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Messages - Penquin68

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: South Dakota Week
« on: October 11, 2023, 01:28:30 PM »
Watched the NDSU vs USD game yesterday. Seems to me that USD is much like Norhtern Iowa in that they have big O and D lines and a FBS transfer QB who is a big stong guy, but not much of a runner. Their running game is ok but not great. Both their O and D are slower than our guys. We should be ok if we don't just try to over power them on line play; we need to use our speed advantage much like last week against SIU. Need to pressure the QB; not sure our 4 man D line can pressure the passer. I feel good about our chances, but again I am just a fan. And we have won very few road games the last few years.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: SIU Week
« on: October 06, 2023, 04:43:49 PM »
The UNI game was disappointing, and we could have won with better play calling and better play overall. But I felt their O and D lines were better than our D and O lines. And that gives them a big edge. And with time their QB made though throws and deep throws which happened too often with our pressure or lack thereof. We needed to get some wide runs with number 10 which did not happen enough.  Seems like we tried to get wide with short passes to the wide outs which were ok, but no big plays resulted. I feel 10 is our best back and not used enough. Hopefully that will change in the future.

Just watched some of the SIU vs Missouri State game. Seems like we match up better against SIU than NIU. Not as big and strong I think. Their QB throws well, but he is not as big or with as strong an arm as the UNI QB. Again if he gets time, we are in trouble. Hopefully we have number 1 back on D to help the pass coverage.

I think we have a good chance to win on Saturday. But I am just a fan who wants us to do well. I hope our coaching staff learns from these past games and does a good job.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Ohio State Week
« on: September 09, 2023, 07:17:36 PM »
I think that our pass rush, even with blitzing, did not work and their qb just stood back and looked for an open receiver. Our qb sure didn't have that option. Our secondary looked out of position and at times the coverage scheme with our zone coverage fell apart. Man coverage is difficult with the caliber of receivers they have and the time the qb had. They could have thrown long all day if we stayed in that coverage. In the 2nd half with number 11 back, we were able to play more man coverage which I think worked better than our poor zone coverage. Not sure if we have any other dbs to improve on coverage. Did they take it easy on us in the 2nd half? Probably some trying to get their 2nd string qb playing time. Who knows. I wonder what Mitch Davidson could do as their qb today. With all that time I think he would be very good also.

On offense we did ok and for sure Tyshon needs to be our primary running back. He is head and shoulders better than the others. And as I understand it, has another year of eligibility.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Valpo Game Thread
« on: September 02, 2023, 04:52:33 PM »
I heard that the Liberty tail back was not 100%, just 85%, so he was held out of the game. He has had trouble staying health. I think King is as good or better.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Valpo Game Thread
« on: September 01, 2023, 07:34:20 PM »
I was a bit disappointed in our performance as most have noted. The run game may be acceptable with King at rb. I was hoping that our d line would provide pressure on the qb, but not so.

I think this may be year 4, but the 1st 2 really don't count as 2 years with the covid disaster. We did not get the recruiting or development those years. The playoffs are expected, but not an easy job in our league with our team. I sure hope we make it.

OSU will be interesting. I hope it is not a complete beat down. I think OSU will not take it easy on us and try to run up the score for their ratings. We need to bring our A game and hope for the best. I attended the last 2 times there, but won't be attending this year.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Valpo Game Thread
« on: August 31, 2023, 04:11:21 PM »
I will be there! My main focus will be our running backs. Can't replace Jaleel, but we need performance from.our backs so our offense can be productive. I think the rest of our team has a chance to be very good, but without a strong run game, the team will be in trouble in tough games. It may take Brunguard at times at QB to save the run game.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Jaleel McLaughlin in Denver training camp
« on: August 27, 2023, 07:30:57 AM »
Jaleel had another good game. Scored a TD, had 10 carries for 45 yards, and 4 pass receptions. I saw one drop on a pass out of the backfield. His only problem seems to be picking up much larger pass rushers so on 3rd down, much like when his was with us. It seems they bring in another back in those situations. Hope for the best for him.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Jaleel McLaughlin in Denver training camp
« on: August 20, 2023, 12:16:35 AM »
Jameel seems to have had another good game. 7 carries for 45 yards and 2 receptions for 8 yards. One td also.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: tickets
« on: August 16, 2023, 02:04:11 PM »
Just got my tickets today.

I see a current assistant was named interim head coach. Search for full time head coach after the season.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: NKU
« on: March 07, 2023, 10:08:40 AM »
I agree with much of what has been said. Many factors contributed to the loss and the poor play on our part. One of the biggest issues I think is the result of the problems at the end of the Detroit game. I saw an apology from YSU to Detroit and I know the Detroit coach talked to a Horizon League official after the game. It seemed to me that our team and coach were down for the game and didn't have the energy level that they normally have. Who knows what went on behind closed doors at YSU, the Horizon League, and the officials’ meetings. DC was not himself with the smiles and talking to the fans and refs. And I think the refs were told to keep an eye on the YSU team to keep them in line. The foul disparity was large and the last foul on DC was sure a charge to me, and with over 5 minutes to go in the game it was huge. And Dwayne's reaction after the call was not Dwayne at all.

Other problems were a lack of a game plan offensively and defensively against a well know opponent. The injury to Malek Green which hurt our inside game on offense and defense. Our lack of a bench to replace Malek. And our players did not step up in such a big game. Our inside problems on defense and rebounding were sure apparent. With all of that we were down only 4 with about 4 minutes to go! And if we had Dwayne, our clutch guy, we had a good chance to win.

« on: February 27, 2023, 11:44:26 AM »
I think of the starters, only Rush is back. Not sure about the others.

« on: February 26, 2023, 03:35:06 PM »
That format would have really given us an edge.

The top four teams are really competitive with one another in my opinion and some of the other teams have their moments so we are in for a battle. Everyone knows everyone and some of our weaknesses have been exposed as have others. Our inside defense seems to be vulnerable as we have not been substituting inside players as of late and to avoid foul trouble we are playing a bit soft inside. Bryce has had trouble hitting 3's like he did in the mid part of the season which has hurt our offense. Fortunately the other starters seem ok and John Lovelace is coming along nicely as our 6th man. We need to work to our strengths and avoid 3's by players not hitting many like Miles and Malek unless they get on a streak. Garrett and Shemar can be great to get us over the top. At least we have a team that has the talent to compete with anyone in the league for the 1st time ever in my opinion.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Nit
« on: February 25, 2023, 12:43:43 PM »
Yes, that is correct.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: GB- Senior Day
« on: February 18, 2023, 09:45:45 PM »
RMU beats Milwaukee by 20. Milwaukee has been down since losing to GB last week in OT at home. We need to be ready and I think coach will have us ready. RMU will try to get our bags in foul trouble since our inside subs are not up to our starters.  We need to be ready and I think we will.

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