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Messages - Wick250

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Because many students are not on campus due to Thanksgiving holidays, as in the past, we will have problems getting a big crowd for this game (except in the 90’s). 8-10 k is probably a more realistic expectation.

I was pleasantly surprised that they gave out Senior Citizens discount ($10 for age of 62+) for reserved seats. I don’t remember ever getting senior discount in any previous playoff games (I qualified for the last 14 years !). I believe this is the first time. Anyone remembers differently?

Go Penguins.

In the first years after the stadium opened, we did offer senior discounts. I don't remember when that practice stopped. I hope that the senior sale is so impressive that the athletic department resumes the discounts for next season. We have an old fan base, and entertainment spending is difficult for those seniors that happen to be on low, fixed incomes.

I would anticipate a crowd similar with Samford in 2016 which was also a 5pm kick. That game had 5,322. Over the years these FCS playoff games on Thanksgiving weekend have drawn poorly. Hell NDSU has only sold 7k thus far in their 18,500 dome.

To those that do show up, be sure to be loud!

I agree. I hope that we can attract about 5k. I remember that the 2016 "crowd" was actually the largest of the games played that weekend.

When we had our Space the other night (Listen), two things jumped out at me when looking at Duquesne that should work in our favor:

1. Their QB appears to lead the FCS with 18 interceptions (1.63 int's per game)
2. Their QB is completing just 51% of his passes

Obviously the weakest part of our team is pass defense. Knowing this QB has not been very accurate this year, if I am the DC I would bring pressure early and often to try to rattle their QB. If we can force him out of a rhythm early, I'd like to think we will be in good shape come the middle of the third quarter.


I just looked at the Duquesne athletic website and learned that this quarterback is still in the mix for the Walter Payton Award. I'm serious, I can't make this stuff up. Also, their coach is a finalist for the Eddie Robinson Award. I guess 7-4 and winning the NEC is a great accomplishment in the wacky world of FCS football.

This playoff appearance should solidify the bond between Phillips and his players. Finally a concrete result for their labors. It should also be very helpful with high school recruiting.

Speaking of recruiting, has anybody noticed how bad both Akron and Kent have been this year. Not their usual bad, but really, really bad. Win a couple playoff games and we have the opportunity to dominate northeastern Ohio for non-P5 high school talent.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Playoffs if we win this week @ Murray State?
« on: November 15, 2023, 11:03:53 PM »
My apologizes, I was wrong on that!   But I still believe YSU does not get in, hope I am wrong!  Tp me it looks like SDS, SD,  UNI, ND, and NDS!

NDSU looked very good last week and UNI looked terrible. I expect NDSU to beat UNI. A 6-5 UNI team, with one very bad loss (Missouri State) and another shaky loss (Weber State at home) won't get in. Of course that does not mean that we will.

Also, watch the Illinois State at North Dakota game. Neither team plays much defense. If they don't have the dome disease like we do, Illinois State just might win that game, which would be extremely helpful for us.

Correct me if I am wrong here but I don't think we finish higher then 5th in the conference regardless of the outcomes on Saturday?? SDSU, SD, NDSU, UNI and possibly ND all ahead of us? Hate to break it but 7-4 and tied for 4th or 5th in the conference wont cut it.

SDSU and SD will finish 1-2. Assuming that we beat Murray, here are the two scenarios:

If NDSU beats UNI, we would finish in a 4-way tie for third place in the league at 5-3 (with NDSU, UNI, winner of ISU/ND.)

If UNI beats NDSU, we would finish in a 2-way tie for fourth place with the winner of ISU/ND.

Of course conference standings mean nothing to the corrupt committee. They would take a 4-4 (7-4 FCS) NDSU and SIU over a 5-3 (7-3 FCS) YSU

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU Hosts #1 South Dakota State
« on: November 11, 2023, 10:55:52 PM »
We were not going to beat SDSU, the best FCS team that I have seen since Appalachian State over 15 years ago. We puked away the season at UNI with those two idiotic quarterback sneaks that murdered our momentum. And by allowing that pedestrian quarterback at South Dakota to mimic a Heisman candidate.

Today I reached a personal milestone: attendance at every single home football game for 50 years (1974 season to the present.) The way I feel this evening, that string is over. I'm done. If the athletic department reads this post, laugh at me all you want. But when you lose fans like Stick and me, you are doomed.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU Hosts #1 South Dakota State
« on: November 07, 2023, 11:22:35 AM »
SDSU would win every G5 conference and beat at least half of the teams in the Big Ten. That is what we are up against on Saturday. Fortunately, we have actually played a better team. We played well in Columbus, and I expect a similar effort this Saturday. But realistically the only chance we have is if SDSU makes uncharacteristic mistakes.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Indiana State Week
« on: November 04, 2023, 10:34:02 PM »
Our running game disappeared when our center went down. The redshirt freshman is doing an acceptable job but the line play is just not the same. It won't matter much next week but we need Parker back for Murray State.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Indiana State Week
« on: November 03, 2023, 11:35:24 AM »
Going to have to create our own excitement as I would suspect under 500 people at the game. Will be like playing in a hospital.

Go Guins!

Apparently Indiana State is hosting numerous high school bands for this game. They are also promoting $5 tickets. The place might not be empty which would actually be a very good thing for us.

« on: November 01, 2023, 10:04:54 AM »
I just looked at the starting times of the home games.  What's up with a 6:30pm start time?  7pm was perfect, no one starts games at 6:30pm.  Is there a reason for this new start time?

The party line is that we want to attract more kids. Nobody seems capable of understanding that parents need to bring the kids to the games. A parent with a 9-5 job goes home, dines, and drives to the campus for a 7:00 tip. A tight schedule but workable. A 6:30 start time will eliminate those families. YSU athletic marketing at its finest.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Indiana State Week
« on: November 01, 2023, 09:54:16 AM »
I would gladly take 34-17. We have one of the more dynamic, balanced offenses in FCS. Unfortunately, we also have one of the worst defenses in FCS. Whenever your defense is poor, you are vulnerable no matter the opponent.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Missouri State Week
« on: October 29, 2023, 11:39:19 PM »
I agree with much of 68's analysis. What is most disappointing to me is the failure of the defense to improve over the course of the season. In fact we are regressing, now giving up long runs in addition to our problems with pass defense.

Remember that Wolford changed ineffective defensive coordinators quite often during his tenure here. They all failed. Is it better, as 68 implies, to allow young coaches to grow and develop? I don't know. It is just awful when you realize that an AVERAGE YSU defense, combined with this dynamic offense, would have made this season really special.

On that targeting call, the replay on the video board did show that #45 led with his helmet. He did not cause helmet-to-helmet contact, but technically he broke the college rule, stupid as that rule is. It was actually one of the few calls that dreadful crew got right. The incident happened in the first half, so #45 is good to go this week.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Missouri State Week
« on: October 24, 2023, 01:14:12 PM »
I am getting sick of everyone thinking we can lose to SDSU and still make the play-off. You can tell the announcers and media think the same. We have a poor schedule strength. We have 2 good teams and two medium teams on our schedule. Good teams will be in strong consideration for the post-season. Medium teams are nothing but spoilers. We have lost to both of our medium teams this year, with none remaining. We have beat one good team, with one more on our schedule. WE CANNOT LOSE A SINGLE GAME. THIS INCLUDES SDSU. I mean just how many play-off teams do you think are coming from one conference?

South Dakota State    7-0
South Dakota           6-1
Northern Iowa    4-3
North Dakota State 5-2
Southern Illinois    5-2
Illinois State           4-3
North Dakota          4-3
YSU                         4-3

If the play-off was now, the MVFC MAY go 5-deep, but not likely. However, everyone on the top goes. Those below do not. If they go 4-deep from the MVFC, then UNI drops down to play spoiler, which they did against YSU. I suspect UNI and SIU will each lose a minimum of one remaining game. If that happens UNI is out, but SIU is still in. That gives us a strong chance if we win out. Not go 3-1, but 4-0 beginning last Saturday. We have one game down and 3 more to go. So let's go Guins. Just concentrate on the task at hand!!!

IAA Fan,
I don't necessarily disagree with you. However, there are 9 games left among the eight teams that you listed from the conference. We are involved in only one of those contests. There are 5 games left among your top five teams. The conference standings could look very different at the end of the season.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Illinois State Week
« on: October 23, 2023, 09:17:33 AM »
The dedicated fans were there. The casual fans were at home watching us on ESPN+ or watching OSU. Casual fans consider sports to be a television show and not a participatory event. They might come to the stadium on rare occasions but not when it is cold or damp. This will not change. Being fixated on attendance just reduces your enjoyment of the games.

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