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YSU's problems start at the top. Shame...

IAA Fan:
Yes we are and I am glad for it. If some of you had any idea what goes on behind the scenes, then you could talk. Paladin, your ignorance is expected, so why would I bother?

First of all, we really never had any AD before Strollo. There were no real compliance issues that could not be covered up because the NCAA allowed universities to police themselves. Title IX was given a 30-year start date so everyone thought it would "blow over". So Malmusar and Tressel (certainly the two biggest of the good old boys) ignored it and continued to dump money into football. Funny because when Narduzzi asked to go DI, they good old boys all laughed at him and denied him for 3 years.

Suddenly we have a decade to expand women's athletics; we needed to hire more than 6 new head-coaches (with staffs) on a total budget that was basically non-existent; the local hs football system all went to crap and Heacock was forced to recruit primarily outside of Ohio with no facilities to attract and keep true football talent at the DI level; we have absolutely no women's facilities outside of a privately run dorm ...yet we need to add over 100 female athletes in less than 10-years; our existing facilities (mainly one "Ice Castle") were growing old and in need of repair; so much more that I cannot even tell you.

This all comes in with the new tenure of Ron Strollo. Now look at our campus and our athletic programs ...we are a "real" DI university ...something we never were prior to Strollo and all of you older posters should know this. Just walk around the next time you are on campus and it should be obvious to anyone over the age of 35. For those of you that are not that old ...take my word for it. How many compliance issues? Very few for a school with 26 programs. Stop acting like hiring coaches is all an AD does ...it is really a VERY VERY small part of his job.

PS: Slocum and Heacock renewals are/were more than justifiable and not any part of Strollo's job. It is those "good old boys" ...which I am very happy to have. If not, this school would be total zero in men's athletics. All of you act like the choices are 1) hire someone else or 2)keep what you have. You ignore the reality of a 3rd-choice ...3) drop the program. Don't for a second think that this has not come up many times in Strollo's tenure and decisions he fight's over every day of the year. Wrestling, men's swimming & diving, M&W rifle, fencing. We almost lost baseball, this despite being a university in a major prep baseball area (for the Midwest). Open you eyes and you will see. Repeating the same hatred over and over is something my grandparents, aunts and uncles do. I guess it comes with growing up in Youngstown.

Thats a whole lot of Waxing poetic about Strollo.  One would think your biased!  1) NCAA is only interested in policing high profile teams,  YSU hasnt been high profile in nearly two decades, so the compliance argument is baseless.  The NCAA auditing YSU is about as useless, and expensive as auditing Sacred heart 2)Poor old Strollo because he had to deal with the same title IX nonsense everyone in the country had to deal with??  3) you werent a real D-I university before strollo why?  because you didn't have the WATTS? or the outdoor track?  Well you had championships before.  I guess some would trade championships for some shiny new stuff but not many.4) IAAF your whole race argument for Gameday is a Straw-man defense at its base.  "Race card" "Liberal media Bias" "Herman Cain is the real black candidate"....NONE of that has ANY thing to do with why Gameday is at JMU over coming to, or talking about YSU....Their 7-1....not 3-3......OOPS 3-4

IAA Fan:
Pretty obvious Observer. The whole argument is that we procrastinated, because everyone's hero let it happen. What Strollo has done here is waxing.

JMU is 7-1?

Portland State is 5-1
Coastal Carolina is 7-0
Charleston Southern is 6-1
Dartmouth is having a record season at 6-0, while Harvard's record is the same.
ILS is 6-1
Jacksonville State is 6-1

I stand behind my comments and find them obvious as well ...especially the ones about Strollo. We are dragged in this century and everyone cries about it.

Here is one more obvious fact ...
If our team was as good as everyone thinks ... Pelini would not be here.

After the big game day at JMU they went out and lost to the Spiders.


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