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CONGRATS!! To the UNI Panthers!!

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Amen Penguin Nation

Wow, even a thread about UNI basketball turns into a Strollo hate fest.

IAA Fan:
Nation and Pride you are both full of it. We have zero money & look the return we get (From Strollo) for our investment. Strollo does an unbelievable job ...simply unbelievable. Don't compare us to SDSU, the top school in the state. Need I remind you that Ohio's top school sells out 110,000 seats every week? Or JMU, with much more that we can ever hope to have in terms of location, education , sports and everything else. Compare YSU to other Ohio rust belt institutions ...Akron, Kent and Cleveland State (the latter is a even a stretch as they have the draw of the state's 3rd-largest city ...yet they still dropped football). You just cannot be happy about anything.

I tailgate every year & every year YSU changes (for the better) ...literally every single year. For God's sake ..we are 35 years away from playing in a high-school stadium. JMU has had the same stadium since they began football back in 1972 ...with only 2 major upgrades & ours is still superior. I get tired of your people's crap. Unlike some of you, most people enjoy YSU. You come on this board, trash the program ...then complain because students do not show up for the games? That is not normal.

I am excited to go to every game in any sport any time I can. I graduated from High School 30-years ago & have not been back since. When I am back at my parents I occasionally look at the score of their games. I graduated from YSU 25-years ago and I never miss anything. I have been in the Penguin club since before I even started at YSU. We have 4-seats in Stambaugh stadium and no one else has EVER had those seats. We bought them (yes bought) back in 1980, when Narduzzi offered faculty and staff a chance to have a lifetime seat ...you know, like a major institution. I watch every game that I possibly can. Slocum takes us to a post-season tourney what do you say about it? Not one positive thing.

We build WATTS, we are actually ahead of other institutions ...yet, outside of the participants, I am one of about 200 people at the opening event ...many of which were media and I drove 190 miles to get there. Some of you could have made it in 10-minutes. Look at all the morons that became complacent and stopped showing up when Tressel was winning. Oh poor babies ...I did not realize winning national titles was so boring. What you would not give to be so bored now? How many of you were in the blizzards the last two seasons hoping for one more win in football? I was. No it is just easier to sit here and play arm-chair QB, coach and AD. Well then use your arm chair more wisely. If we lose to SMS, why the heck would I want to play Montana State? You may be playing arm chair AD's ...but you are pretty lousy at it. I want to win. If it is the Ohio school for the blind ...then schedule them.

People this board used to talk about players, what they needed to do to improve, or what they did right. Or an injury and how it was going to impact us. We have more players contributing significant numbers in MBB that ever in Slocum's tenure. I am as upset as you are about the losses, but at least I see this contribution.

If you love UNI ...move to Iowa

Freedom of speech 1aa.  Oh by the way I attend all football games for years and donate to the university so shut your pie hole buddy.   Just want a WINNING program.   Don't see that happening.   I guess playing Wilbeforce gets us no money but your successful AD refuses to schedule money games to generate money YOU think we need to beat UIC and Kennessaw St.   Good night and enjoy the next year with Slocum. maybe just maybe I will see you at a Penguin Club function and we can have tea

IAA Fan:
No it is not free speech. It requires some self-control. There is no such thing as free speech. you know I will enjoy it, despite people who cannot. Also, I have been to many PC functions and do not remember tea being served (at least hot tea). If you are in PC, then you know that is it mostly common people that are in it & especially those that show up. I will be at the pc spring tailgate ...will be some iced tea, chilli, hot dogs and chips. I understand they are going to bring back the upper tailgate lot and coach Pelini will make an appearance ...should be fun.


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