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SDU week

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Just like the last two games, this is a must win to show the program is headed in the right direction. Hoping that it does not come down to the last 5 minutes, would like to relax and enjoy a little more.

If we play most of the game the way we played last week forget about a win!  Need some more imaginative play calling instead running #8 off tackle every damn play!

Double ET:
Just make sure all the receivers could catch all the balls thrown at them ( instead of dropping them in last week’s game), we will have a better chance running #8 off tackle.

Well! I guess the offense is in gear after all! Few turnovers help


--- Quote from: guinpen on October 29, 2022, 11:35:10 AM ---Just like the last two games, this is a must win to show the program is headed in the right direction. Hoping that it does not come down to the last 5 minutes, would like to relax and enjoy a little more.

--- End quote ---



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