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Messages - Penquin68

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: ISU In-Game Thread
« on: November 06, 2017, 12:23:48 PM »
Here is my thought.  I think Ricky Davis is the most athletic of all our current QB's, running, throwing, size. Has not developed into a QB like Hunter who can read defenses and check down to secondary receivers, same with Nathan Mays. Is it coaching or lack of ability, I don't know.  One thing I see is that our play calling didn't help either Ricky or Nathan until this past week with quick short throws when they blitz etc to take the heat off the inexperienced QB's.  All teams now load the box on early downs against the run and blitz on obvious passing downs. Finally we had a bit of an answer to help; I understand against a weaker team.

On defense I think we are small and that has taken its toll on the linebackers and db's.  Much of the run game tackles are not by the d line and our smaller back end people have been beat up.  Now they are gun shy in my opinion.  I think we have put too much pressure on the smaller safetys and corners to stop larger running backs and it has taken its toll.  We need larger linebackers and safetys to handle this increased load with the d line not involved that much in stopping the run.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: UNI
« on: October 22, 2017, 02:30:49 PM »
On defense they basically dominated us.  No real fire and they easily got 5 yard gains on first down running.  We really did not match up well.  Also on many of the run plays we had players in the vicinity, but did not tackle. No pass rush made the qb look like Brady as he surveyed the field unmolested and threw with good accuracy.  Not much we could do with our defensive players against their offense.

On offense we sure don't pick up the blitz at all.  It works every time.  No hot receiver, not O line protection, over and over. At times it is on the qb for not sensing the pressure and throwing sooner or away. Also it seems like we never throw into single coverage that is remotely close.  And running into a strong run defensive alignment just doesn't work and we are 2nd and long or don't make a 1st down on 4th down.  If we make the field goal and the 1st down on the 4th down call we could win the game as poorly as we played. We continue on offense to make calls that are against the defensive strength and loose.  That can be fixed with a change in play calling and preparation for the stacked run defense, throwing on so called running downs, and prep for the blitzes we are going to face from now on.  As we are now, we can't succeed.

Can they make the needed changes? I hope so.  Maybe Ricky Davis can give them a spark and the offensive play calling and prep can change us into a less predictable offense and one that can pick up and burn the blitz. That can help the defense for sure and we can win.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs. North Dakota State
« on: October 15, 2017, 05:01:36 PM »
NCS had a better O Line and D Line and QB.  But we still could have won because you win with a team.  The last 2 weeks in the final series with the game tied, they stack the line and we run the ball into that.  Either we have no faith in our QB to throw against a run defense or our play calling is suspect. In our final drive for a td, when we threw into their single coverage, it worked. Yes the db was close, but it worked.  At this level the offensive receiver has the advantage over the db, and we are reluctant to throw unless the receiver is very open which doesn't happen with the pass rush we face against good teams. We need quick throws to beat the blitzing that we face. Trying to drop back and view the field hoping for a wide open receiver is not possible with the pressure. Thus we get sacked and are up against it for that series.  I feel we play right into the opponents hand doing what we do.  And the QB must get rid of the ball quickly which rarely  happens.  Remember the Pitt game. They are as good as the teams we lost to the last 2 weeks.  We threw against them. Yes a different QB, but different play calling too.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: South Dakota
« on: October 08, 2017, 07:06:26 PM »
Tough game.  If any of 3 things happen we win.  1. The defense plays well. The offensive line plays well.  3. The QB plays well.  None happened. 

It seemed like on defense we were never set and looked confused.  Also using line backers to cover faster receivers did not work. their number 33 had 200 yards receiving! And we rarely got pressure on their QB.  I think we were so concerned with his running that we held back on the pass rush to keep him in the pocket. His throws killed us.

The offensive line did not give our QB time to pass most of the time. And there was no way we could run the ball consistently with them packing the box, especially on 1st down.  But must not have had confidence in our QB to throw on early downs much of the time. 

Nathan Mays had a hard time under the pressure of their defensive line and blitzing. So he locked on to only one receiver and that was it.  And his throwing ability is not that strong.

Finally when tied on the last series we again try to run against an impossible front and play for overtime.  If they committed to the run so much and we don't have confidence to pass the ball, we are in deep mud.

Not sure about Ricky Davis but would sure like to see what he could do this year.  He for sure has a stronger arm and is a stronger runner.  Against the top teams we are in trouble as we are currently structured.  I think the defense will be better, but on offense I am not so sure.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: South Dakota State
« on: October 01, 2017, 02:33:02 PM »
Great game, but it really looked like SDSU was the stronger team on offence for sure. Their passing game is strong for FCS (maybe even most of FBS) and team size was markedly bigger than we are. It has been said on this board that our uniforms make us look smaller, but I don't know.  They moved the ball at will for the most part, but turnovers really hurt them.  Thank God for Bo and company coaching the defense and special teams.  And we have a nice running game to use clock.  Our teams pre Bo would have been in deep trouble against them. Would not like to play their offence again. 

As for QB, it looks like Hunter may be questionable at best the rest of the year. Nathan Mays looks ok, but will need to pass the ball down field if we are to have a chance to be really good this year. Again Ricky Davis may be needed with Nathan Mays running and possibly getting hurt.  If that happens I hope Ricky is up to the challenge; I think he just might be after all he has been through.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pitt Game
« on: September 28, 2017, 03:43:15 PM »
I know this game is long past, but a point I am wondering about is the lack of penalty calls at the end of games or just in general.  If you watch the Pitt game on the play of their score in overtime, our number 4 is being held.  If that is called an entirely different game possibly.  Also in the Eastern Washington game last year on the Rader catch, he is definitely being held and again no call. In both cases almost no mention of these calls or non calls.  Then remember back to the end of the North Dakota State game when coach Bo lost it on the pass interference call. That foul was way less of a foul than the other 2 non calls.  Makes you wonder.  I know in a game calls go both ways, but some of these sure stand out to me.

General BS / Re: Richmond Suing
« on: September 18, 2017, 01:14:46 PM »
I agree completely with go guins.  We should be a nation of laws, not mobs etc.

YSU has always been a University with a goal of helping people succeed and improve themselves.  I can't believe the University is working against that primary function of their existence in this case. As for the Vindicator I often feel they work to tear down the area, the University, and successful local people.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: CCSU
« on: September 17, 2017, 03:29:49 PM »
I agree, just talking the ability to run and throw, not when and where to throw or run.  I hope things work out for all the QB's.  If we get to it, I am hoping Ricky can be the total package if called on. Nice person.

General BS / Re: Richmond Suing
« on: September 17, 2017, 02:42:50 PM »
No doubt the media is fishing on this one.  Watch the TV news and they can't get anyone much to comment, but they come to conclusions. On campus most students don't even know about it according to one report. Fake News?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: CCSU
« on: September 17, 2017, 02:40:43 PM »
I thought Ricky Davis looked good.  We may need him.  Could be a movie plot in the making.

Of all the QB's I think he throws the best and runs the best.  I know he let everyone down last year, but it wasn't because he couldn't throw or run.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pitt Game
« on: September 05, 2017, 12:48:09 PM »
Was at the game and what I saw was a Pitt team that was bigger than we were in just about every position.  To hold our own in the game was a success in my opinion.  For the most part the defense was in position to make plays but the size factor hurt us, especially in the first half.  Not sure what the difference was in the second half, but we sure looked better. Probably adjustments by our staff on defense and personnel changes. The defensive backs did well I think and will be ok as time goes on. On offense Hunter played well, but left some things on the field that could have really changed the game and gave us points in the first half to make it a different game overall. But the Pitt QB didn't look that good to me and will cost them if he doesn't improve. I think we will be fine this year.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU Men's Basketball win at GB
« on: January 21, 2017, 06:26:22 PM »
Bret Franz really has stepped up as of late.  Those foul shots at the end saved the game.  Hartfield is a real find and looks really good.  If we had strong bigs, we could be really good this year.

YSU Penguin Athletics / YSU Men's Basketball win at GB
« on: January 21, 2017, 08:13:50 AM »
Nice win for our men's team.  Really a strong effort to beat a team with a strong inside game which usually gets us.

Does anyone know the 7 players suspended by JMU?  Do they compare to our 5 who were not only starters, but significant starters in most cases.  How about the depth of JMU compared to YSU to replace those suspended?  Also it appears that the YSU starters were suspended due to testing by the NCAA.  Any word on the JMU suspensions and their source of the suspensions.  I know that most of this is conjecture since all programs do not release names, let alone reasons and sources of suspensions.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: practices
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:44:06 AM »
YSU has the WATTS Center funded in part by a gift of the Watson and Tressel families.  You may know that Jim Tressel was our former coach and current University President and past coach of Ohio State.

The link to the WATTS is below.  Not sure how to post pictures here.

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