YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

full house saturday

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the weather is going to be beautiful on saturday...tbis team and coaches deserve a full
house....what can we all do to make that happen...?.....

what can the administration do to make this happen,,?....

fear the guins....noone wants to see us make the playoffs.....this team is primed for a run right
now...need a blowout win sat...and some help...!....but it is well within reach...who would have thought
after the ind st game that we wluld rally the way this team has....

The athletic dept needs to market the hell out of this game starting Today.  Put full page color ads in the Vindy and get some TV advertisement  made up hyping the final game and playoff possiblities.  Cut the remaining tickets to $5.00 or buy one get one free.  Come on athletic dept and the marketing team get off your butts and get a plan TODAY!   Since we are on 570WKBN then have the talk show hosts do a few remotes from campus promoting the game and ticket sales.    Lets go Strollo.

Forgot to mention that we need every student possible out at the game.

Doubt if we get a good crowd on Saturday but I sure hope I'm wrong--but on the bright side I forsee the bandwagon getting full next year as I'm sure Wolf will recruit talent that fixes our weaknesses.

the future is now....!!...the playoffs are about runs....this team is capable of beating anyone..
it has been a while since we have been able to say that around here...they just walked into the
#1 team in the lands goofy dome and got W...

these coaches are all in....it is an extremely stressful job...happy for the whole program...and the
city of youngstown and surrounding areas...

start a grass roots effort and lets get some asses in the seats..
players...get the student body into it...
fans...coaches....atletic dept spread the fever....like the idea of givin tix away....five dollar tix...
advertise the hell out of this game....


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