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--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on January 22, 2022, 03:51:33 PM ---Not much to offer based on earlier posts but proud that the guys battled and put themselves in a position to win.   No moral victories .  Got to beat the CSU and the Oaklands of the Horizon. 

It's obvious that YSU goes as Cohill,Olison and Akuchie.  Those three cannot have an off night and should be expected to lead this team going forward.

Anyone know if Chicone is going to be back ?

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Coach Calhoun acted confident he would be back soon in this week's press conference.  Robb Schmidt stated this week on Ron Potesta's show he thought he was questionable for this weekend. 

Watched some of the game on tv, was impressed with the amount and type of seating until I saw the curtains behind the one basket. Ruined the good impressions I had. What were they thinking?


--- Quote from: guinpen on January 22, 2022, 06:47:49 PM ---Watched some of the game on tv, was impressed with the amount and type of seating until I saw the curtains behind the one basket. Ruined the good impressions I had. What were they thinking?

--- End quote ---

There are plenty of seats beyond that curtain.  That place holds about 13,000.  The basketball court used to be centered.  Then, many years ago, embarrassed by the fact that CSU has very few fans (even when they win) the school moved the basketball court to one edge and erected that absurd curtain.

Cleveland State is an abysmal athletic university.  No football, no track and field, no baseball, no fans at their women's basketball games, few fans at their men's basketball games. Every time our shortcomings disappoint you, just be grateful that you are not a CSU alumnus who is a sports fan.

We definitely have far better facilities for all of our athletes than some of these schools.  Excited about the Beeghley upgrades coming! 

Plus no working videoboard.  The scoreboards hanging down in front of the curtain are the most basic possible.

The Wolstein Center itself is a nice building (I have been there numerous times over the years for various events).  But it is like a barebones operation there attending a CSU game. 

Even with all of Beeghly Center's drawbacks, YSU does a much better job of putting on a basketball game (in my YSU biased opinion).


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