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CONGRATS!! To the UNI Panthers!!

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Keep in mind that's a B.S. point. The incompetent AD oversaw Olympic sports for over 10 years while they sucked big time. Now you have one year of success while your revenue sports are struggling and call him a success ?  God, the sh!t is deep at YSU.

Penguin Nation:
I could go on and on.

What about the impact of the ADs incompetence on the surrounding community?  How much less revenue is Campus Book and Supply generating in apparel sales?  What about the MVR....C Staples....area grocery stores that sell tailgate food?

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: paladin on March 01, 2015, 01:23:43 PM ---Keep in mind that's a B.S. point. The incompetent AD oversaw Olympic sports for over 10 years while they sucked big time. Now you have one year of success while your revenue sports are struggling and call him a success ?  God, the sh!t is deep at YSU.

--- End quote ---

No as usual you are the BS, with out doing any homework. Strollo invested money on scholarships and facilities ...the success was quick to follow. All you think he has to do is sit there and hire coaches, that is a minor part of his job. It just happens to have major impact. His job is primarily money, followed by funds, followed by cash. Look at our campus today & what it was when he arrived. You just like to read yourself in print. The MAC & most other schools laughed at us under Tressel ..they do not laugh anymore. Strollo gets us better facilities, better athletes, better coaches, better conference, better equipment, better housing ...all of the things that a real AD is supposed to do.

Yes Strollo invested money like any other AD would have done.  But where are the wins for YSU sports teams.
Take the blinders off everyone our ath. dept is not good.   Everyone I know who followed YSU doesn't anymore.  Look at the attendance, look at the wins and losses.   Excuses, excuses, excuses

Penguin Nation:
You know your AD sucks when he is credited for facility upgrades.  Every school upgrades facilities.  SDSU is building a new FB stadium.  The JMU is unrecognizable to my wife who is an alumni.

WATTS is a facility upgrade courtesy of a former AD (our last competent AD), BTW. 


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