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SDU week

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There are 2 elevators to the loges, one by each tower in the front of the stadium. I am told that they make more revenue from the loges than the paid attendance at the games.

It is difficult at YSU to get good attendance with the aging population, lower overall population, and the YSU games are all televises real time on ESPN+. And with most college games available on line etc, anyone interested in those games can watch them, much of the time with little or no extra cost to the cable bill etc. Look at tomorrow. Ohio State at noon vs Penn State and we are playing at 2. Has to hurt our attendance. Under the environment we are in, I think we are doing all that can be expected without any long term winning by our team.

Anyone recall last time Stambaugh was jam packed? And I mean almost max capacity?
I remember being a freshman living on campus in 2012 and we played UNI. We were both ranked top 10 and undefeated going into the game. Same year we beat Pitt as well. I remember the stands were nearly full.

Difficult to predict this game, but I think we are more physical and if they try to run the ball without a down field passing threat, we will fit the run well and have a chance to win as long as we don't make costly mistakes or have stupid penalties.

We are at home 2nd week in a row where we are playing a mediocre team and we try to establish some momentum as we get to November.  We win out in November we are in the playoffs deserve it or not. 

I really don't know much about South Dakota. But what I will be watching on offense is if MD can make accurate throws, find secondary receivers, and avoid interceptions. Can't miss short throws and can't throw into coverage which has been a problem with MD. With that our O will be fine. On defense hopefully number 2 and 23 are back, we need them badly. And we need a bit of a pass rush and good play from our linebackers, especially on the run. Those have been the issues on D and tall wide outs which our shorter db's can't defend well. With that I think the D will be ok and we will have a good chance at a win.


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