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Assistant Coaches

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Yes, I agree, Fan. Recruiting Co-ord. are paperwork guys who don't coach at major schools. Film work, visits and filtering out contacts for the individual staff to contact in their assigned area of the  state or country is how it works. Its limited here and Pelini will find FCS recruiting to be much more difficult than what he was used to.

I know Youngstown area WELL ENOUGH TO KNOW THEY WILL WASTE TIME HERE . They need to hit Fla. & Calif, keep the Pa. contacts and work in special talents as they find them in Texas and the Carolinas/Ga. Wolf had started to bring in some good people from SW Ohio too.

Just so you know, the name Pelini won't mean jack in recruiting. FBS players are still going tpo go FBS. FCS is a different animal. His first class may be telling.

IAA Fan:
I never saw any great recruiter. You are a great prognosticator, but lousy at history.

05, ask some of the players on O who recruited them ...you may not be in such a hurry to dump Montgomery. I just want to score more points than my opposition.

It was Heacock's staff (actually his brothers) that first broke into Central and southern Ohio. Montgomery (a Newark, OH native) does this now.

Glad the players like him but it's time for a change. Time to pound the football like the old days with our solid RB's and big O-Line. No need for our young QB to be throwing the ball all over. And not to mention his horrible play calling.

Some are questioning if he would try to hire his brother ( who was fired in a   scandal in Florida) at YSU ?

Tressel would allow that ?

I've always assumed that he would, as well as keep most of what we have now--won't be shocked with either scenario of cleaning house or keeping most.


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