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Athletic Budget

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What sports do we potentially lose after just adding a few? I found a 2017 budget and nearly every team has a $500k budget. The following are far less:
Mens Golf $178k (which I thk has 6 endowed scholarships or more)
Women's Golf $220k
Mens Tennis $185k
Women's Tennis $220
Bowling $100k

Double ET:
The $$$ we need to focus on is the coach salaries and travel expenses because these $$$ are going out of the university.
The scholarships’ $$$ go back into the university budget (plus the state subsidies). It really didn’t cost the university that much $$$.

This has been discussed with the university’s academic senate many times since the anti-athletic faculty always claimed that university could save all the scholarship $$$$ if certain sports were to be eliminated. However, the actual $$$ savings were much smaller than those claims.

As a matter of facts, the athletic spendings for the revenue generating sports for all the state universities in Ohio (except OSU) were analyzed (I was at those meetings), YSU was spending a lot less $$$ then other institutions. I remembered making a comment that I was surprised YSU even being competitive (for how much less we paid the coaches).

This may not be a popular opinion but maybe we should accept reality and and play at a level that we can afford to be competitive at. 

I don't think they should cut anything from the Athletic Budget.  The department has a higher graduation rate then the rest of the school and that would be my defense.  These socialist organizations will burn the house down if they don't get their way.  Its time this BS stops and someone says NO.  Go somewhere else and make a living.

They are not going DII with all other sports at DI.


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