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Topics - YSUFANSINCE1990

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Slocum Retiring
« on: March 07, 2017, 01:25:55 PM »
  Slocum is retiring, word is out.   Also, heard that Strollo wants coach with head coaching experience, that is foolish, but whatever.  Why exclude all assistants, if that is the way to go, then Jim Tressel would have never been hired.

 Strollo is focused on Pat Beilein, son of the successful Michigan head coach.  The younger Beilein is at a D-2 school in New York State.   I think he would be a long shot, he can do better than YSU, much like Sean Miller did when he interviewed here years ago, and withdrew the next day.

« on: February 10, 2017, 11:53:40 AM »
  It is sad how little attention YSU Men's Basketball gets on this site.  Not that they deserve it.  I was stunned last year when the administration decided to keep Slocum.   I am not the biggest Strollo fan, but I do believe he wanted to make a change and that President Tressel made the call to keep Slocum.

 Prior to this season, Slocum said this team has great chemistry and they are going to surprise.  They are headed to another 20 loss season.  The last week and a half has been a disaster, including a double digit home loss to a bad Detroit team.

 A change needs to be made, how can anyone justify keeping Slocum?  His teams play no defense, among the worst in the nation.  This Morse kid is really, really, kid, and we are seeing no success.

 Hopefully Tressel will make the move and fire a coach whose record is an embarrassment.

« on: November 15, 2016, 02:00:58 PM »
  I am hearing YSU has already determined home playoff game a week from Saturday will be 5 PM, and they are confident it will be St Francis.  If true, that is great news, they are likely the weakest team that will make the field.

 Also heard that our kicker Zak Kennedy may have a sports hernia, if true, he is done for the year.  Our backup kickers have been awful.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Pelini and staff mishandled quarterback situation
« on: November 07, 2016, 08:00:05 AM »
   Our quarterback's are average at best, but Pelini needs to take the blame for this circus.  Pelini made it well known that Wells was not going to be his QB during the summer;  he can't run, and Pelini told many that Wells was soft and not tough enough.   So it comes down to Davis and Hosick, and Davis wins the job and everyone gets excited when Davis looks good against two bad teams in September. 

 Then we get into the league, especially the game at South Dakota State and Pelini realizes Davis not that good, locks in on one receiver and then runs, not a high QB IQ.

 So then after two months of not dressing and not making road trips, we turn to Hunter Wells, this is a joke.

 That being said, FCS football has never been weaker, all the great programs of the past have moved to FBS, and the bottom 8-10 that will make playoffs are not good football teams.  We should win the next two and likely win a few playoff games.

 But the gap between YSU and the top 5 teams is huge.  Also North Dakota State and South Dakota State return most of their starting 22, and YSU loses 17 seniors.  Nothing going to change anytime soon.

YSU Penguin Athletics / HUNTER WELLS
« on: October 25, 2016, 10:21:09 AM »
   I am hearing from someone very close to the football program that Hunter Wells may play, even start on Saturday.  Pelini swallowed his pride and went to Wells and asked him to re-consider leaving the program and come back.

 Apparently after looking at the film. Pelini came to the conclusion that Davis is not the answer, and Mays is too young and not ready, and that Wells gives us our best chance to make a deep run into the playoffs.

 I think it is up to Wells whether he wants to return for 4 games and the playoffs, with no guarantees.   He now has two years left to play elsewhere, if he returns he loses his junior year.

 Should be interesting.

YSU Penguin Athletics / YSU CROWDS
« on: October 03, 2016, 08:24:36 AM »
  There were some very good and accurate points made about our crowds and attendance in the post about the game vs South Dakota.  Not only was it a small crowd, no energy and as I looked around near my seats, many of the fans were not even paying attention.  Many on their cell phones or chatting with friends.

 I agree, the crowds of 20 K(and that didn't happen often under Tressel) are over.  Less people living in our community, and small student attendance at our games.  Also, all the replays make for long games, and there are so many good games on television.  Honestly, I was bored at our game on Saturday.

 I know this is nothing new, but the conference we play in doesn't help, no geographic rivalry and fans could care less about who we play. 

 I also think FCS football is at an all time low.  Most, if not all the great programs of the 1990's are now in FBS.  There is no way one team should win 5 years in a row, and likely 6 straight titles.

 Strollo is a dud, and doesn't have it in him to do something..   Also, even if we win Saturday, the crowd for UNI will be relatively small for a 'big' game.   We probably will be going head to head with Ohio State at Wisconsin, and although many hate to admit it, that is a factor.  Instead of being stubborn, we should move our game to 3 PM if the Ohio State game is an 8 pm start.

« on: August 31, 2016, 08:36:52 AM »
 I listened to the radio show Monday on !390, and read the paper today.  It appears Lee Wright is done for the year, and I do agree he should be suspended.  But this is a big blow to our defense, he is our best LB.

But listening to Carl Pelini on the show, he says our defense should be dominating and we have the two best defensive ends he has ever coached.   

With 24 teams making the playoffs, and likely 5 from our league, how can we not be a playoff team?  17 seniors, two great backs, a defense with potentially 4 players who are being looked at by the NFL.

I think the only way this season doesn't end in the playoffs is if we don't find a quarterback who is just adequate, he doesn't need to be great, or even good.

« on: February 15, 2016, 08:32:41 AM »
 WOW!   We have lost our last three men's basketball games, all at home, and not one post here!  What is worse that someone talking bad about you?   When no one is talking about you at all.

This is a site of loyal YSU fans, probably the most loyal in our valley, and yet no BB talk.   

I am one of those who still can't believe Slocum is employed as our coach.  His record is awful, he has not engaged the community, and he looks miserable.   How can Strollo and Tressel continue to let this go on and on?

Although Tressel is one of the greatest coaches of all time, and looks to be on his way to being a great President.  He had very mixed results in hiring coaches as athletic director.  He hired John Robic, probably because Larry Brown and John Calipari gave the basketball program money to do so.

YSU basketball fans deserve more.  We haven't had a conference competitive team since Dan Peters was coaching us in the Mid Con.

Very sad.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Pelini on 570 WKBN tonight
« on: February 03, 2016, 01:31:20 PM »
 Heard a promo on 570 WKBN that Coach Pelini is doing a recruiting show tonight 7-8.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Pelini To Michigan?
« on: December 03, 2015, 09:45:06 AM »
With DJ Durkin being named the new head coach at Maryland, Michigan is looking for a defensive coordinator.  I would not be surprised if Pelini's name comes up.   

This is just my opinion, but listening to Pelini, I am not certain he wants to be at YSU.  Seems stunned by the lack of fan support, and even commented on the radio show about the lack of fans at road games, almost stunned about the lack of interest in FCS football.   I do think Pelini will be the coach at YSU next year, but I do think Michigan may reach out.

« on: November 23, 2015, 12:14:38 PM »
  Western Illinois facilities are a joke, YSU state of the art, small fan base, our fan base much larger, but shrinking quickly.   YSU commits so much more to football, yet WIU make the playoffs.

 Here is one big reason they made the playoffs at 6-5, their pre conference schedule vs #1 Coastal Carolina and a close loss, and a big win vs #25 Eastern Illinois, both are playoff teams;  their money game was Illinois.   

 YSU continues to schedule stiffs prior to league play and it hurting the program.  Had YSU beaten Indiana State, they still would have been left out, zero quality wins, WIU had three quality wins against ranked and playoff teams.

 Strollo's philosophy of beating up on Valparasio, Butler, and so on is not a good one.   Our program is almost dead, lack of interest, bad conference for fan interest, lack of success. 


YSU Penguin Athletics / PELINI RADIO SHOW
« on: October 06, 2015, 08:16:32 AM »
 I listened last night, and a few interesting comments.   Pelini was very outspoken on his disappointment the first two games with the lack of a big crowd and overall interest in the program.  He didn't shy away from saying how disappointed he has been.

  Hannon tried to get him to admit this is a very big game, his first real test in the conference against an explosive offense, but Pelini kept saying its just the next game.  But to regain the fan base and some swagger with this program, we need this one.

 Also it appears Strickland done for the year, but rather mysterious as to why and what he did.   He is a big loss.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Where was Trevor Strickland?
« on: October 05, 2015, 08:04:34 AM »
 Watched the entire game, Strickland, our best lineman never played. Went back and watched again, and I was correct never on the field.

TV broadcast was awful with road announcers, they never addressed it.  He is our left tackle, critical backside tackle to protect QB blindside.  Anyone know if he is hurt or another issue?   He would be a big loss.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Could Bo Pelini be coming to YSU?
« on: December 08, 2014, 08:45:49 AM »
  I was at the Boardman vs Harding basketball game Friday, and a guy in front of me, who sounded like he was informed and talking to the right people, swears YSU is in serious talks with Bo Pelini.

 I know, it sounds like a long shot.  But this guy says money not an issue, getting paid from Nebraska.  He and his wife are from the Mahoning Valley, and if he got YSU rolling again it would open the door to another FBS job in a few years.   He also said Bo wants to be a head coach, and an FBS job not likely next year.

 This guy says Strollo, working with President Tressel have put all their focus on Pelini, and are working with community leaders to get it done.   He did add that it is probably 50/50 at best that he takes the YSU job, but if Pelini is even considering it, that would be a huge get for Strollo and YSU.

 Whether you like Pelini or not, and it is debatable whether he did a good job at Nebraska, this kind of hire
would give our program a huge boost, at least in my opinion.

« on: November 26, 2014, 08:20:28 AM »
 Jim Tressel can be very persuasive.  He could convince Fickel that YSU is a much better place to jump start his head coaching career than the MAC.  Better facilities and more opportunity to succeed.  Also, Fickel would have the comfort of knowing Tressel has his back.

 Also Fickel may tired of always feeling Urban Meyer is going to bring in his own guy to run the defense.  YSU football needs a big shot on the arm, let's face it the other names being mentioned don't do much for more.  I think Brian Wright would be an awful hire, no personality from what I remember when he was here before.  Also, his career nothing spectacular. We need a star, Fickel is a brand name from one of the top programs in the country.

 Issues would be a huge pay cut, and one story I read is that his wife loves Columbus.  But for some, power is more important than money.

 Regardless, we need a 'wow factor'.

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