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--- Quote from: JP21 on October 24, 2015, 09:46:36 AM ---It's pretty sad.

--- End quote ---

We're getting to the point where there are players who weren't even alive when we last won a NC.

Unreal how far we have fallen.

The crowd at JMU is awesome.  We have not had that kind of student support even when we were winning in the 90's. :(

IAA Fan:
Nation: What are you talking about. Prior to Strollo, I would be (and was) embarrassed for ESPN to be here.

They are at JMU because (forgive me if this whole post comes out wrong, as I am trying to be PC) but their coach is the next big-time program black head coach. Their QB has the best NFL potential of any I-AA/FBS player, he transferred from GA Tech (as a former starter) and he is the typical ESPN token cause (token in the sense of not only race, but also the fact that he plays for a traditionally lily-white college in JMU). I mean this same channel virtually ignored Tony Romo, who was clearly the most talented QB at our level and a guaranteed high-level NFL pick. All media is the same thing, you think that because they focus on sports, that ESPN is not being run by the same trash that runs the rest of the media in this country? You are seeing JMU because it helps ESPN's agenda on, but mostly off, the field.

So why would they come here? Race does not matter at YSU, only your talent. We are only more steeped in football tradition that most any other school our size. Look at how many ESPN/ABC announcers came from here. Our campus now has facilities that rival some so-called "major" institutions. We had a decent football stadium, but not much of any kind of campus (at least until Strollo made some things happen).

These things being said, your University president was #1 on the ESPN/ABC/CNN/SI/other members of this media giant ..."hit list" for 10-years in Columbus. I know why and you know why; but if I tell you then I am a bigot, so just read his book (particularly the first one).

Your head coach was admonished by this network (ESPN) beyond any other coach since Tressel. Our head coach then hired his brother, who was previously caught doing drugs with the student population. You don't find it in the least bit odd that Bo was not a real target of ESPN's when he was part of the Big-12, a conference with a sports media network (performing poorly) controlled by ESPN? Yet, when Nebraska move into the Big-10, with a highly successful "independent" sports network that Bo is a nightly mention?

Until Strollo expanded our media capabilities, ESPN had to bring in all their own equipment (another of the many items that Strollo did that goes unrecognized). The A-10 (JMU's former conference) set standards for their institutions in all of their sports for required media facilities (of course this came out of the need in basketball, but it certainly benefitted football) such as wiring and positions for camera's, lighting, etc.

The list goes on & on. So stop feeling that it is anyone's (at YSU) fault. Instead of stating how much we have dropped, look at how much we have grown under Strollo and how much more easily that YSU is able to have a major network here.  We have two things remaining:

1. Sell more tickets.
2. Win more games.

Even if we do that, having ESPN Game Day is not even partially in our control.

Back to your regularly-scheduled season and GO GUINS!!!

Penguin Nation:

Strollo era playoff appearances:  1 in 14 years.

Pre-Strollo era playoff appearances:  10 in 14 years.

His renewing of Heacock's contract (let's not get into Slocum's renewal) as the program was declining was malplractice.  It's not just a Tressel thing, as we were in the playoffs with Narduzzi. 

The possibility of ESPN GameDay coming in 2013 created a huge buzz, and had YSU beat UNI, we would have put on a good show.  Remember how full Beeghley was vs. CSU for that ESPN game?

The facility upgrades....always the facility upgrades......it's ok he demolished the signature sport because we have a new scoreboard and better lights......

Every school has facility upgrades.  SDSU...new stadium.   JMU...massive renovations to their stadium.

BP is here because of JT.  Strollo was ready to hire the mediocre EKU HC before JT moved Strollo to the back seat. 

Strollo is as incompetent as Cindy Martin and Hill are at coaching WBB.  Who hired them BTW?

Strollo is a good old boy. Local politics keeps an incompetent on board.  YSU is fully deserving of its failures for keeping Strollo  at the controls. Ticket sales ? I gave up buying tickets and coming to MBB two seasons ago. I stopped buying Penguin Club seats for FB a year ago. This is my second season not coming to games . Reason ? STROLLO .

Keep the "good old boy". YSU deserves what it is getting. You got better AD in some area H.S.s.


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