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That was not a charge.

you going to call anything other than that at Cleveland State?   Cleveland State fans would have had a fit!  What few there are!

Man this team just can't find ways win to these games at  the end.  Both games against CSU came down to Cohill with the ball in his to win it; first game he misses the layup and this time gets called for the charge.  He was tremendous tonight, but boy if he kicked it out to Shemar in the corner he was wide open and Shemar rarely misses when he's wide open. 

Give YSU a ton of credit for hanging tough in this one.  There were a few occasions where it felt like CSU was going to pull away.  YSU did a great job getting it down to 1 at half and Cohill had a short jumper in the first possession of the 2nd half to take the lead and missed and CSU looked like they were going to run away with as YSU couldn't score.  YSU staved them off and made it a game then CSU pulled away to 11 and it looked over at that point; however, that stretch when YSU got it down to 1 was probably the best they played on both sides all year.  Reminded me of 2 years ago.  It was a shame Akuchie didn't knock down that one open look he had at a 3 as it was down and come back out. 

The first game I felt like YSU outplayed CSU and gave it away, this game was the opposite.  These closes losses have been killers.  YSU is a few possessions away from battling for first place in the league.  Said it many times, but outside of the 2nd half of the WVU game and that 22-0 run by Oakland and this team has had a shot to win every game this year.  Hopefully the tide will turn down the stretch and YSU can win these types of games.

I thought it was a great atmosphere.  CSU fans would have come unglued if they didn't call that a charge at the end.  Thought YSU played very well defensively to hold them to 64 and turn them over 21 times.  Their starters only scored 32 points!  Thought YSU left some points on the board at the foul line.  They were 15-21 but missed 2 front ends of 1 & 1's early and it was Cohill that missed 3 FT and Shemar just 1 of 3.  Of course Ogoro missed his front end of the 1 & 1 and is now under 32% at the line. 

Not good again to get burnt on the last inbounds play as CSU threw the long pa$$ and Gommillion had the easy dunk.  Cohill damn near made that miracle three quarter shot at the end; not sure if it would have counted though. 

Feel like now YSU has to beat PFW Sunday to stay at .500 and avoid dropping 2 games under.  If they can do that, they have 4 very winnable up next.

That would be a terrible loss at Fort Wayne!  Can't let games like that get away from us.  Here is to the hope we will be an extremely tough out in the tourney! Five freethrow missed, or this game was ours

Not much to offer based on earlier posts but proud that the guys battled and put themselves in a position to win.   No moral victories .  Got to beat the CSU and the Oaklands of the Horizon. 

It's obvious that YSU goes as Cohill,Olison and Akuchie.  Those three cannot have an off night and should be expected to lead this team going forward.

Anyone know if Chicone is going to be back ?


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