickly, but need time to get up to speed. However, the RB's do have more of a chance to see a whole, and non-traditional running is much easier.

In short, it is easier to throw out of the gun, but more difficult to run. Although the number of running options (under a quality play-caller) is greater.

I think that we all forget that the change-up in offense that we gave ILS is what gave us the ground, as we are certainly not built on O or D for that style of ball. Obviously, neither was ILS. With a running QB, Monty has up to 5 rushing-options on the field at one time ...not going to happen under center unless you reverse and I do not like pitching or running the ball backwards, too easy to lose yardage.

We will have to recruit entirely new players for the more traditional style. Wider/heavier linemen, not faster. Larger, stronger RB's ...probably will be a bit slower. We are set at TE, but in general they need to be more sound in the progressions and less in receiving ... bigger would not hurt either.

Defense is where we would have to make the most change; more about power and less about speed. We all remember what Wolford did when he did the opposite ...went from a Heacock more power defense to a Florida (remember our first DC under Wolf) speed D. What was it 30+ player losses? We all can say that it makes no difference what offense you run as defense is defense ...but we would be kidding ourselves. Remember a defense plays against it's own team's offense about 90%+ of the time. So a power-O requires a power-D and vice-versa.

In short, I grew up in NE Ohio and I like smash-mouth ball; but I have to live in 2016, no matter how much I dislike it's football.

  Some here are delusional.  Tressel never, ever almost lost his job.  His second year was a playoff team, by year four the beginning of the run was on.

 To say North Dakota doesn't really have more talent is insane talk.  They had a quarterback who was the second pick in the draft, I watched the Steelers vs Jets yesterday, and the Jets starting CB is Marcus Willilams from North Dakota State.  How many players do we have in the NFL?

 To say they have no better talent would be like saying the same about YSU in the early 1990's, that is ridiculous.   The Bison didn't win 5 straight titles by luck, and 6-0 their last six against FBS teams.

 Don't tell me we ALMOST beat them, see me when we beat them.

 Yep, Ohio State doesn't have much talent either, its the system.  Please.


go guins:
I don't get the reluctance to admit to inferior talent.  NDSU is better than YSU, they are also better than every other team in 1AA and most in 1A!  I saw YSU play for 6 national championships, winning 4 and I thought we had the best talent on the field only once.  The problem for me is not only does NDSU have superior talent, they are exceptionally well coached and play to the talent they recruit.  That’s what JT did, coach to the talent.  When you have the players, AND the coaching, it is a pretty tough combination.  IE 5 straight championships, headed to 6.

We still need to ramp up the talent level.  We need a min. 220# rb and huge help at DE next season.  Not to mention DB's 

The YO Show:
Go you are 100% correct. We will have a pretty substantial dropoff next year for our defense in general. Losing two really good DEs, one of which is our best of all time (not to downplay the other, I don't think I can remember a year where we were so blessed at DE). You're probably right about losing some depth at DB, although I'm more optimistic about the play there not dropping next year.

Lets look forward to the rest of this year. It is shaping up to make some noise! Just need to keep winning  8)

go guins:

--- Quote from: The YO Show on October 10, 2016, 09:50:52 PM ---
Lets look forward to the rest of this year. It is shaping up to make some noise! Just need to keep winning  8)

--- End quote ---
Saturday is a big game for us.  UNI was top 10 preseason with Big 12 win and have always given us fits.  We have #1 and #11 left on our schedule, both away.  We can "afford" 2 more loses, so there is NO ROOM FOR ERROR with UNI, ISU, SIU etc.  I think we have a fighting chance against SDSU, but frankly, despite 1AA's "they're done"  the buffalos look pretty much unbeatable to me.  About as tough as they did in 2011! 


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