YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

full house saturday

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I'm with you buddy, and I will certainly do my part among friends and associates.  But don't get your hopes up.  What you propose requires hard work.  That is not a commodity in which athletic department employees excel.

thats to bad...i would like to think thats not the case....this is a fun team to watch...
in a great stadium..fun tailgate lots....come on people...lets get out....i have watched
and been around a lot of football....this team is young...getting better fast...and is going
to be around for a while...this next recruiting class is solid...again...stackin talent...

Get on the bandwagon ....!!!.....timing is perfect...!!......

dear athletic dept....

all kids 18 and under that walks into  game puts  name in drawing...give the kids
the jerseys of the teams back after game...announce winning names at halftime real fast...
would only take a few minutes....or put a big list together for people to check on way out of

need to get the younger generations into ysu sports...so many kids within a thirty minute drive
that could go to games with ease....

Train you got some great ideas.   I have gotten 2 extra fans to come with my group this weekend.

were packin tne house...gettin the word out on facebook...have some second
cousins that are currently ysu students...trying to get them to rally the troops...
does not tkae much...!....athl dept should get some white t shirts...and just put a
red Y on the front..would cost them less then two bucks a piece...sell them for
three if you have to...and make a buck....not going to find a college kid pass up
a three dollar t shirt,,,

the pitt pens do that every year at the end with jerseys....great promo....


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